8th Ed. Skink army vs HE flying circus... a surpise

Discussion in 'Battle Reports' started by Rocdocta, Nov 1, 2013.

  1. Rocdocta

    Rocdocta New Member

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    Last night I trialled my all skink and dino lizardmen army vs sandstorms budgies of doom.

    his list was roughly i think:

    Anointed on Frost Phoenix
    Caradryan on Ashtari
    Noble BSB on Great Eagle

    Silver Helm dart(3x3)
    Silver Helm dart(3x3)

    5 reavers
    5 Reavers

    Tiranoc Chariot
    Tiranoc Chariot

    Great Eagle
    Great Eagle

    Frostheart Phoenix
    Frostheart Phoenix

    my list was:

    Slann, loremaster, 3 dice channeling, staff +1 to channel, bsb- +1 banner

    4x10 skink cohort, muso
    5x10 skink skirmishers

    9 chammie skinks
    3 baby stegs, sharp horns
    2 bastilodons

    1 ancient steggie, horns

    Looking across from my squishy skink set up at all the cav and all the flying monsters of ridiculous doom I thought..."ah crap, I may kill 1... for the loss of my army." What a terrible matchup.

    he went first and moved everything up which I was happy with as now with marching my skinks could throw darts and whittle away some wounds. My plan was to shoot and then use stand and shoot vs the birds and flee for other things.

    So the left flank is loaded with budgies and the right flank is loaded with cav and chariots. oh great...

    I will sum it up as:

    Movement Phases
    Very impressed with how mobile my skirmishers and dinos are. with javs they were very handy. could really mob individual birds with 3 units for shooting. his high movement meant that since as I couldn't retreat, I might as well get close and shoot.

    Slann never really did much. I was out of position but really S6 vs T3 really means that buffs or debuffs do little on my skinks. even the hand on a steggies WS could at best make it the same WS. magic missiles were bouncing off the budgies too.
    The bassie did little with magic as they were targeting the birds and I kept rolling the D6 S3 wounds result.

    I lost apotheosis and walk and received chain lightning and the death default spell. he stopped the chain lightning with Ld9 the death snipe did nothing.

    my shooting whittled away wounds but never killed anything until late in the game. Sandstorm made a lot of 5+ saves and it was killing me. a classic moment was a skink unit standing and shooting a budgie and killing it before it got to them. take that evil budgie!

    my giant bows did nothing the whole game, either missing or not wounding. even with hand of glory for BS.

    I was surprised at how long a bassie can hold up vs a heavy cav charge. as it was the cav were run down in the end when 10 skinks and another bassie came to its aid in the flank.
    Sharpened horns is a great leveller on an ancient steggie and pointed at a monster. In one phase I charged a chariot, obliterated that then over ran into a budgie. blew that up and over ran into a second budgie but couldn't kill it. I will point out that budgie number 2 was locked up with a bassie it couldn't kill.

    skinks did what skinks do and hid in forests to force dangerous terrain tests and get steadfast. they also made a few good parry saves. they are immune to fear! by this I mean they hit budgies on 5s anyway so theres no difference.

    I failed a few rolls by 1 which made me want to keep them closer to the slann but then they are only 60 or 70 point skink units... he had a bit of bad luck when his fleeing BSB from an ancient charge panicked his heavy cav off the table.

    In the end the result was the following left on the table. we called it a draw but one more turn may have swung it in my favour.

    I had:
    ancient steggie
    2 junior steggies
    2 bassies or 1, cant remember
    2 units of skink skirmishers

    he had:
    bsb on an eagle
    lords budgie so didn't get the lords points. this was locked up with the ancient and a bassie so anyones guess

    I really need to get a crown of stubborn in there on the slann. a flee by the slann bsb cost me dearly in points. I failed a ld test of 5 by 1 so he would have been ok otherwise. would have taken a draw to a major win.

    The great bow and blow pipes is more icing on the steggie cake and not a reliable anti monster fire platform. I need to remember my own rules as for 4 turns I forgot that the dinos all have skinks with javs plus could fight in the combat. doesn't seem like much but on the junior steggie or the bassie, the skinks have the same chance to hit and wound the budgie. ie S5 and S4 goes to S4 and S3 vs T6. I counted that in forgotten attacks that I gave up about 20 attacks.

    So far am happy with the result and will bring them to the party more often.
  2. harbinger334

    harbinger334 New Member

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    nice battle report ! i have never really tried fielding more than 1 steggie will have to try that
  3. Sleboda

    Sleboda Active Member

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    Thanks for the report. It's always nice when you think it's over before it starts and you end up doing ok!

    A couple of things:

    => There is no result on the Bastilladon that gives D6 S3 hits.

    => That's not possible. You only get one overrun move in any given phase with a particular unit, even if you kill the second unit.

    Also, what's a "budgie?"
  4. harbinger334

    harbinger334 New Member

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    the solar engine i think he means with the d6 s3 thingy
  5. Sleboda

    Sleboda Active Member

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    I know. that's what I figured too, but there is no result on the engine that is d6 s3.
  6. harbinger334

    harbinger334 New Member

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    d3 s3 isnt it? havent got my book on me :)
  7. Sleboda

    Sleboda Active Member

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    Yup. It's either D3 S3 or D6 S4. Not sure which was intended. Last night mine got D3 S3 twice and D26 S5 once. One day I'll get that 2D6 S6! :)
  8. harbinger334

    harbinger334 New Member

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    I so wish they hadnt made it a bound spell though in our local club everyone dispells it straight away :) its annoying so i never use it but 2d6 s6 with -1 to stats is buetiful (sorry im off topic) but yeah good battle report mate
  9. havik110

    havik110 New Member

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    i assume he is calling the phoenixes budgies...
    I actually like it...i one dice it, never 2 unless i need to get it off...the big deal is, if you 1 dice it and it goes off they need to decide if they are going to let it off or try to dispel it...if they dispel it and roll a 1 or a 2 that wizard can no longer dispel...if they use 2 dice, even better...
  10. Scalenex

    Scalenex Keeper of the Indexes Staff Member

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    That's a good reason to use it often. Since it's so cheap to cast your opponents will probably burn more dispel dice than you use power dice.
  11. rychek

    rychek Active Member

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    Very common nickname for the Frost Phoenix. Many people began referring to them as budgies when the pics leaked last year.
  12. Pinktaco

    Pinktaco Vessel of the Old Ones Staff Member

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    I got that last time I used it. Rolled sometihng as lame as snake eyes when determining how many attacks it would make. -.-

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