8th Ed. Piranha blade with spells

Discussion in 'Rules Help' started by Dreyer, Sep 3, 2013.

  1. hilburn
    Cold One

    hilburn New Member

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    Ah, yes, forgot to check the BRB FAQ, be nice if we had one of those for everything else..
  2. Mr Phat
    Skink Chief

    Mr Phat 9th Age Army Support

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    you just succeed in pushing an omnipotent floating telepathic spacefrog with cosmic magical potential even further into the realm of all that is and ever will be awesome!

    ..........but am I the only one that thinks we could actually have gotten this if Matt Ward had written our book?
  3. hilburn
    Cold One

    hilburn New Member

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    .... you can have armour piercing magic, I mean you are accepting magic, why is weird magic harder?

    If Matt ward had written our book this would actually be a thing but no one would take it as it would be a soft option. Bastiladons, as the new kit model would be T10 with 5 wounds and 1+ save and cost 50pts and the trog would be a carnosaur with a couple of stats lower with a multi use poison breath weapon at 200
  4. twistedmagpie

    twistedmagpie Member

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    In all honesty, this is a very confusing subject. As has been stated, the item above the Piranha Blade has a specific wording which is different. I can't see how someone who has literally 'just' written a rule couldn't notice that they had missed out some wording.

    I've never seen magic have any special rules which have applied to weapons before. However I do think that the rule was probably written with the intention of being used with the Steg Helm, trying to get more out of the rule is being really stupid and not in the nature of having fun in the game.

    I'd also like to say that a Skink Chief can't have both the blade and helm because he only has 50 Pt allotment.
  5. TheLizardKing
    Jungle Swarm

    TheLizardKing New Member

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    There is legitamate rules lawyering to try to get things right and there is rules lawyering to win at all costs. In the spirit of a fair game it seems to me that this is way over the top. In our local group, anyone that tried this would have a tough time getting another game for a while.

    That said, I think it is very creative and I will use this as a joke in a game, it would be fun and worth the 50 wasted points, but I won't actually use the ruling. It will just be fun to see the reaction and then move on with the game.

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