8th Ed. Limits on Arcane Unforging Targetting Magic Standard Bearers

Discussion in 'Lizardmen Tactics' started by olderplayer, Dec 13, 2013.

  1. olderplayer
    Chameleon Skink

    olderplayer New Member

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    Re: Limits on Arcane Unforging Targetting Magic Standard Bea

    Yeah, RipperDerek, we have beaten this horse to death. But in response to Necromancy, I don't see how arcane unforging could or would destroy the "non-magical" unit standard when the BRB is clear that cannot happen unless the unit breaks from combat or the last non-champion, non-character model in the unit is removed from play. The magic standard or banner is a magic item attached to the unit standard but is not the unit standard itself. I think of the magic banner as magic item represented by an additional ribbon, flag or pendant on the unit standard pole that can be separately removed.

    I think that the most likely interpretation of the rule is that arcane unforging can target a model with the unit standard with a magic banner attached and have the effect of removing the magic banner and possibly killing a rank and file model but cannot take a non-magic unit standard. This is based on the fact that the BRB says that standard bearers can be targetted with certain spells and "sniper" like shooting but the unit standard cannot be destroyed as long as another rank and file model exists in the unit to pick it up except when the unit breaks from combat.
  2. rychek

    rychek Active Member

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    Re: Limits on Arcane Unforging Targetting Magic Standard Bea

    Which is what n810 and I said at the very beginning. :)
  3. Necromancy Black

    Necromancy Black New Member

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    Re: Limits on Arcane Unforging Targetting Magic Standard Bea

    Sorry, bad wording. When I said "So if magic banners were enchantments on regular banners, destroying the magic banner would indeed destroy the entire unit standard." I should have put on the end "But this is not the case." It was an example of the situation required for Arcane Unforging to destroy the standard, which isn't actually what the rules say.

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