The idea is that they periodically clear any tunnels under and surrounding Quetza. I'm not a good writer but if need be I can try and fill that out a bit. This is the first of many. Edit: that turned out really small. That's a link to the 12 skinks painted-ish. I can't seem to get my pics up at a reasonable size. Looking for what anyone thinks.
The color pallet and idea is good. I look forward to seeing how they look when you paint up the weapons and the claws. What color will you be painting the eyes? I might suggest that the scales and coloring for the majority of the model can be done simply by painting either a darker or lighter purple on the scales and then a bluish ink over all of that.
I was thinking yellow for the eyes but I forgot to pick it up when I was shopping. It should contrast the purple nicely. My priest is coming along nicely too, its an albino. Those are gonna have pink eyes though to really drive home the albino-ness. First saurus, I get what you meant. They have way more scales, I ended up drybrushing the one after this guy. He still looks best I think. Looks better when the image quality isn't horrible anyway.
Give those model a wash of something. It looks too clean. for instance wash the shield with wither agrax earthshade or nuln oil. The scales can be given carroburg crimson or druchii violet. It'll give an easy extra layer of detail. That's just examples of what you can do. Otherwise it looks fine.
I washed the shield with nuln oil. I think I accidentally washed out the color with lighting cause it looks better than the picture shows. I'll have to find a camera other than my phone. That is a good idea for the scales as I already have the violet and dry brushing alone isn't giving me the detail I want.