Fiction The coming of Khaa'met

Discussion in 'Fluff and Stories' started by Axolotyl, Sep 19, 2013.

  1. Axolotyl
    Temple Guard

    Axolotyl New Member

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    I have moved this to a new story, The Old Ones Cometh
  2. Axolotyl
    Temple Guard

    Axolotyl New Member

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    Two updates! In one day! Don't worry i will pick up the main story later, however I am spinning a few threads and my take on the history of WHFB to bring it in line with my weird spin on things! Enjoy guys!
  3. hilburn
    Cold One

    hilburn New Member

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    *snigger* Hypotenuse...

    's good stuff, keep it coming my friend :)
  4. Axolotyl
    Temple Guard

    Axolotyl New Member

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    Joseph lifted his hand from the table in disgust, he could feel his skin sticking to the grease and stale ale of the table, tugging at him, he sat on his stool with the package on his lap, peaking over the top, wishing he was brave enough to put it down and look Marco Columbo in the eye.

    The table had an array of food, tools, weapons, and personal belongings scattered on it, great roast hams shared pride of place with hats, gloves, rolls of parchments, daggers, and a recently used pistol. He shared the table with Marco and three other men, one ha the look of an Ostermark man, grim and dour, wearing a padded jerkin lined with leather, a bow and quiver propped against the table.
    The second man made him shudder, he was clearly a Norseman, he sat staring at Joseph thick craggy reptile hide armour, chewing loudly on a leg of meat, only pausing to tear another hunk off like a feral beast.
    The third man wore a naval uniform, he appeared to be Estalian too,lean of body and face, he did not seem to care much for his present company, instead he cleaned his nails with a small dagger.

    "So, why ees it that a leetle man such as you, 'as come to a place, such 'as this, where you would be in more danger than a maid at sea?" Marco looked pointedly at Joseph. "I 'ave wasted a bullet to save your leetle life friend, and a bullet ees a precious thing 'ere, it could save my life. So, I am 'oping, that you are worth the investment." He smiled, not unkindly either, but Joseph new that he only had this moment to convince him.

    "I....I have come a long time to find you...." He started.

    "That is so? You are no different to the fair maidens of Estalia! They too come a long way, for, this! The grrreat Marco Polo! But I do not 'ave an interest in what pleasures you would 'ave to offer me!" The table erupted in laughter and guffaws.

    "! I wanted you for your reputation!" The laughter got louder. "No! No! I mean you are the only man that can take me to where I need to be!" He wailed, he clearly had no control of the situation, in desperation he pulled at the package, removing the tarp to show a golden plaque.

    He just heard "eeediot" whispered, the rest was drowned out by the sound of weapons being drawn, he looked around, all eyes were fixed on the table.

    Marcos table got up, roughly pulled Joseph to his feet, and hid him behind the, Marco got up on the table.
    "So, you 'ave seen what I 'ave seen, no? Well I will assure you that you can all 'ave a shot at part of eets worth, but not today! For today, WE DRINK!" The naval man threw too pouches into the air towards the tavern proper, almost carelessly Marco produced his pistols and shot them, the bags burst upon and showered the room in gold. The reaction was immediate, most of the room broke into a scrum to get at he glittering g coins on the floor. A few stood and watched the party leave as they manhandled Joseph out of The Drunken Weasel.

    Today was not a good day.
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  5. Axolotyl
    Temple Guard

    Axolotyl New Member

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    Again this has been moved, enjoy reading!
  6. Axolotyl
    Temple Guard

    Axolotyl New Member

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    The Druchii were a constant irritant, they were always raiding temple cities, ruins, and attacking patrols. This one had slaughtered a skink patrol and captured several kroxigor, Saarkhan didn't care why, what mattered was that the patrol was tactically significant, and they could not be allowed to disrupt any more patrols.
    Saarkhan had dispatched skink patrols to follow them, they were reporting back constantly, and it had become apparent that the Druchii were heading towards the Black Viper Marsh. After a few moments deliberation he had sent his saurus units back to the temple city, they would not be needed.
    The skinks were tasked with tracking down native beasts from the swamp to use against the Druchii, the skinks were surprisingly inventive. During the night they had released Blot Toads amongst the Druchii, come the dawn the elves were assailed by swarms of ripperdactyls, five minutes later and a blood bath the toads were gone, and so were many elves. Then, the skinks had collected gourds of female stegadon urine, they hung them from the branches of trees, it attracted a male stegadon within a day, in a territorial rampage it crashed into the elvish line, trampling spear elves, crossbow elves and was finally driven back by the executioners.
    Saarkhan cared not for this kind of combat, but any form of tactical advantage he would take, he particularly was surprised by the skinks patience in teasing out the grasping tendrils of the Anaconda Vines. The plants crushing tendrils could kill most beasts up to the size of a kroxigor, and wouldn't release the victim until it rot amongst the coils so the plant can absorb its prey. They skinks carefully used their javelins to tap on the ground, the vines would slowly reach out for he sound, until they were stretched out across the path of the oncoming Druchii. When the elves arrived their shades and wytch elves easily avoided the vines, the heavily armed and armoured executioners were snatched up by the vines, crushing the life out of them. Of course some were easily freed by their fellows, but the armour and gear was crushed beyond recognition.
    He patted Zetti on the snout, his mighty carnasaur lay dozing in the dappled light of the sun, the carcass of the stegadon bull lay half consumed. The battle would begin soon, he did not see a need to wake him, the elves were badly mauled, an easy target. He removed his obstinite blade from the saddle, the teeth which his carnasaur shed lined the edge of it. He unfolded a rough hide and wood shield, it appeared to be weak and flimsy, but when he squeezed a few drops of blood from the carcass onto it. The shield filled out and firmed up with rippling blood, it was an artefact that would protect the weilder from harm, so long as a price in blood was paid first.
    He strode towards the site of his impending victory, he could hear the sounds of battle already, the sibilant hiss of salamanders, the deep throated roar of kroxigors, rattling rumble of razor dons and the screams of elves.
    An elf broke from the bushes ahead of him in a wild panic, it was surprised to see an enemy coming from this direction and tried to alter his flight. Saarkhan merely swung his blade in an upward diagonal strike, the blade smashed deep i to the elves chest, the teeth catching into the armour and the unfortunate elves ribs, he twitched the blade to the right, the corpse tumbled off into the bushes, he pushed on.
    The battle was almost a rout, almost. The centre line was being held by a determined block of spear enlivens and corsairs, amongst them a decadently robed elf in shining armour kept them in check, he alone drove back the kroxigors. That alone would not of been enough, but a powerful wytch was using magic to reflect the flames, darts and quills from the skinks and their charges. Saarkhan made a decision.
    Silently the saurus walked up towards the rear of the defence, the first sweep of his blade pulverised five elves, the sixth had his neck snapped by a blow to the back of the neck with his shield. The Druchii realised that they had a new foe, they turned to face him and buy their wytch time. Spears held back the saurus, but he had seen this ploy before, he merely waited for the wytch to finish her spell. Bolts of dark flame shot towards Saarkhan, he held up his s held which drew in the magic, the surface rippled and spat the bolts back out at the stunned elves, they fell screaming. The wytch was exposed and he moved in, she was fast, her blade lashed out, skittered over his scales before sinking into his thigh. The saurus responded, he gripped her elbow and pulled up, her joint snapped and she wailed in agony, the butt of his sword silenced her, mangling her lower jaw and throat in a single savage blow. Almost instantly skink darts took advantage in the break in the magical defence, darts whizzed through the air, their lethal poisons dropping the elves.
    The elvish corsairs began to fight a retreat, they spread out and twirled their capes to catch the darts before returning fire with their bolt throwers. They successfully irritated the salamanders enough that they turned on their handlers, the razordons had begun to feast on the dead, Saarkhan could not rely on these anymore. He pointed to several skink groups to flank the elves, he then signalled the remaining kroxigors to charge, which they did with a deafening roar.
    The elves stood firm, they dropped a kroxigor riddled with bolts, the remaining three made it to the elf lines, as they hefted their great weapons they were disembowelled by the lightning fast Druchii. Saarkhan snarled, this was not acceptable.
    He pointed to the immaculately armoured elf, he bellowed a challenge and crossed the marshy land, his tread leaving clawed footprints in the muddy marsh. Again the elf moved as fast as a tree viper, his sword leaving deep gashes in Saarkhans' thick hide. The elf sneered in disdain, obviously feeling that he would win, his band cheered him on. The ancient warrior hefted his sword and brought it down in a straight ax strike, the elf nimbly dodged the blow and the weapon buried it deep into the mud. A rich chuckle escaped the elf's lips "pathetic, is that the best you can d.......urk" Saarkhan had merely let go of the blade and seized the Druchii by his throat mid gloat. His free hand crushed the elf's hand into a pulp against his weapons pommel, Saarkhan grabbed the elf in his jaws and thrashed the body to bloody shreds. The corsairs fled, leaderless they ran to the only possible landmark they could see, an abandoned temple which poked above the jungle. Saarkhan watched, he would marshall his remaining skinks and send them once they cleared the battlefield. To be certain they did not veer away unexpectedly, he sent a some skinks to follow them, but not engage, it was pointless losing more than he needed to.
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  7. Axolotyl
    Temple Guard

    Axolotyl New Member

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    Nannahay cautiously approached the group on the floor, he descended along a fallen pillar, his spawn mates watching, poison darts at the ready. Although he trusted them, he kept his tail wrapped around the column to haul himself up should trouble arise.

    The big one noticed him first, Nannayhay was not sure how, but the great beast turned towards him,mtongue flicking and throat puffed out in a show of aggression. "Ssssshtop, I smell you innnnntruder, I heeeeeeear your breath, I caaaarn taste yourrrrr fear....." He rumbled, "Ssssshow yoursssself, Column Walker"

    The chameleon skink stopped still and considered, he was found out, it even knew where he was, but surely he would of attacked by now if it meant him harm? Slowly he allowed a little yellow to blend into his skin tone, then green, until he could at least be seen. "Nannahay" he croaked, and retreated a few steps.

    Maunto considered, he drew back his lips to show the unwelcome visitor his rows of recurved teeth and flickered his tongue out, he could taste more of them all around. "Yoooooou are not welllllcome, you hiiide in the ssssshadows and kill in the darrrrrk, you do not help usssss, we do not waaaaant."

    Nannahay's to e shifted subtly, at this cue a pair of his spawn kin slipped silently from the room, to return to the temple city of their birth and report to the chiefs.

    He spread his limbs wide and lowered himself to the ground, "Think, hunter, I can help, priests are hurt. You need water, yes? Rest, yes?" Nannahay allowed himself a smile, he knew from encounters with priests that spell casting was draining, "They will need food, not hunters, like you. I can get them food."

    Pro'phek approached cautiously, his crest rising up and down quickly, his tail held straight out, a sign he was nervous. His face had blood trickling from minor cuts, he leant against Maunto and whispered "food and sun is what we need, get Khaa'met up there, we need light."

    Time seemed to stretch while the monitor considered his options, eventually rumbled a response, "We get sunnn, foood, and you go, creeepeeerrr, I do not like youuuu.'

    The chameleon skink merely shrugged, he had anticipated far worse, they travelled through a corridors that tilted upwards, the skinks could feel a breeze coming from up ahead, even Khaa'met stirred in maunto's arms. They reached the end and emerged onto the side of a huge block pyramid, overgrown except for in this patch, kept clear by the chameleon skinks.

    The pyramid sat in the centre of a clearing, structure and pathways created a dizzying maze at that led to the edge of the jungle. Here and there the remains of a canal system could be glimpsed, sunlight gleaming on the trapped water. The air was hot and heavy, heaving with buzzing thrumming insect life that Nannahay watched intentl before picking one off with his tongue.

    "See, sun, food, safety, Nannahay will help you?" Maunto opted to stay silent, he laid Khaa'met t out in the sun and settled down in the sun to bask. Pro'phek grinned, "he is not friendly, but he is how about that food?"
  8. Axolotyl
    Temple Guard

    Axolotyl New Member

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    Updated the above, enjoy!
  9. spawning of Bob

    spawning of Bob Well-Known Member

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    Haven't caught up for a while, things are bubbling along nicely.

    I'm glad yourhave also inflicted the need to spell out accents on yourself

  10. Scalenex

    Scalenex Keeper of the Indexes Staff Member

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    I read it when go after getting mildly frustrated with .very small installments. A very visually evocative storytelling style. I'm curious how your many disparate story arcs (Skeggi, the Dark Elves, Khaa'met) are going to come together.

    Oh, Marco Colombo is from Tilea not Estalia. Though GW fluff artisans sometimes get the two countries confused themselves. Christopher Colombus sailed for Spain, so it's easy mistake to make. Just remember that the GW team in UK must not like Spain, Estalia has had hardly anything happen to them other than their thinly veiled Reconquista reference. Even the conquistador parody Regiment of Renown is from Tilea, not Estalia. o_O
  11. Axolotyl
    Temple Guard

    Axolotyl New Member

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    Oh the lizard man line of story will intertwine soon, the dark elf should end soon, I have a big plan for Josef Hypotenuse, but I will run his story arc in the background as a journal of his travels in Lustria until I'm ready to bring him back. I shall instal two updates tomorrow! I have been writing ahead so I do know where this is going, thanks for the patience!
  12. Axolotyl
    Temple Guard

    Axolotyl New Member

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    Nannahay stalked down the pyramids steps, slowly, changing hue subtly to match the mottling sun through the trees. His eyes swivelled this way and that, he could see that the Priests remained on the steps, that was good, he had feared the large one may come after him.
    The sky's were blue, clear and cloudless, he could see no predators that were airborne, another good thing, he feared ripperdactyls above all other predators. Casually he took a few insects from the surrounding plants, his tongue grasping them by their head before meeting a satisfying crunchy end in his jaws. He reached the foot of the pyramid and unslung his blowpipe, selected a dart from his wristband of coiled vines and slid it into the tube. Nannahay slowly stalked across to the jungle, then began to climb the tree line, looking for suitable prey like birds and primates.

    Pro'phek watched the chameleon skink cross the to the tree line and disappear entirely. He picked idly at some creepers and admired the gemstone he had acquired, looked at how its facets caught the light. In a flash of clarity he knew that today would be a momentous day for him and his kind, he could not say why, but it felt as if an external source was assuring him of this fact. He turned to Maunto, the monitor was basking, he looked practically asleep but Pro'phek new that he could explode into action at the slightest provocation. Maunto opened an eye, as of he knew the little priest was watching him.
    Pro'phek started, his crest flickered, the yellow spots catching the suns light, he grinned, "the others?"
    "What about them?"
    "They should come?"
    Maunto sighted and turned away, disinterested, he was no messenger, idly his tail arced around and half pushed, half slapped Pro'phek. "If you wannnnt them, fetch them." The priest extended his throat in exasperation, he scuttled towards the entrance, he hesitated, "you will wait?" His only response was the deep throated sigh of Maunto.

    Saarkhan grabbed the flank of Zetti and hauled himself astride the carnosaurs' massive back, he unhooked his pole arm from the webbing that secured him in place, the wound his tail and claws through it. Zetti rose in a surge of motion, the rush of predatory anticipation was heady, the thrill of the hunt and being so close to the predator was an honor few of his kind could experience.
    With a touch to the canasaurs neck, Zetti headed to the right, in the direction that the Druchii had fled two days past. Saarkhan had purposefully waited, the skinks had been sent to fetch the saurus patrols and lead them to the lost temple, he would herd the hated elves into the waiting saurus blocks and crush them in frenzy of tooth and claw. He allowed himself a moment of pleasure at the thought, his tail swept back and forth across the carnosaurs back,Zetti responded with a deep throated roar that shook the trees and silenced the jungle. They loped off in the direction of prey, in the direction of bloodshed.

    Nannahay had collected a number of tropical birds, he had finally come across a pack of primates, their savage cries had given them away as they hunted a troop of smaller primates. Nannahay picked a spot in the leaves and branches, he watched as they cut off the escape routes of the smaller primates and closed in screaming and whooping. Nannahay was not concerned, he knew he was safe, it was unlikely that they would see him, and if they did he was that light he could perch in the branches that would not support the ape's weight.
    He impassively observed as one of the black furred apes grabbed a screaming monkey from the trees and smashed it, screaming, against the tree repeatedly until it ceased moving. It was the way of the jungle. Two more smaller apes were claimed and brought down to the floor of the jungle, the black apes began to dismember their catch and divide it up, they weren't moving and were easy targets. A dart was grasped in his powerful tongue, a second fed into the tube of the blow gun, he fired the first dart with precision, his tongue feeding the second dart in as he drew breath for the second shot, which was released before the first dart hit home. Within seconds, two dark furred apes were shuddering on the floor, the rest of the troop ran screaming around the clearing, shaking branches and beating their chests.
    Nannahay sighed, he would have to wait for them to move on, he couldn't risk going down there and he didn't have enough darts for them all.

    Pro'phek had travelled along the dark corridors of the temple, he remembered the way easily, as he walked he decided to try manipulating the energy a in the air around him. The skink found that he could easily mould and interact with what he perceived as red, he found that he could make fire, cause it float, to throw it, make grow, burn more fiercely or even change colour. He barely perceived that since he had found the gem he could interact with it better, a term came to his mind unbidden, Magic.
    He entered the living chamber, both hands aflame, crest held high, a deffinite swagger in his step, the colony of skinks stood in wonder staring at him.
    As the tribe of skinks clamoured around him, a tiny skink on the steps of the pyramid stirred, her return to consciousness heralded by the distant booming roar of a carnosaur preparing to hunt.
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  13. Axolotyl
    Temple Guard

    Axolotyl New Member

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    Khaa'met's eyes flickered open, the ni citations membrane slid across the bright yellow orbs of her eyes, a faint smile ghosted across her lips. Her hand gripped the gem hanging from her neck, she could feel it in the palm of her hand, warm and almost alive, she had dreamt whilst unconscious, innumerable voices calling out to her. Some had been cold and distant, others sinister, some tempting or wrapped in a blood curdling fury, but one had acted as a guide, a faint but warm presence in a sea of chaos. It was old, and exposed the lies underneath all of the whispers, it eventually brought her mind to a brilliant star surrounded by calm and tranquility, at first there was suspicion, then shock that there was two other minds amidst the fury, then came a name, Xaunhaupec, and a promise of deliverance.

    The echoes of the roar died away, Khaa'met pulled herself to her feet and looked around, Maunto was stretched out in the sun, regarding the jungle. She stood high up in the temple, a ruined city stretched about her, deep channels ran in straight lines among the streets, large pools could be seen and many smaller structures dotted the clear area. She could see in the area below a number of small creatures eating out a living amongst the ruins. "Pro'phek?" She enquired, Maunto tilted his head towards the hole, "in there, getting the rest of the noisy ones."
    "Oh, who's Xaunhaupec?"
    Maunto glared, "did you hit your head? Who is Xaunhaupec? Why do you even ask that?" His eyes fell on the stone at her neck, "you hear it too?"
    "Hear what?"
    "The stone voices, mine tells me....." Maunto trailed off, realising that he sounded mad, "nothing, it tells me nothing." Khaa'met edged closer and went to put a hand on his back, the reaction was explosive, Maunto spun his whole body, his tail swept her legs from under her and his great muzzle was in front of her face. "Do not ask more," his breath reared of carrion, "there is nothing, there is no voice, there is no Xaunhaupec." Slowly he let her up,"that shadow hider said it would find us food, its late."

    Nannahay had sat in the tree perfectly still for the last hour, the apes had just about calmed down when he heard the primal hunting roar. He had seen and heard such creatures when he was young, they seldom bothered is kind unless they unwittingly crushed the chameleons with their immense bulk. The apes went, Ape! And then there was an odd sound, the creatures fell in the clearing, sporting giant darts in their hides. New creatures entered the clearing, he had not seen these before, they moved with speed and grace, they moved through clearing killing the wounded apes in as painful a manner as possible.
    The new comers were tall and pale, they had no scales on their face, but seemed to have silver shining scales on their birdies, they carried weapons, spears ans swords, and some strange wooden device he did not understand. He saw one approach a downed ape and pull out his dart, hold it up to the light and approach a more elegantly scaled creature. They walked back to the ape, the greater scaled drew a dagger, gashed the apes stomach open and thrust its hands into the guts, it made a noise that sounded like "fresh" he made a few hand signals and the newcomers huddled closer together and set off. But, more kept coming, all moving in the same way, all moving to the temple. Some even wore the hides of reptiles, and he paused when he saw what surely must be the hide of a saurus.

    Saarkhan held ou his wrist, the tiny pterosaur landed on it and jabbered two clicks, a head bob and a sqwaurk, a message that the saurus were moving, good, he went to dismis the reptile but it continued, head bob head bob, head shake and a snarl, odd, not often that the Knowledgable Onechose to join in the messy business of war, but it would be what it would be.
    The elf trail was easy to follow, he leant over and sunk his claws into the left flank of Zetti, the carnosaur veered into the jungle at the command. Saarkhan new that when things were easy, it often meant a trap, and within a few moments he was proven to be correct. The elves had put two large constructs at the side of the path, he had no name for it, bug it threw dangerous barbs over long distances, they could kill even saurus with ease. With the speed he was travelling at there was no time for stealth the elves had heard them coming but it was too late for them. Zetti broke through the tree line, smashing the wooden constructs over, their frames splintering and crew running, Zetti,s pace did not slow, she merely crashed back into the undergrowth trampling a few elves as she went, Saarkhan knew that the jungle would claim the survivors.
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