But what about templates!? Has this been done in a previous year? There's a template laser cut company here in Australia who does Warhammer custom templates at a reasonable price and it got me thinking....
Do you have any designs in mind? I would be interested in custom templates, but I'm not very creative, so I'm not sure how you would go about lizardizing templates.
How about: 3" something like this, character in the center redone to look like a skink. http://www.hdwallpapersinn.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/12/Mayan-Calendar-Images.png And this for 5", with the center face redone to look more like a slaan. http://www.hdwallpapersinn.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/12/mayan.jpg I retract my previous post. I want these. I wonder if we could sneak in a pattern on the 3" and 5" templates so they can double as a turn marker? It would be pretty sweet nod to the Mayans if the two circles over-lapped to make a game turn counter. -Matt
I wasn't initially interested, but now.... Tell me more.... I like the ideas Lizardmatt has suggested. I may be interested (budget willing).
We would need someone to come up with the designs in a vector format for us I always though flames and a Sally on the flame template, then various glyphs on the round templates, which would only be used for MAGICAL EXPLOSIONS really. I've been quoted $29AUD per set.
And one of those sweet 90 degree angle measure things that shows you wether or not stuff is in your forward arc! With glyphs and stuff! No..?