8th Ed. Yet another 1.5k list!!!

Discussion in 'Lizardmen Army Lists' started by CAinhorn, Jan 12, 2014.

  1. CAinhorn

    CAinhorn New Member

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    Slaan Mage-Priest
    Harmonic Convergence
    Wandering Deliberations
    Channeling Staff


    Skink Priest
    Dispel Scroll


    Saurus Warriors
    30 man squad W/ Spears

    Skink Skirmishers
    10 man squad W/ Javelins and Shield

    Skink Skirmishers
    10 man squad W/ Javelins and Shield


    Temple Guard
    20 man squad
    Revered Guardian
    Banner of The Eternal Flame
    6X4 W/ slaan inside



    Salamander Hunting Pack

    Total: 1500 Points

    So what do y'all think? What should be added or removed!!!
  2. Pinktaco

    Pinktaco Vessel of the Old Ones Staff Member

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    Others might have a different opinion, but a slann is a lot of points in 1500pts. I think I'd rather just use 2 level 2 priests (with cube/scroll) and an oldblood on coldone, dawnstone, armour of destiny and great weapon.

    It's roughly the same amount of points, just used differently. The Oldblood will be very hard to kill and you're still packing some magic.

    Alternatively you can use Tetto'eko + a level 1 priest with scroll and a scar vet BSB with armour of destiny and great weapon, again roughly the same points spent.

    Now here's something others will certainly disagree on:

    IF you go with a slann, consider plopping him in a skink unit. With the build on your slann you're already counting on sort of going big with magic. When/if you miscast you risk blowing a big hole in that templeguard unit, which mean that they're suddenly VERYinefficient.

    IMO IF you go with a slann have him in a skink unit and boost the guard unit to 24 models (6 x 4).

    Also, while I really like ripperdactyls I rather like cameleons if we're talking about a warmachine hunting unit. You can get them for almost the same price.
    Another thing is that you can safely try and go for minimum core - 375pts, you're at 490pts.

    So here's what I would do (with a slann):

    Slann: wandering deliberation + BSB (wandering deliberation have a lot of low casting value spells so I don't consider the other discipline + staff necessary in this point range, also saves you 20pts in total).

    Skink priest w/ scroll, level 1 (saves you 35pts for the level 2).

    24 saurus w/ musician/banner.
    10 skink skirmishers, javeline.
    10 skink cohort (for slann).

    24 templeguards w/ full command + flaming banner.
    10 cameleon skinks for warmachine duty.

    2 salamanders (no snack).

    I personally feel that the army is now much stronger due to the following reason:

    - You don't rely as much on magic (pimped slann, level 2 vs "naked" slann level 1).
    - You can miscast with the slann and not blow up your guards.
    - Your guard unit is now 4 models stronger. Without the slann in it you have more attacks + more bodies.
    - For warmachines I just like cameleon skinks better. No risk of the birds going beserk on the wrong unit.
    - 2 salamanders can wreak much more havoc than just one.

    Issue? You're 20 points above the limit. You can do several things with this: remove the BSB, remove wandering deliberation, remove the priest and have the scroll on the slann, remove a cameleon skink + the flaming banner, remove 2 cameleon skinks.

    It's all up to you.

    There is a few other issues though:

    The flaming banner is good vs regenerating units, but what about heavily armoured models? You obviously have searing doom to do something, but you cannot rely on that to wipe out 10 inner circle knights (those bastards are only 25pts each). Should 10 IC knights appear I'd much rather have the armour piercing banner in the unit. Your S5 vs their T3 will do just fine, but the S5 + AP against their armour save of 1+ will make short work on them:

    They'll only eat 4-5 guards on the charge due to their S6 lances followed by their ponies doing close to zero damage (my math says 5 pony attacks = 0.4 wounds lol). With S5 + AP and 21 attacks (with predatory fighter included) you'll plow through 4.4 knights. Next turn you can greet the S4 attacks (no more lances) and kill off the rest.
    Should any potential empire player decide to go great weapon on you with his knights they'll die even quicker.

    The thing is, that while you lack the flaming banner vs regenerating units you already pack a bunch of flaming abilities: salamanders, wandering deliberation comes with 3(!) flaming spells - fire ball, searing doom (read lore attribute) and shems burning gaze.

    So in other words I'd rather go with the AP banner oppose to the flaming banner.

    It's obviously more expensive so at this point you might have to just completely ditch the priest.

    No matter what you expect to face I think that army is prepared for most. You have the big block killers (salamanders), you have a great level 4 mage with a good deal of spells to choose from, you have good core units (saurus) and armour killer guards (with the AP banner that is) and should your opponent bring cannons/warmachines in general you have cameleons to take care of that.

    Overall I'd say that's what you can call an all-comer list.

    I hope this helps. :)
  3. Putzfrau

    Putzfrau Well-Known Member

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    I think a slann is some of the best points you can spend in the whole book.

    Leaves hero slot for cowboys. Youll be able to easily fit in 2 scar vets on cold ones with 1+ saves and strength 7 (great weapon) attacks.

    I always try to take a slann. Makes the magic phase a blast, and it makes up for a lot of the short comings in the book.

    I dunno if you need slann and level 2 at 1500 tho. Especially since you want to spend those hero points on scar vets.

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