8th Ed. Escalation League (1363 points) Empire battle

Discussion in 'Lizardmen Army Lists' started by Silverbolt, Sep 19, 2013.

  1. Silverbolt
    Temple Guard

    Silverbolt Active Member

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    Re: Escalation League (947 points)

    Oh sweet cold-blooded vengeance!! This week's match was against the Ogre Kingdoms twerp from about a month ago. When I got paired with him, I was immediately bummed because I was so excited to play my new Bastiladon and here was an opponent who wasn't going to be social or positive at all. Also, instead of a full 4'x4' portion of the table, we squeezed in to 4'x3' and shared the table with another match. Again, bummed me out as I was pulling out my models and getting ready to deploy.

    Obviously, he pulled out his 10 models, looked bored, and wandered off while I was setting up. The other two guys we were sharing the table with was my DE adversary from the past 3 games and the Empire player who was really cool to me the last time I played the OK twerp. While the kid was MIA, the Empire player quietly told me he found out from the coordinator the kid was a 40K expert, not Fantasy, and that he didn't really know how to play Fantasy much more than me. He told me not to hesitate to make the kid show me rules in his book and to ask the coordinator for help.

    So, we had a ruins and a forest in the middle of the table creating a narrow corridor to my right and a large open corridor to my left. I asked if he was fine with the terrain as is, and he said whatever. He started off deploying his Ironblaster on a hill in the corner of the "left large corridor." I was hoping he would do this. He did not realize I could squeeze my Salamander, Saurus unit, and Bastiladon all into the "narrow right corridor" of the table and use the terrain to my advantage. So I deployed my Saurus. He put his melee unit across from them (5 ogres and a hero). I placed my Bastiladon on the Saurus right flank next to the table edge. He put a unit of 5 Leadbelchers facing down the wide left corridor. I squeezed my Salamander on the right flank of my Saurus. He was done deploying so I put my skinks next to the salamander. Then I scouted my chameleons as close to that Ironblaster's flank as I could. I then found out he didn't know how scouts worked.

    He went first. He moved his Ironblaster closer to my chameleons, but didn't know how to shoot his it. The coordinator helped us out and he overshot the skink Skirmishers. He flipped out when his Leadbelchers got -3 to shoot at my chameleons and only managed to kill 1 of the 5. He marched the combat unit forward. My 4 chameleons shot at the iron blaster and did 4 wounds! He said something about skinks being able to wound it at all being BS. My Skirmishers marched up the wide side of the forest and shot the combat unit through the space between the forest and ruins. Dealt 1 wound to the hero and 1 to an ogre. Bastiladon did 1 wound from the D6 STR 4 version. Salamander did 1 wound so 1 ogre down. They passed their panic test.

    His next turn he undershot the Ironblaster. The Leadbelchers moved towards the chameleons and killed 3 of the 4. I passed the panic test. He forgot to move his combat unit! My chameleon shot but did not wound the Ironblaster this time. My skinks moved a little more through the pass between terrain pieces and shot at the combat unit. Did a couple wounds. Salamander moved forward and shot, did a couple wounds. Bastiladon moved and did several wounds from the 2D6 STR 5 version. The rest of the back row (2 ogres) dead. Saurus move close enough to bait him to charge.

    His Leadbelchers finish off the chameleon. He shoots a cannonball at my Saurus unit and only kills 2. He remembers the combat unit this time. He wheels to charge the skinks. He rolls his dice and is all "yes, I got them!" I told him I was going to flee. "What?" Yeah, I get to choose a charge reaction and I am fleeing. So my skinks flee and his combat unit is now exposed. My turn and my skinks fail to rally and run a few more inches landing right in between the Leadbelchers and the Ironblaster. Saurus declare charge but he flees. They inch forward a little. The ogres eat more flaming attacks from the Salamander and Bastiladon who move forward to keep position with the Saurus.

    He decides to use his grapeshot option on the skinks and misfires. He finishes off his Ironblaster. He removes it, tosses some dice, and gripes "well there goes the game" and storms off for a couple minutes. The Empire and DE players exchange glances with me. Finally he comes back and I remind him he still has two units on the board. His Leadbelchers roll very well and wipe all 10 skinks. He rallies his combat unit and ends his turn. Saurus charge again and this time he holds. They make it in. I declare flank charge with the Bastiladon. I roll and he makes it. "That 6 is cocked, reroll it!" Now, you guys know how there are skull pits and cracks all over those GW Realm of Battle boards. There have been tons of cocked dice all game and now he is wanting a reroll. I look at the DE/Emprie guys and say "sure, even though cocked dice haven't mattered for the past hour, ok." I reroll it and fail the charge. Because of the I bonus, the Cold One attacks first and kills one of the Ogres in the front row. His hero goes and kills a couple Saurus. He starts trying to cheat me out of attacks in my 2nd/3rd row by claiming the far row isn't in base to base with his hero and last ogre anymore. I prove beyond doubt that they still get there attacks and then tell him to make it fair I'll divide the attacks properly between the hero and the ogre. My Saurus kill the ogre and leave the hero with 1 wound. He tries 3 times to do combat resolution before my Scar Vet gets his turn to attack. I finally get him to stop. The Scar Vet then crushes the hero. His Leadbelchers spend the rest of the game running from my army, 3 of them surviving.

    I gave him a big smile and stuck my hand out to shake his hand. "Good game buddy." He turned and stormed off. I called the coordinator over to score us. Without any prompting, the DE and Empire guys tell him the kid was unsportsmanlike. He suffers a 200 point hit for that on top of the loss.

    Now I am at 947 points and need to think on what to add! Kinda wish I had a second Bastiladon...
  2. sorrowquin
    Cold One

    sorrowquin New Member

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    Re: Escalation League (947 points) sweet vengeance

    Well done! =)

    Time for a Priest I'd say.
  3. cryocube

    cryocube New Member

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    Re: Escalation League (947 points) sweet vengeance

    Glad to hear of the vindication.

    I would deifnitely want a skink priest, l2, Lore of Beasts (wyssans on Saurus is fun at low points) and a dispel scroll if able.
  4. Silverbolt
    Temple Guard

    Silverbolt Active Member

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    Re: Escalation League (947 points) sweet vengeance

    It was very satisfying! I just think it's inexcusable for a high schooler to behave that way, but that's another discussion.

    As for a Skink Priest, I have enough Hero points for a level 1, but no Dispel Scroll or level 2 upgrade.

    I could look at turning the cowboy into an Oldblood...

    I'll come up with some options and let everyone chime in like last week :)
  5. Ondjage

    Ondjage Member

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    Re: Escalation League (947 points) sweet vengeance

    Well written, well played, GG!
  6. Ssword1995
    Cold One

    Ssword1995 Member

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    Re: Escalation League (947 points) sweet vengeance

    As a highschooler i hate seeing the new kids like the one you played who only focus on winning and not all aspects of thhe game its very disheartening but i am glad to hear u give him a good buttkickin! :)
  7. Silverbolt
    Temple Guard

    Silverbolt Active Member

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    Re: Escalation League (947 points) sweet vengeance

    Yeah, there are a few other kids in the league, but he's the only jerk...thank Sotek....
  8. Kru-Gar
    Jungle Swarm

    Kru-Gar New Member

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    Re: Escalation League (947 points) sweet vengeance

    A really nice read. Definely gonna keep up with this ongoing report. Basti's are great when used right. Never fear having them attack something that's only str 3.
  9. Silverbolt
    Temple Guard

    Silverbolt Active Member

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    Re: Escalation League (947 points) sweet vengeance

    Sunday's match was against my DE rival. After a week off from playing each other, the league coordinator asked us if we minded YET ANOTHER game since we were still the two with the highest point value by a pretty decent margin. We decided to square off again. My 947 point list was:

    same Scar Vet cowboy been using for a couple weeks
    level 2 Skink Priest (he got a free level 2 upgrade to make up for me being down about 120 points)
    18 Saurus spears FC
    10 skinks
    9 chameleons
    2 salamanders 8 handlers

    So, there were 3 primary deciding factors of the battle. First, my friend was over 1000 points so he got to redo his list. He still had the War Hydra, a crossbowmen bunker for the level 3 sorceress, and a 20ish unit of corsairs. However, he now had a 20ish unit of Executioners with the Executioner hero/special character. I knew they were nasty, but I had no idea how nasty they were going to end up being.

    Second, we had 2 forests and 2 buildings scattered across the table so there was not a single stretch of open field from my deployment to his. That was going to hurt me way more than him.

    Third, I told him I didn't want any "do overs" for mistakes I made. I told him I would learn better if I screwed myself (which I did).

    So, basically he put his executioners in the middle of his line. Mage bunker on one side and corsairs on the other. Hydra was positioned on the far flank behind a forest. I deployed my Saurus with the skink bunker on one side and the Bastiladon on the other. One Salamander went next to the Bastiladon. The other Salamander was farther over so I could get the Hydra from either side of the forest. Chameleons were deployed as scouts to the Hyrda's flank.

    Game started off well enough. My Skink Priest got Wildform and Pan's Pelt. Everyone moved forward toward the DEs. I got Wildform on the Saurus. The Bastiladon rolled the weakest version of the laser but still zapped an executioner. I was originally going to hit the Hydra, but apparently the Hydra doesn't have fire-related Regeneration anymore - it now has a special ability. So, I realized I positioned my salamanders and the skink bunker incorrectly. One salamander missed, the other hit but failed to wound. Then the chameleons let loose with 18 shots: 7 poison hits and 1 regular wounding shot. After armor saves, the Hyrda was down to 1 wound. Man, I wished the other skinks had been over here!

    Hyrda regenerated up to 4 wounds. The Sorceress did a spell with the small disk that killed 6 chameleons and sent the other 3 fleeing. The Hydra charged through the forest towards a salamander. I didn't know it could do that, so I fled to pull it away from my battleline. Executioners and Corsairs moved forward a little. DE shooting killed a handler, put a wound on the other salamander. Nothing horrible.

    Chameleons didn't rally, fled a few inches. Salamander didn't rally, fled a few inches. The battleline moved into position to charge next round. Wildform on Saurus. Solar Engine was dispelled. Other Salamander got two executioners, but didn't panic them. Skinks rolled horribly.

    Hydra charged the skink in the flank rather than going after the fleeing Salamander. That small disk spell again, this time on Skink bunker. 3 die, but they hold. Executioners attempt to charge but don't make it. Some shooting from the sorceress bunker and corsairs at the Bastiladon takes off a wound. Hydra doesn't manage to kill the Salamander, takes a wound but ends up regenerating all the way back to full 5 wounds when all said and done.

    Another mistake: I forgot to try to rally my chameleons. I remember the fleeing Salamander, though. He rallies. I declare my Saurus charge and move them into the executioners. I go to flank charge with the Bastiladon and realize that I had to declare the Bastiladon charge before moving the Saurus. MISTAKE. He said he didn't mind, but I stuck with my "no do overs" policy and just moved the Bastiladon forward to protect the Saurus flank from the Corsairs. Got the Wildform on the Saurus again. Solar Engine was dispelled. Skink shooting took down a couple crossbowmen. So, apparently the Executioner hero is a challenge hero. He got to choose his challenge target (cowboy instead of champion). Aside from the normal DE rerolling, he gets a ward save for the first round of challenge and his killing blows are on 5s and 5s. We knock each other down to 1 wound each. So I knew his executioners had killing blow, I did not realize they were strength 6 and would negate my Saurus armor saves entirely. He killed like 11 or so. I killed about 6 or so. He won combat by 2 and I stayed put. Hydra finishes off the Salamander.

    He does not move or declare a charge with the Hydra. He unloads all of his shooting and a Doombolt into the Bastiladon and knocks it down to 1 wound. Whatever that spell is with the small disk hits the Skink bunker and drops it down to 3 and the Priest. They hold. I dispel Word of Pain attempt on the Saurus. The Executioner hero finishes off my Scar Vet. The Saurus are killed. From this point, it's over, but I make him clean up the entire board anyway to turn 6 because we were having fun chatting.

    So, things I learned (the hard way): Make sure to check the table for all of your fleeing units that need to rally. I forgot the chameleons once, but you never know what difference it could have made. Monsters can move/charge through forests without difficult terrain tests or visibility issues. If something has Regeneration, make sure it's actually Regeneration and not a special rule that acts like Regeneration but is immune to fire. Declare all charges, then start moving units. Ask about all the special rules on a hero/character before the game begins. Finally, even entire units of squishy elves can get strength 6 and totally negate the Saurus 4+ armor.

    So, a pretty crippling loss, but probably my most educational game yet. And the DE kid is fun to play with so that also helps. He couldn't believe I was sticking to my "accept mistakes" stance. Now I am at 1136 points and can redo my list from scratch. I'm thinking I need to get a Stegadon in there with the Bastiladon...
  10. Silverbolt
    Temple Guard

    Silverbolt Active Member

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    Re: Escalation League (1136 points) time to reset the list

    Ok, since I can reset my list, here is what I am thinking of trying out. Feedback and critique would be greatly appreciated.

    1136 points

    Scar Vet (Cold One, Gambler's Armor, Dawnstone, GW)
    Skink Priest (level 2, Dispel Scroll, Lore of Beasts)
    19 Saurus (FC, spears)
    10 Skink Skirmishers (blowpipes)
    Bastiladon (Solar Engine)
    Stegadon (sharpened horns)
    2 Salamanders (2 extra handlers)

  11. Kru-Gar
    Jungle Swarm

    Kru-Gar New Member

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    Re: Escalation League (1136 points) feedback please

    I think you should change one of the Slamanders to a Razordon. Use the slamander on groups and the Razordon on fast cavalry and such.

    To me Razordons have worked best in low point games (1800 and less) since units often don't get very large.

    Remember, it is quick to fire so no penalty for moving, and since it doesnt have the 'Multishoot' rule specifically it doesn't get minus for that either, so usually at 4+ to hit on short range and 5+ at long range.

    Quick to fire also means it can stand and shoot even if the charge is within short range.
  12. Silverbolt
    Temple Guard

    Silverbolt Active Member

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    Re: Escalation League (1136 points) feedback please

    Unfortunately, I do not have any razordons ready to go yet. They are on the Christmas list :)
  13. sorrowquin
    Cold One

    sorrowquin New Member

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    Re: Escalation League (1136 points) feedback please

    I really really like the list.

    For this point lvl it has a huge variety and should look absolutely great on the battlefield (monster mash and stuff).

    I would run the Sallies as two singles. This prevents them from taking overkill dmg. With Sallies, I feel the only real benefit to run them in one group is Walk between Worlds and since you don't have that spell..
    Sure, a pair can assist each other better in CC but you usually don't want them there anyways, do you?
  14. Silverbolt
    Temple Guard

    Silverbolt Active Member

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    Re: Escalation League (1136 points) feedback please

    So I knew the coordinator would give me a week off from playing the DE again. I had a sinking suspicion that I would end up playing the Empire player if he showed, and considered if I wanted to field so many monsters. Finally, I decided I wanted to finally give my Stegadon a try and went for it. Sure enough, I got the Empire.

    Now, he is probably the most experienced player. He has a killer list.

    Level 1 fire wizard (fireball)
    Engineer with ruby ring
    Hell blaster cannon
    5 knights
    3 demigryphs
    10 halbediers
    5 spearmen detachment

    We played on a table 1.5 tiles wide. There was a building in the center, slightly closer to his deployment zone. I let him deploy first because I knew I had to charge his chicken knights with my Stegadon. Sure enough, they were the first thing deployed. I put my Saurus across from them. His halbediers and spearmen went behind the building. I flanked my Saurus with the Steg and Basti. His knights went on the far flank beyond the building. Artillery was behind the demigryphs. My sallies (separately) and skinks were across from the building.

    Unfortunately, he went first. He moved the wizard and halbediers into the building. He positioned the spearmen and the chicken knights forward. Knights marched around the building. He definitely knew how to use his cannons. He sniped my cowboy with the cannon and killed one salamander with the hell blaster. He got one of his two fireballs successfully. It killed 5 skinks but they held. I pretty much moved everyone forward as much as I thought they could forcing him to have really tough rolls for charging. Threw wildform on the Saurus. Bastiladon laser beam was dispelled. Salamander burned a couple spearmen, but they held. Stegadon shot the demigryphs and caused a wound! The crew actually caused two poison wounds, but he saved both of them. Skinks rushed forward and shot 2 of the three crewman for the hell blaster.

    He moved his spearmen in the way of the Saurus. Backed up the chicken knights. Knights charged the salamander. The wizard miscasted against the skinks and lost his wizard levels. The ruby ring was dispelled. His cannons killed the Bastiladon. Knights lost one man, but killed the salamander and overran much farther than he wanted behind my lines. I declared both of my charges. The Saurus didn't need to roll at all, and he Steg needed a 10 to get the demigryphs. Of course, I rolled a 12 for the Saurus to hit the spearmen then a 9 for the Stegadon :( Fortunately, thE Steg still didn't move forward enough to be even with the Saurus. I moved my Skink Priest out of the skink unit (which he really wanted dead to protect his artillery) and into a safe place hidden from view by the Saurus. The Saurus butchered the spearmen then reformed to to take the chicken knights.

    He charged the Saurus with the demigryphs. I vaguely knew these guys were bad, but I had all 19 Saurus and just hoped they would last long enough to let the Steg charge. The knights rotated and then moved enough to charge my priest if he tried to run away. The ruby ring and cannons caused my skinks (now one lone survivor) to run. Well, I knew the lances would negate my armor save, but I didn't know the demigryphs were STR 5 armor piercing. So yeah, they killed all but 2 Saurus. They ran and were caught, resulting in a successful charge into my Stegadon :( My skink did not rally so he fled a few inches. Other than Wildform, I had Savage Beast. Since my cowboy was blasted on Turn 1, I had the magic card for it on the table the whole game but had never even touched it. With the knights positioned to catch the Skink Priest, I did the only thing that made sense. I charged his demigryphs with the skink priest. So I cast wildform on the Steg which he dispelled. Then I suped up my Skink Priest :bored: He had forgotten about the other spell and didn't have any dispel dice left. The priest had highest initiative and did 2 wounds to the chicken knight and removed the model. Granted, he was then crushed by the other two and the Steg dropped to 2 wounds. The Steg stayed put, though.

    He finally popped the halbediers and useless wizard out of the building to go chasing after the 1 skink. I dispelled the ruby ring. The cannons didn't waste the possibility of misfiring on the skink. The knights rear charged the Steg. He went down before he could attack. My skink failed his rally and went a couple more inches. The halbediers declared an impossible charge just to force me to roll dice and the skink finally ran off the table.

    I lost, but it was a fun game. The Empire player was very educational helping me with rules. The kamikaze Skink Priest charge was amazing. Even though my only goal for the entire game was to charge this demigryphs, I am still really happy with how the Steg performed in his first game.

    I now have 1363 points. I would like to try out another new unit since I will get to reset my list after next Sunday regardless of whether I win or lose. I have yet to try my 3 Krox, TG, or 5 CoC (but would have to uncountable the Scar Vet for this option due to only having 5 CoC models).

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