Greetings from Vegas! I played Warhammer many years ago and built a beautiful little Empire army, but soured greatly on the rules. Recently started on a 40K army for the 3rd time and a friend has convinced me to try WH again. After some thought, I considered Empire again, Bretonnians, Tomb Kings, and Vampire Counts, but decided that Lizardmen and their awesome dinosaurs would be they way to go. So here I am! (I am generally a historical miniatures gamer TBH) I have started a "small' collection of cold-blooded goodness and looking to expand to a "full" army. Currently, I have on hand: 40 Saurus w/ hand weapons 16 Saurus w/ spears 12 Skinks w/ javelins 12 Skinks w/ blowpipes 3 Kroxigor 16 Cold One Riders 2 Skink Priests 4 Scar Vets on foot 1 Old Blood on Cold One 2 Jungle Swarms I also have coming: a Battalion Box Stegadon Old Blood on Cold One Salamander Hoping to play first games in 8th ed, this month. We are starting small (trying to only play with fully painted figs), so need to ready 750 pts this month and 1000 pts by next month. My main opponent will be Dark Elves. Any suggestions on what to use / add? Thanks in advance. Pics to come as the force progresses.
Cold One riders come with snake sprues that can easily become virtually free swarms if glued to a 40 mm base so there's a few extra models. Unless you really like the Chameleon Skink models I'd recommend making Chamo Skinks out of regular Skinks and painting them differently, maybe some mild conversion work. Chameleon Skinks are fantastic at small points games. When you get the Bastiladon, I'd recommend you invest in some magnets so you can switch between the Solar Engine and Ark of Sotek fairly easily (though you won't be able to drape snakes on EVERYTHING). The LM vs. DE Tactica is here. For more great Tacticas, check out the link in my signature, it's my main contribution to this wonderful forum. If you are new to WHF and LM I'd suggest starting with the MVP links. We strive to maintain a friendly atmosphere on every forum. Our painting forum is especially friendly and welcomes contributions and pictures for all skill levels of painters. You can post items individually or start your own "Plog." If you like fluff we have a small but well written fluff section. I especially recommend the works of Spawning of Bob, though I am proud of my own work as well and Axolotyl is also a prolific writer who utilizes inspiration from his his roomates. I haven't played Dark Elves myself yet, but I played High Elves a lot. Your Salamander will be your best friend at the smaller points games and you'll probably want a second one real fast. I'm an old schooler and I paid the primo dinero to get the old OOP models because I really don't like the newer Sallies. You'll probably find the Bastiladon will be more helpful with the Ark of Sotek than with the Solar Engine against the three elf armies (but the Solar Engine is better against nearly everyone else). If your Cold Ones are not assembled yet, you probably want to kitbash them with your mounted characters. Regular Cold One Riders have bits for helmeted Cold Ones but mounted Scar Veterans/Old Bloods do not. You probably want to have your your mounted officers to have the best cavalry gear right?
Elvis is everywhere, Prof! He must be doing well considering how many of him there are! Thanks for the info Scalenex. So far of the troops I have on hand, the only ones I assembled myself were the 16 Saurus warriors with spears and one of the Skink priests. I got the Cold One Riders and the Old Blood off E-bay. Although the Old-Blood did get kit-bashed, so has the extras. A big chunk I received in a trade from a friend not wanting to play Lizzies and they will get put to good use here. So they were either assembled or need some repairs, changes. But no sprue bits came along. The things that are coming are from the friend who is playing Dark Elves, so not sure what is already built and what is not, but likely he has all the bits still. I am hoping to get a Bastilladon or two and will definitely magnetize and pin parts so it is interchangeable. Plans also for the Steg that way as well. Will keep in mind the recommendation about the Chameleons and Salamander. I will need a Slaan at some point and will go well with the Temple Guard from the Battalion Box. The Saurus will beef up the 16 man unit, although not sure I really need more cold one riders. The skinks will help fill out the cohort unti so they can take the 3 Kroxigors and the rest go to skirmishers, if there are any extra. I think the jungle swarm bases may be from the add-ons to the Cold Ones, so i will need to green stuff in some extra snakes and lizards to make them look as good as I want them. Bases will be marshy. I have my realistic water just waiting to finish a unit and try it out. I would like to post pics as I go on my painting log and have been looking through the painting forum at other's work. Seems like a good group here. Looking forward to learning more and being a part of the group!