At 3000 point games (maybe even 2400) my BSB will be a Saurus on Carno, but in 2K games he's a skink on foot. Anyone got any good conversion ideas for the little bastard on foot?
I used parts from the stegadon kit to make my skink BSB. Infact except for the cloth, the entire model is from the stegadon kit. The main part of the BSB is the large spear (what was previously the War Spear) held up high. To this I added some spear heads to the sides to make a sort of cross (using the small standard icons from the saurus kit to help glue them in place). Finally the cloth I used for the banner is taken from the tactical space marines kit. If you get a larger cloth and make out from green stuff it would look even better.
A slightly less asinine/tongue in cheek response. I like converting my characters individually to display their magic items, this generally results in having 5-8 models for each character type (not slann, I'm only planning 2 of those) plus a large amount of magnetisation allowing for simple weapon swaps. For BSBs I tend to use 1.5x100mm steel rods for the shaft that I picked up a pack of 150 about 10 years ago, for dwarves, orcs, lizardmen etc with solid banners as opposed to flags I use a mix of plasticard and green stuff to sculpt glyphs, runes, patterns etc in the style of whatever banner it is eg. stylised sun for flame banner, spikey for razor banner etc. then on top of that I add some trophies or other detailing from my bits box eg. Chains, ropes, heads, skulls, small parrots. The advantage of using a steel rod for the shaft is that I can magnetise the shoulder connection and where it touches the base, meaning the connection is much stronger and the arm less likely to fall off (esp skink arms because you can only fit small magnets at the shoulder) Hope this helps, and necro, nice model