Discussion diff kinds of lizzies:)

Discussion in 'Fluff and Stories' started by Ssword1995, Nov 18, 2013.

  1. Ssword1995
    Cold One

    Ssword1995 Member

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    Ok so the idea popped in my head whilst painting my steg but idk if it happens. Do you guus think certain groups of lizardmen would all come together and fight under one slann? Like say that slanns army is decimated. Would the other temple cities send him aid? Or would he just have to retreat and wait for more spawnings?
  2. ElectricPaladin

    ElectricPaladin Member

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    I don't know if the fluff explicitly states this, but I picture different Lizardmen communities coming together when necessary. I mean, why not? They all serve the will of the Old Ones. And Slann die sometimes, or team up with other Slann.

    I own two Slann. One is a relic-priest (Lord Kroak's model, but not Lord Kroak) and the other is a living Slann. My personal fluff is that the living Slann is from a city that, Brigadoon-like, was lost in time during the Great Catacylsm. The dead Slann was one of his close confederates in ancient days. When the dead Slann's city was destroyed, he directed his surviving servants - mostly the skinks - to carry him to the location of his old friend's temporally displaced city. There, he worked a powerful spell to re-anchor his old friend's city in space and time. My army represents some ancient and newly recovered Lizardmen, some modern survivors. This also explains why I own two Slann (and might even field them both, if I ever get to play a big enough game).
  3. Axolotyl
    Temple Guard

    Axolotyl New Member

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    Kroq'Gar is the sole survivor of a temple city, he now leads Mazadumadi's armies, the skinks that formed the cult of Sotek were from different temple cities, and its not as if the slaan hate each other, they all have a common gal, so why not?
  4. hilburn
    Cold One

    hilburn New Member

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    Most of the temple cities actually have quite a few slann around (at least in the 4th and 5th spawnings) so an individual slanns army can be reprieved or reinforced by his brothers.

    However pretty much the only time lizardmen ever actually lose significantly is when they leave lustria to implement part of the grand plan. The lustrian jungle is so much better than walls, it fights the invaders for you (eg chameleon skink story of 7 of them wiping out 5000 orcs in rulebook). As such there is never really any time pressure to reinforce their armies as they can abandon the offensive and get another slann to fulfill the prophecy or whatever while their army respawns.
  5. Ssword1995
    Cold One

    Ssword1995 Member

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    Sweet so i can do each regiment/dinosaur diff and say that they all came from diff places but came to back up my slann? I just had my first major defeat so i wanted a way to show in my fluff of how the army was remade but i didnt wanna make it boring old "they were all spawned" kinda stuff especially since i have gor'rok
  6. hilburn
    Cold One

    hilburn New Member

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    For that purpose (multicoloured army) they can even be from the same place. The fluff about spawning pools is that units come out the same time, fully formed and all the same colour.

    Nothing that says the next spawning will be the same colour, if you wanted to you could say they were favoured by different old ones because of the time of year or requirements of the battle that was to be fought immediately after their spawning.

    Also remember Skink heroes spawn on their own and Saurus heroes are generally the last lizard standing from their spawnings, so you can vary their colour schemes as well
  7. Ssword1995
    Cold One

    Ssword1995 Member

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    Hmmm that a very interesting concept as well :jawdrop: but for all my units when i finally paint em i want like an albino stegadon from the north that fought dark elves while i have saurus that fought on the vamp coast and skinks with a skink chief that fought skaven throughout the jungle and they all came to this one slann when he was awakened by mazdamundi calling for young slann to enact the old ones great will :) thats kinda were my fluffs goin atm lol

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