These are my first painted lizardmen models, so please leave some feedback. Also if anyone wants to know how I did the color scheme don't be afraid to ask!
Overall. I love'em. ^_^ They've just got a good feeling of "we shall instill dread upon others" going on. I'd love to know the scheme you're using. It just strikes me as evil order. ^_^
Thank you for your feedback! I am soooo glad my color scheme turned out so well. Anyway I base-coat with Black primer then for the scales I lightly brush some a VERY light coat of Khorne Red then for the weapons I dry-brush some lead belcher on the shaft of the weapon then I dry-brush some Gehenna's Gold on the tip of the weapon then I put a dab of Blood for the blood god for a little bit of a sinister effect. Also I dry-brushed some Khorne Red on the wings of the ripperdactyls then I outlined the bones with Rakarth Flesh. If you have any more questions don't be afraid to ask!
I was trying to give him a "battle scar" or I was thinking of making his eye a reference to a anime. Also I used some blood for the blood god on his eye in case you were wondering.
Oh, fair enough. If I were doing a scar, i'd use a little green stuff to raise a steak across the eye. Having had another look across the pics. I really like the scales of the carnosaur, the sort of faded red looks really effective.
I am glad you like the paint job I did! Also I primarily use lore of metal and shadow. I also dabble in lore of death from time to time, but I haven't recently.
Just painted my Slann 2 days before this thread. Got quite annoyed that he resembles yours so much Mine has different colored appendages and way more red, and way less blood, but is very much looking like yours Thought he was more unique when i finished him