Just realized we actually have a this introductions forum. I haven't properly introduced myself as of yet so I figured I would just do that. Right. Denmark. So what little piece of sh1t country is that? Above Germany and below our Scandinavian brothers Sweden and Norway I come from a little country in Northern Europe with a population of only 5½ million people. In other words the entire population of Denmark could be placed in some of the larger cities around the globe. My forefathers were the Vikings who, at one point, payed England a friendly visit and according to this site Santa is Odin. http://infolocata.com/mirovia/irrefutable-proof-that-santa-is-odin/ Interesting stuff. Anyway other than that we're also known for being the happiest people on earth aaaaannnd.. Drink.. Maybe the two go together? So, what about me? I'm almost (!) 25 years old, I'm studying to become a physio-therapist so I know some stuff about anatomy, training, rehabilitation etc. I like to play games on both my PC, PS3 and soon the PS4 I've ordered (as a birthday present for myself ). 12-13 years back I used to own a Vampire Count army. Back in 6th edition. Looking back and comparing the book with today I certainly liked the actual vampires a lot more back then, but the army have gained quite a lot in terms of new units. So what about all of this? Currently I'm painting my suaurs in a red/brown/gold color and skinks/kroxigors in purple/pink/yellow color. It actually looks more interesting than it sounds. When I'm done with what I currently have + some more saurus warriors/guards and skinks.. and my ripperdactyls.. and the salamanders I am yet to own.. and kroxigors.. I'll be buying some new units and go for a Northern theme.. I'll somehow make them viking-ish. It's long term project alright, but I'm already looking forward to it. I've played with lizardmen for half a year now and I feel like there is so much more for me to learn, so I'm not about to go get a new army. Years into the future I might, however, consider a Vampire Count army again. They were my first army and I want to do something with them again, but it's not something I'm in a hurry to do. I got plenty for now and plenty to learn (both in terms of playing, but also very much in terms of painting). Luckily though I have a big exam in a few weeks, after which I have one week off followed by an internship the new 2½ months, followed by a much milder period in my education (compared to what I've had so far) and then it's summer time. In other words there should be plenty of time to get around and paint a lot of figures. When I'm not busy with my PS4
Module 8? I am also 24 years old, studying physical therapy in Denmark.. I am from Norway though Cool introduction! I wanna see some pictures of your lizards!
.... What is this? Yes, Modul 8. Do we know each other? Also, if you live in Odense we could play a match against each other
looks like the world is small afterall.. (....sadly not small enough for you guys to be situated in aarhus -.-')
Haha, cool Still... not here now are you? Not much WHFB down here anyways but we try Can't really make the largest tournaments, but we tried recently. Don't need a comp when noone is a tournament regular, the power builds are really missing down here, which is quite funny - until someone recently decided to play chaos instead of Beastmen (yay!). Hoping the WHFB communities other places in DK are bigger ^^ My play schedule usually looks like : HE, HE, WE, HE and Lizards against WoC and WE (or any combination of the 4 and brettonia against eachother), Brettonia, HE, HE, Brets, WE. Haven't actually played the WoC guy yet... but did get to play some Goblins!
Well in Odense there is an actual hobby club with WHF members and every Monday Dragonslair have game night, but tbh I've mostly played with friends. Luckily I have 3 friends and they have various armies; dwarfs, empire, O&G, skaven, WoC, Britonnia and OK, but I havent played OK yet. We mostly play casually because ultimately we want to have fun and power builds every single time will sort of ruin that, not that power builds are banned or anything I might be home during summer due to work so we might play there.
I live in Copenhagen! I just figured from the description of your study schedual that you were M8! I am M12 =)
I too am going the Vampires and LM route. At my current rate of finishing models, I'll be ready to play my Lustria Vampire Counts in two years in an actual game but they will look SO awesome when that happens Fear the Skink zombies! I barely have enough to field a minimum sized unit now.
They looks pretty sweet as they are, but are you going to paint the scales are is the picture trolling me?
I don't want to hijack your thread, but if I painted the back scales, the scabs and wounds on the back would be almost invisible
And thus Scalenex kills another thread with his tak of scabs and sores. Go to a dermatologoherpetologist for crying out loud! Welcome pinktaco.