8th Ed. glory against the brettonians!

Discussion in 'Battle Reports' started by Ssword1995, Nov 18, 2013.

  1. Ssword1995
    Cold One

    Ssword1995 Member

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    I played a 3k game against brettonia last week and we rolled pitched battle. Ive never played bretts before but i have seen bideos so i was prepared.

    My list was.
    slann-loremaster high bsb razor standard with the cube.
    oldblood with crown of command dawnstoneand basic eqipment with a great weapon.
    Gor'Rok and his many wonders
    one skink priest with cloak
    skink chief with the egg and his basic gear
    2 groups of skirmishers 14each
    horde of 50saurus
    Ancient steg with upgrades
    20temp guard
    and one thing of jungle swarms.

    His list
    he had 2trebs
    3peg knights
    1bus of grail knights i think 15 in all wiyh a hero
    2busses of lesser knights(dont know the corect names) one had a damsel.
    and one bus of the lpwest level knights that had his lord a bsb and a damsel

    So starting out the game he was telling me all kinds of gear and prayers and things he had wich i did not understand so he said hed explain as we went along so i was like sweet :) for terrain we had one small river off to my right that didnt come into play. One forest right in the middle of my deployment and a magical marsh off to the left that both of us strayed away from. And one tower off to my right in his deployment zone and one forest on the edge of his deployment. So of course he puts one treb in the building one on my far left in the corner. He puts his peg knights as far as they can go and deploys his grails by the leftmost treb. The 2lower busses in the middle of the table and his character bus goes near the tower with the treb in it.

    I deployed with gor'rok and my oldblood with my sauris block with skink chief running around behind off to my left hand side to march up next to the marsh. My CoRs deployed off wayyyy to my left with the skink chief behind them. My razordon. Swarms. And ancient steg line up to go against the treb and character bus with some skink screening. My slann deploys next to my own forest and i deployed my salamander inside the forest while my skinks make a straight line between my saurus and temp guard so they can go wherever their needed.

    For scout moves he moved his peg knights to charge my salamander while i moved my terradons to threaten his leftmost treb.

    For first turn he or course prays so i go first and fly my terradons all the way up to charge his treb next turn while my steg swarm and razordon march up to get to grips with his characters and the building and my magicndid nothing at all. On his turn he charges my terras with one of his lower knight busses and my salamander with his pegs. He shoots his trebs at my saurus and onoy kills 5 which we both were amazed qbout with them being two direct hits. He easily breaks my terradons but chases them off the board wich i was happy with. In the sally combat he takes anwound from dangerourls terrain and my salammander finishes off a knight and puts a wound on another but the knights put a wound on the beast and kill two handlers but they stuck around bein closenenough to the slann.

    Turn 2 is alot more eventful as my skinks move up into range of his knights as does my ancient steg and my CoR peek around the marsh to see whats happening as the skink flies up and parks looking at the grail knights flank. And my saurus block moves up just slightyly to help my cold ones if they need it. In the magic i throw walk between to forget and learn searing doom with i throw threw the skink and try to melt a few knights and kill 3. In his turn he throws his grails into a long charge that connects with my CoR while one treb fires and misses the temp guard and the 2nd one kills another 5 saurus. In magic he doesnt cast anything since he doesnt need it or isnt in range. In the salamander combat they destroy the sally and reform to face his board edge. In the grail combat heslaughters my cold ones to only the banner and the champ. Buttttt they stay from rolling insane courage my first roll! :) his other two knight groups move up switly while the one that went off the board walks back on

    Turn 3. I see my chance and charge my saurus into the flank of his grail knights while my ancient steg goes into his character bus and my skinks move up to shoot his knights in the back some more. The swarms near the building while the razordon takes a pot shot at the character bus and takes one knight down. In shooting i take out 4knights in total and in magic i hand of glory irresistibly on the saurus on the bigger level and only kill 2temple guard in return. In close combat after gorok swings then my saurus swing his grail knights desintegrated and they reformed to 5wide to face the 2incoming buses of knights while the champ of the cold one riders runs and hides. The skink chief sacrifices himself to stop one bus from charging my sauruses flank while my skink priest essentially march blocks his far knights so if he charges me i may be able to flank them. In his turn he charges both my characters and puts his pegs infront of my saurus. He tries to shoot his trebs again but one missfires and explodes and the other couldnt shoot that turn. In magic he gets throne off and shield of thorns off and finally when he throws out wyssans i pull out the cube and suck all his spells into the void. In close combat he rolls the skink priest and overruns a crazy amount so that hes mere inches from his peg knights. His bsb turns out to be a plus one movement banner so after they kill my steg he wheels around just so that hell be in charge range of my saurus if they charge and even know the other bus kills my chief he takes 3knights down with him!

    5th turn i charge the tower with mine swarms and with shooting amd magic i actually melt a ton of knights with searing doom and decided to charge his lower knight bus and actually break them and reform to face his character bus and peg knights. On his turn he charges everything he can into my saurus and everything on eqch side just dies.... gor'rok dies his lord dies. My oldblood and his bsb are in a challenge and both his knights and my saurus could not roll ones... evrything was 5s and 6s.

    In my turn i charge his rear with my cold one champ and hand of glory my saurus and in close combat i kill every knight and he forfeits and its a huge win for lizzies!
  2. VampTeddy

    VampTeddy Active Member

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  3. Ssword1995
    Cold One

    Ssword1995 Member

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    Oh our shop reads it as when u choose to forget it you have to get your new spell immediately lol but oh well and thank you it was a great game
  4. VampTeddy

    VampTeddy Active Member

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    it really isn't to be uptight, but there's no wiggle room here, no way to misinterpret the rule.

    It clearly states "at the end of the magic phase" - twice.

    but it's up to you how you FAQ it, but it would have to be a FAQ since the rules are quite clear here ;)

    great game nonetheless yes! :D
  5. teufelhund
    Chameleon Skink

    teufelhund New Member

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    Congratulations... I'm torn because Brets were my first fantasy army, but you did a really good job playing to their weaknesses. I always hated see a giant horde of anything; let alone T4 Suarus. A lot of the time success comes from breaking units on the charge with Brets so great job and bit of luck with your COR to gum up his grails. The lesser knights are known as knights of the realm and knights errant. Also kudos for reaching his warmachines second turn. Praying is nice for the ward save, but it definetly hurts too. Great game.
  6. Ssword1995
    Cold One

    Ssword1995 Member

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    I almost wanted to put the saurus in 2blocks of 25 and split my characters but i didnt know if he would be bringing the regular guys? Like villagers or whatever their called lol so i ik i nedded the ranks for combat res on the charge

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