Hi, Just thought I would take the plunge and move from long time lurker to (hopefully) active poster. I have been a fan\player of Warhammer for years, but mainly Elves. However as my beloved Woodies are still suffering from a lack of attention from GW, I have decided to keep my forest enthusiasm, but become more tropical- Lustria, here I am! I also hope to build a different style of army from my usual missile or magic based approach. Looking forward to joining the community.
welcome welcome. I, too, am an elves player, though mine are from the motherland Ulthuan! Don't let them pick on you! haha
We like elves, their ears taste great on toast..... Hi and welcome! I'm sure you will have a good time, and be a convert to the greater race of lizard men
Remember, we had High Magic first... I'm guessing that if /b] Wood Elves do get an update, they will get High Magic as well, with a forest friendly lore attribute. Dark Elves and High Elves have kind of converged on each other statwise. We'll see if WEs do the same. And what I say in most in introductions, check out the Tactica Index, maintained by our most handsome poster.