8th Ed. Share your WTF lucky/unlucky moments

Discussion in 'Lizardmen Discussion' started by Pinktaco, Nov 22, 2013.

  1. Kharn The Betrayer

    Kharn The Betrayer New Member

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    Cupped hands was definately the best item in the game hands down (pun intended). Seeing the look on my friends face as I make his 300 point level 4 high elf Mage get sucked into the warp from a miscast was priceless
  2. deeyo

    deeyo New Member

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    So here is mine,

    In old edition, for a friendly game, i decided to use oldblood+carnasour. The game was wathchtower. My carnalord started from right side and tried to move closer to the combat around the middle. There was a sinister statue which carnalord has to spend 1 round to get to the middle.
    It was a really sinister statue.
    Normally it would cause d6 s4 hits, if you roll less than 3 out of a D6. After i would check which ones hit oldblood, which ones carnasour. Then try to wound then the armor save or ward save for any hits on the lord. I tought 1 wound at max.
    When the dices were rolled Lord was on foot. I calculated the odds, just a tiny bit more than 0,00002.
    Later, The lord went on foot and joined the saurus to assult the tower. He got the tower and lost it after fluffing his Ld roll in the last round hah...
  3. ColdB1ood

    ColdB1ood New Member

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    Many many moons ago at a Gw Gt. 6th ed if I remember rightly.
    Playing against vampire counts.
    He took first turn and marched his dragon Prince unit out to the middle of the table. Containing all his characters! Big bus unit
    I took the magic phase well stopping all spells with either scrolls or dice.
    My turn 1
    I charge my Nikey boots (charm of the jaguar warrior) Scar Veteran at the bus. Call a challenge and his general has to accept. I'm great weaponed so full expect to die.
    He fluffs all his attacks and the falls to an onslaught from my veteran.
    His whole army then turn to dust.
    Straight into Bugmans to buy him a drink to drown his sorrows.
  4. Maazie
    Cold One

    Maazie Member

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    7th Edition vs Warriors of Chaos

    My friend who is a damn good tactician, for some reason (probably laziness) didn't move up his fully decked out Chaos Marauder Horde (atleast 50+ Models), with BSB.

    I hit it with a salamander and cause 2 Casualties, he was unaware that he had to take a panic test and I had to show it to him in the book... Failed... Re-Rolled for BSB... FAIL.... then rolled just enough to RUN off the Board.

    We both laughed our asses off and he conceded as we could not take the game seriously after that.
  5. Kadris
    Jungle Swarm

    Kadris New Member

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    Well, worst would be last edition lizardmen. I had Ld10 bubble bunker slann in temple guard vs orges.

    Ogres charge stegodon, rolls high for charge, gets extra impact hits, impact hits alone take out the stegodon.

    Block 1 of saurus are flanked by mornefangs, take losses, still steadfast, coldblooded leader 10 with re-rolls thanks to BSB. Fail both, caught and killed, mornefangs overrun into next block of saurus engaging other ogres. Repeat of last block, failed ld10 twice, caught, killed, overrun into templeguard.

    My turn! Slann casts Speed of Light with irrisistible, rolls 3 on table, rolls a 1 for cupped hands, kills almost all the temple guard and is sucked into the warp... If i remember right all i had left was the BSB and 4 templeguard so we called it.

    Luckiest was recently with lizardmen again (dont seem to have these moments with my WoC army). This time, a block of saurus charged some vampire black knights, did some damage with only a couple casualties. Then they were flanked by a large block of skeletons. Somehow he managed i think 3 saurus kills and I inflicted so many casualties (my dice love predatory fighter it seems) his black knights vanished (along with the vampire) and a large chunk of the skeletons are gone as well and crumble takes out the rest.
  6. Didymus
    Chameleon Skink

    Didymus Active Member

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    Played my first game in a months recently. Decided to see how a Slann would do. His first act: blow up two thirds of his own Temple Guard unit, obviously not bothering to take a wound himself.
  7. rychek

    rychek Active Member

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    The first time I played my HE against VC, the VC general miscast in his first turn and was sucked into the warp (right after sinking into the swamp). Then we played a character arena battle and he did it again (again sinking into the swamp).

    Not too long after that we played a big 3v3 battle (Lizardmen, HE and DE vs Ogres, OnG and Vampires). My Light coven Archmage hit the VC General (who was running solo) with a S6 Banishment in the top of turn 1. Killed him right out (he fell over, his army burned down then sank into the swamp). :mad:

    The VC player was not too thrilled with being eliminated in the top of turn one.
  8. Padre

    Padre Well-Known Member

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    Playing in a tournament against a pretty good WoC player. I've pretty much already lost, but still trying. My Slann is in a building, he hits the slann with a death spell and causes three wounds. I shrug my shoulders. I had given him the MR2 amulet for exactly that reason. At which point I roll three 1s.

    From 40k, my best was a 4th ed. Tyranid game where my 2+ save flying hive tyrant is holding the left flank against a Tau player. On turn one, I manage to fail four straight 2+ armor saves, my tyrant dies, and my entire game plan collapses.

  9. The_Bloated_Toad
    Jungle Swarm

    The_Bloated_Toad New Member

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    Im winning the game, its turn 5 and Im about to slam his main unit with my powered up temple guard...the players wants to call it but I ask that we finish... in hopes of wiping out his force ;-)

    Magic phase comes... my toad EXPLODES LIKE THE NINE PLANES OF HELL EGG NOG killing just about the whote unit...in come his devasted forces finishing me off like a wee tad pole... GAME over :-(
  10. MHK Pathfinder
    Cold One

    MHK Pathfinder Member

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    Recently played against dwarves in a local tournament. Had my 1+ 5++ GW Oldblood general in my unit of saurus fighting his main block of Longbeards. He challenges my general with FOUR different characters (his general, BSB, and two Slayers). My general cuts down each one, only taking one wound from the last slayer before eviscerating him in glorious combat.

    We were both shocked speechless at how well my general was rolling on both offense and defense.

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