Discussion your feels

Discussion in 'Fluff and Stories' started by Ssword1995, Nov 11, 2013.

  1. Ssword1995
    Cold One

    Ssword1995 Member

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    Ok so ive been writing fluff using my battle reports and in my new one ive finally faced a faction whp arent like die hard fighters ( i isually play orcs dark elves WOC or demons) and i faced an empire army and i dont know what to say from a swordmans precpective and ive been thinkin of looking at saurus as the saurus looking like they have have a cold fury inside them. What do u guys think?
    Paradoxical Pacifism likes this.
  2. Axolotyl
    Temple Guard

    Axolotyl New Member

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    The thing is you have to look at them from emotion to emotionless, saurus will be cold, alien, devoid of animation, fear, or hatred, they simply do what they do in a brutal yet efficient manner.

    A saurus would cut you down and not think about it, but look at their weapons, its one part bludgeon, one part axe, one part pick, it wouldn't cut , it would impale, crush and puncture. Most likely it would stick in somebody's armour, but no worries the saurus would just twist and yank, either throwing his victim bodily or tearing off a great hunk of meat or limb....

    A saurus wouldn't bite you, at least not in a traditional sense, it would grab you in its jaws and rag you about until your arm came off or your tattered and limp body has had its spine or neck snapped.

    Look at hunting monitor lizards, crocodiles and Komodo dragons (i know they are a monitor but they are the perfect example) when they hunt, there's no roar, there's no warning, they just charge at the victim grab them in their jaws and flail the carcass until its in bloody bits,

    Also. Their resilience to damage would horrify your swordsman, the fact that blades would skid off their hide, or stick but the beast would keep coming, you can't disarm them as their hands, feet, tails, jaws and shields are legal weapons, it would be like you going and picking a fight with a Bengal tiger and your only weapon was a cricket bat, you might win, you MIGHT, but I highly doubt it!

    Hope this helps
    Paradoxical Pacifism likes this.
  3. spawning of Bob

    spawning of Bob Well-Known Member

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    For the Love of Sotek! Your skinks hit something!

    Do you have any samples of your other battle report fluff? I would love to read them.

    No battle report is complete without some gratuitous fluff to go with the gratuitous violence!
    Paradoxical Pacifism likes this.
  4. Ssword1995
    Cold One

    Ssword1995 Member

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    To the battle report question yes i have a few i just done know how to write them short and sweet so theyd fit on here :/ and thank you for the ideas about the saurus now i just need terradons/ skinks cuz i dont think i need to talk bout the slann since he casted through the skink priest all game
    Paradoxical Pacifism likes this.
  5. hilburn
    Cold One

    hilburn New Member

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    Speaking as a human, I have to say that facing off against lizardmen would make me think the following

    Holy f@*knuggets dinosaurs/baby dragons, what if the momma is nearby? (Saurus)
    What's with the floating frog? AAAAAHHHHHH HE MINDRAPED MY UNIT!! (Slann)
    Why are those bushes rustling? Where has the cannon crew gone? (Chamo)

    One thing to bear in mind is that noone, especially in the foolish empire, has a freaking clue what's in lustria. Because the saurus eat 99% of intruders. Another .99% find nothing except the most inhospitable jungle on the planet and die of disease. 0.01% find an abandoned city, maybe a few old slann toys and live to tell the tale, but will never in a million years be able to find it again.

    So your empire will be coming looking for gold/magic treasures in an abandoned city, they probably had a miserable storm on the way over sinking a couple of ships and making the survivors feel like death would be preferable. They land and there is nothing edible, in fact most of the plants find them edible. Giant bugs, horrendous temperature and humidity, a looming canopy that blocks all attempt at looking ahead and keeps the forest floor in permanent dimness. They are probably lost, maybe following a trail and then... 7 foot high monster lizards surrounded by swarms of chittering dwarf sized lizard things and then WHAT IS GOING ON? Or maybe they stumble across the road to a temple city and they see this hyper realistic statue by the road, a man sized lizard thing wearing a skull helmet, they go up to it and someone reaches out a hand and splat! he's a red smear on the ground (I always liked the TG fluff, makes me think of the guards at buckingham palace)

    Anyway, there are a few thoughts for ya
    Paradoxical Pacifism likes this.
  6. Ssword1995
    Cold One

    Ssword1995 Member

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    Now i wanna make the temp guard funny because one game i played bretts and i evaporated a whole knight bus could swing thanks to razor standard and hand of glory
    Paradoxical Pacifism likes this.
  7. lizardmen98

    lizardmen98 Member

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    Tehe Buckingham. Bloody tourists. *waves fist*

    Besides that, you got your point spot on. For some reason, I think of a haughty empire officer standing on an outcrop of rock watching his men get butchered as he says all those things before shouting "for sigmar" dispassionately, flailing his sword arm around a bit, then getting zapped by the slann.
    Paradoxical Pacifism likes this.

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