Trouble with Ranking up

Discussion in 'Painting and Converting' started by tdub415, Dec 4, 2013.

  1. tdub415
    Jungle Swarm

    tdub415 New Member

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    Does anyone know of an easy way to get Gor-Rok to rank up with Saurus Warriors or Temple guard (more easily. About the only position I seem to be able to get him to fit is if I have him on the front left corner (his weapon doesn't seem to want to play nice with anyone to his left). Even there, his tail seems to be an issue with any models that would need to fill in behind him.

    I would think that having a character in the middle of the front rank would be better tactically (though not positive, very new to fantasy) so I would like to be able to easily have rank up in any spot in the front row.
  2. Prof

    Prof Member

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    edit: read it wrong!

    can't help with the ranking - don't own the model.
    I did watch a pro game, where they put the characters in the unit in the back row, so that they were easy to take out for challenges and weren't awkward to place.
  3. hilburn
    Cold One

    hilburn New Member

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    Actually tactically speaking it is better to have heros on the corners. The logic is as follows: if the enemy overlaps your unit such that some of their models only contact your hero, if you then fight a challenge with your hero, they lose the attacks(and supporting attacks) as they are no longer in base contact with a valid target. On the other hand your hero can make way into contact if necessary. Although I guess you do lose out in gorroks case because of the dangerous terrain test.
    Tbh the above is kind of an asshole RAW thing to do, I've only been on the receiving end once and never used it myself, just thought I'd point it out.

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