8th Ed. Lizardmen vs. Skaven

Discussion in 'Battle Reports' started by Kugelfang, Nov 25, 2013.

  1. Kugelfang

    Kugelfang Member

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    Schemeus, Samraat of the Doomshadow Clan, watched as a few slaves forced open the mouth of the tunnel into the Lustrian jungle. The inevitable jungle swarms overtook the slaves as his doorway to control of a large portion of warpstone shone with the light of day, but Schemeus cared not for the slaves...not when warpstone awaited. Not ever.

    As Schemeus' packs of clanrats, slaves, slaves, and globadiers, along with a monstrosity known only as Sabuu and his warplightning cannons, began to gather together for a search of the area, the earth began to shake. Some slaves fell to the ground and squealed. Others attempted to escape in the confusion.

    Through the overgrown lustrian vegetation ahead of Schemeus stomped a huge stegadon with a howdah full of skinks on its back. As it moved forward, another two stegadons, a bastiladon with some glowing contraption, and two huge Carnosaurs also thundered forth. At there feet rushed two units of predatory Saurus.

    Combined Clans of the Hidden Blade (Schemeus the dead...or is he?)
    Lvl 4 Greyseer

    Lvl 2 Plague Priest
    Chieftain BSB
    Warplock Engineer
    Warplock Engineer

    39 Slaves
    39 Slaves
    39 Clanrats
    39 Clanrats
    29 Plague Monks
    10 Globadiers
    2X Warp Lightning
    1 HPA
    10 Gutter Runners

    Oldblood on Carnosaur Loaping and Blood Roar (1+ rerollable & 4++)

    Scarvet on Carnosaur Loaping and Blood Roar (1+ 5++)

    25 Saurus FC
    30 Saurus FC

    3 Rippers
    1 Stegadon
    1 Bastiladon w/Solar Engine

    2X Ancient Stegadon
  2. Kugelfang

    Kugelfang Member

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    I have my army set up from left to right...
    Saurus, Ancient, Ancient (set back), Carno general, Saurus, Steg (set back), Bastiladon, and off to the right away from the rest was the Carno scarvet BSB.

    He had, from my left to right...
    WLC, Slaves, Plague priests (with furnace) & the greyseer bunker of rats behind it, HPA, Slaves, rats, WLC. The gutter runners in a forest in front of my rippers and stegadon

    Turn 1:
    I get to go first.
    I charge his gutter runners who stand and shoot one saurus but I fail the charge (needed 7). The gutter runners mock my saurus by stating that they are going to "Wood Elf" them. Some sort of sexual insult I suppose. Rippers hop over the gutter runners to threaten the WLC and the greyseer's unit (with blot toad). My ancient moves up to within 18" of plagues. Everything else adjusts slightly (moving up or remaining as is). My SV Carnosaur hides behind a house with his base just out enough to see the WLC hiding in a building. My magic sees the Solar engine put a flaming wound on the HPA at irresistible. In shooting, my Ancient blow pipes his furnace and does 3 poisoned wounds (can I target his furnace?)

    He moves up with everything he has and his HPA goes up 13". His greyseer unit turns slightly toward my rippers so as to see them and also to not give a flank. His gutter runners skitter into place behind my saurus and beside an ancient. Hiding behind a wall. His magic roll is high (uh oh). He gets the 13th on 6 dice naturally and 8 saurus have to be slaughtered as their bodies mutate into rats (Whew...could have been worse). I manage to hold off the worst of the rest of the phase. Shooting sees a WLC target my SC carnosaur. Gets what he needs to hit it and rolls a 6 for str. wounds and kills the carnosaur (boo on his WLC rolling). My SV makes his ward save. The other WLC manages to roll a 10 on distance of bounce and bounces right through an ancient and into my OB carnosaur. Does 4 wounds on the ancient and 4 on the carnosaur (OB makes his ward...this is gonna be a theme). Death globe scatters into empty space, but the doom rocket goes just right and takes out one ripperdactyl. I rolled for panic (Although while typing this I realized FRENZY and shouldn't have rolled for this) and failed right off the board (ld5 skink nerf really hurts...if I had been using terradons).

    Turn 2:
    I charge the WLC with my SV on foot. Need a 9 and he gets a 7. I move 6". My Saurus charge his plague monks, along with ancient and OB carnosaur. All make it. Other saurus unit charges his HPA (Anvil of Vaul gives the Saurus flaming attacks when within 6" of it. I placed it in the middle of the battle field). My bastiladon moves up near to the Saurus in combat with the HPA to prepare for a counter charge if his clanrats go for the saurus. My stegadon remains where he is to shoot at an WLC with his bow. Magic...he stops my bastiladon from shooting at WLC. Shooting - I miss the WLC again with the bow. Combat sees me do 2 wounds to the HPA. I take the furnace to 1 wound with my impact hits & killed the plague priest (wishing for sharpened horns instead of roar), but even with is rerolls to hit and to wound, he doesn't take out the stegadon, but does kill the carnosaur and few saurus (although I saved a good number). The stegadon puts the furnace out of combat and the saurus kill some plague monks. Together with losing unbreakable from the furnace and having to reform into its place without taking models out of combat (he loses steadfast), he needs insane courage to hold. He fails. He rolls an 8(9) and I run him down with my saurus (who run into the flank of his slaves). My stegadon runs forward and my general (predatory fighter makes him chase) runs really far and is surrounded by globadiers and 2 warp fire throwers.

    He charges his greyseer bunker into the flank of my saurus (who are in the flank of his slaves). He also charges his clan rats into the flank of my saurus (in combat with HPA) and his slaves into the front of those saurus. Gutter runners move toward my ancient to shoot it. Magic problems as he fails to cast 13th on my saurus and that is all he had. In shooting, he failed to kill my SV as he overshot him. The other manages a wound or something on my ancient stegadon...gutter runners do nothing. His globadiers and 2 warpfire throwers all shoot at my oldblood. He manages to kill 6 slaves and a clanrat. In combat, my saurus are able to do a wound on the HPA (rolling horribly to wound) and kill some slaves. His HPA kills TONS of slaves with his own attack when a majority of the slaves choose death over life by diving under the mass of roiling HPA flesh (ie choose to fail an ini test). I win combat and his stuff all holds. His slaves and clanrats in the left side combat kill a saurus or two. The saurus that can, target his greyseer. Predatory fighter sees an extra 2 attacks go against him. 3 wounds and his 4++ ward fails him. Dead Schemeus. I win combat but he holds.

    Turn 3
    I charge my bastiladon and reg steg into the flank of his clanrats w/bsb. I charge his WLC with my SV. I fail a charge with my ancient into the front of his slaves on the left. I make it with my other ancient into the flank of his clanrats. My OB is too far forward to charge clanrats so he goes for the globadiers. They fail to wound on their stand and shoot. He makes it to them. Combat sees the WLC killed by the Scarvet. The stegadon does some damage to clan ratns and lots of slaves die as well. A few Saurus die too. He is steadfast and holds. In the HPA combat, he does some more crap to kill my stuff. We have a heated rules debate which leads to a roll off (I win) and so my stegadon is NOT -1 to hit, but my bastiladon is. In the HPA combat we realize that he has been forgetting thunderstomps. We give him all his previous ones but only count his current ones for combat res. I do enough wounds to win combat and his steadfast holds. The globadiers flee and are run down.

    No magic (YEA!). His remaining WLC doesn't kill my ancient who failed his charge. He shoots at my OB with his warpfire and doesn't do damage (YEA FOR SAVES!) His gutter runners do nothing to my steg but hang out beside it. In combat my saurus and ancient manage to kill enough to pop the slaves (one saurus dies I think). The HPA combat is hard fought. His BSB kills my rampaging champion. My steg and bastiladon stomp on stuff. The saurus do 1 wound to the HPA (only one left) and some slaves die. I barely win combat. His clanrats hold, his HPA holds, and his steadfast (5) slaves fail...reroll...fail. They pop and do no wounds to my saurus. They have 1-2 his on the HPA...and wound him. He fails his regen and dies. Evidently the slaves were angry that Sabuu had suffocated a number of them earlier in the game.

    The remaining rats, seeing their last hope destroyed, begin to flee the battlefield as the Lizardmen armies chase them until they disappear under the earth.
  3. Kugelfang

    Kugelfang Member

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    Double Post
  4. Putzfrau

    Putzfrau Well-Known Member

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    very cool list, always a fan of the double carnosaur.

    just one quick question, how did you charge the gutter runners on turn one?

    generally they deploy on turn 2 or later, as if they are kept in reserves.

    also, how is the HPA killing slaves? the "avalanche of flesh" attack that demands the initiative test only affects models in base contact. how was the combat set up so the HPA was in base contact with tons of slaves? were they both in the front of your saurus block? that's what it sounded like based on your description but i was still a little curious, hope i dont come off as too critical! i'm fairly new to the game and i am still trying to understand all the nuances of the rules so i tend to ask a lot of questions!

    realize t his is a few weeks old, but oh well ;)

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