A while ago i posted a Saurus I converted, and since the had no free time, but I'm back now and decided to show off what I'm doing now. I finished painting everything from the Troglodon kit and am mostly happy with the result. I initially tried painting the Skink in albino whites but the whole model looked a bit drab, so i reverted to the classic blue. Pic's Spoiler Broke img tags, for some reason I can only use one pixel wide images? Edit: used pic tags Edit2: okay, anybody know how to fix spoiler tags?
Don't think there is a spoiler tag enabled here so.. nope sorry Nice paintjobs, though I think the trog looks a little dark, but badass, I guess even the palest creatures eventually get a tan. I even saw a ginger with one a few days ago! Also are those Reaper paints I spy in the background? Yay!
While maybe not the color of an albino trog, I LOVE the way you painted him. The subtle blend and the color. Looks great.