8th Ed. army list help please !!!!

Discussion in 'Lizardmen Tactics' started by darthjoshua37, Dec 27, 2013.

  1. darthjoshua37

    darthjoshua37 New Member

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    Hello,I am very new to this site, I have been gaming for years and collected pretty much every army out there. But of coarse the lizzies are my ultimate love in the watchmaker world. Anyway I have been looking through all the sample army lists (I love making lists and reading others) other than the dual carnosaur list (mad props to that one btw) everyone always seems to take a slann. Arguably the best mage in the game so why not right? In my gaming community there are a few other vets that fight for the old ones but they too never ever ever leave home without the smp. I really want to run a unique list for our January tournament and would desperately love to get some feedback on how you guys think the best way to dominate the competition without a slann and only one carno . I would love to run 2 but I don't have enough time to paint my second in time. The tournament is to be 2350. Please help me build an absolute killer army to ruin all the lesser races. GLORY FOR THE WILL OF THE OLD ONES PLAN!!!
  2. Asamu
    Temple Guard

    Asamu Well-Known Member

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    Saurus Oldblood w/ Great weapon *general*
    Charmed Shield
    Talisman of Preservation
    Crown of Command

    Saurus Scar-Veteran w/ Great weapon
    Armor of destiny
    Cold One

    Skink Priest lvl 2
    Cube of Darkness
    The Lore of Beasts

    Skink Priest lvl 1
    Dispel Scroll
    Ironcurse Icon
    Lore of Heavens

    5x10 Skink Skirmishers w/ javelin & shield

    30 Skink Cohort w/ standard/mus
    3 Kroxigor

    3 Terradon Riders

    2x5 Chameleon Skinks

    Salamander Hunting Pack

    2x Ancient Stegadon w/ Sharpened horns

    This is what I would run. It comes out at 2349, and has a good amount of chaff to get favorable charges, a skrox unit for ranks, and good hitting power with the stegadons+ carnosaur combo charge+ skrox combo charge (which will break most units in 1 round).

    You could swap out the terradons and a Skink unit for a Bastiladon w/ the solar engine (leaving you with 25 points to play with) for more target saturation and magic, though that is up to you.
  3. Dog On Todd

    Dog On Todd Member

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    I would optimize the above numbers a bit more. 5 chameleons is normally 6-8 (is it not?)

    Also not sure what a single salamander is supposed to accomplish. At 2350, I would want 2.

    I'm also not sold on general on carnosaur, can't players just target your mount to kill the whole model? Waste. Best used as a support unit. So you gotta run two, or put general on CO and scar-vet on carno
  4. hdctambien

    hdctambien Active Member

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    I agree with this. Furthermore, I would try to make the Scar Vet your BSB and put that on the Carnosuar. That makes your opponent's decision on who to attack a little more difficult. (kill the damage dealing Carnosaur, or the 18" Ld reroll)

    Also, the extra 6" of BSB bubble is nice when you have so many skinks running around.

    I would replace the ScarVet's Great Weapon with a hand weapon and shield ... or maybe a Halberd and Shield.

    I run units of 5 chamos myself. They are so cheap that it really doesn't matter that they are guaranteed to die to almost anything that engages with them. And I find 2 units of 5 gives me more options than a single unit of 8 to 10.

    However, a single salamander's usefulness is very unpredictable. I wonder if it might be better to drop the Salamander and replace the 3 Terradons with 4-5 Ripperdactyls or dropping the Terradons as well and taking a Bastiladon.

    There's always talk here about "which is better, Jav or Blowpipe" but I think the best is to use a combination of the two. Try running 3 units of Javs and 2 unis of Blowpipes. You'll always have the tool you need for the job!
  5. Putzfrau

    Putzfrau Well-Known Member

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    out of curiosity why would you ever want your bsb on a carno?

    limits your use of magical standard, and a carno is much easier to kill than on foot in a block, or on the slann, or on a cold one....

    at some point you want your carno to be munching on stuff... lot of vps to just have up there running around with no ward save or anything.

    edit: i see you meant have a second carno in the army, not merely swap the carno onto the scar vet bsb.

    my mistake! it certainly does add some target saturation if that's the case.

    my comments were under the impression the scar vet was the only carno in the list.
  6. Scalenex

    Scalenex Keeper of the Indexes Staff Member

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    I'd like to point out, you can make a Scar Veteran the general in lieu of an Oldblood since they are both Ld8. It might be a good idea. That way you don't have all your eggs in one basket. It's bad enough to lose your Carnosaur, you don't want to give your opponent 100 bonus points for killing it.

    On a related note, after playing against my friends O&G recently, I have come to really see what 18 inch command range can do (with orcs anyway) and am thinking that LM would benefit more from an 18 inch BSB range than an 18 Inspiring Presence. I have yet to test this out in actual games though.
  7. hdctambien

    hdctambien Active Member

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    I actually meant to have the Old Blood on a Cold One and Scar Vet BSB on the Carnosaur.

    I like that combination because its cheaper to get him to a 1+ armor save so you can make him more killy and don't have to worry about when the Carnosaur will eventually be killed out from underneath him. I like giving him the Talisman of 4+ ward, the -1 to hit me armor, the Other Tricksters Shard, and the I10 sword.

    When I ran my Old Blood on a Carno, it was always an easy decision for my opponent: kill the Carnosaur first (because it has no ward save, it'll die quick). If it's the BSB, I think that decision gets more complicated. Do you want to kill the Carnosaur or get rid of my 18" reroll bubble?

    When I run a Saurus BSB I always give him the Armor of Destiny instead of a magic banner. I usually err on the defensive side when it comes to equipping my characters.
  8. darthjoshua37

    darthjoshua37 New Member

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    I thank you guys for the advise really. Some great ideas in there the only problem is that I have 5 krox but I have not finished Painting them. I have everything else painted except them my second carno and my 4 razordons. There is no way that ill be able to finish them in time for this tournament unless I beast through them which I have sworn to never ever do cause then I feel like I have disrespected the rest of my models that actually look badass .

    One more concern. What is the strategy I should use with the priest using the lore of heavens? I usually always run beasts but I am totally open to try different . WhAt spells should I hope for and how to use them to maximum efficiency? And thank u guys again!! I really really appreciate it A LOT!!!
  9. Dog On Todd

    Dog On Todd Member

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    Signature spell is excellent. Chain Lightning and the 4th (forget name) are also good. I usually just go for signature
  10. Putzfrau

    Putzfrau Well-Known Member

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    4 is thunderbolt, 5 is comet.

    the heavens deck in general is quite good.

    sig is amazing, as already mentioned. comet is great as well. comet can be used as a deterrent for movement just as much as a damage dealer.

    keep in mind that if you have a slann (i see you dont, but in case you do ever run one) generally you wont want to be using that much power dice to cast with a level 1 or 2, which is why the sig is so nice.

    if they are your only casters then you can bomb comets all game without a care in the world!

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