Hello, hello!

Discussion in 'Introductions' started by T_Saurus, Jan 20, 2014.

  1. T_Saurus
    Cold One

    T_Saurus Member

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    This is going to act as a brief introduction to myself. I have been playing WHFB since Sept 2011. My first army was Skaven, since then I branched out to have Bretonnia, Wood Elves, Orcs and Goblins, Vampire Counts and...Lizardmen!

    I have been playing the Lizards for a while now and have amassed about 5000 points now. I haven't been much of a painter and been mostly playing with a close gaming group but I have recently branched out. I moved away for teacher's college and decided to take my LM with me over the other armies. Since that time I have taken part in a couple 3 game "tournaments" and random games.

    I have been spending more time converting and painting my LM lately and looking forward to sharing my experiences/painting with the forum.

    Outside of the hobby: I am a 24 year old from Ontario, Canada. Currently attending teachers college. I have a BSc Honours Chemistry with a minor in Biology.

    In the past I mostly enjoyed playing/collecting and less painting/modeling but that seems to be changing. I am still an avid player and love to crunch numbers before my battles and examining probabilities.

    That's enough for now I think,


  2. Ondjage

    Ondjage Member

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    5000 points O_O

    Welcome to the forum :D
  3. Scalenex

    Scalenex Keeper of the Indexes Staff Member

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    If you like crunching numbers, you should check out this thread. It is but one of many awesome threads in the Tactica Index.

    5000 points is impressive considering you have so many other armies.

    If you ever get to painting your collection, our painting forum is very friendly and is good at offering constructive advice or inspiring you by looking at the works of masters.

    Well basically everything in Lustria is good. You should look into getting a custom avatar too.
  4. Overlord of Serpents
    Cold One

    Overlord of Serpents Active Member

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    5000 points?! Jeez, I've been playing for 14 years and I think I've MAYBE collected 8000 points...of just Lizardmen. Anywho, always glad to welcome such an awesome Warhammer Fantasy enthusiast to the forums! Can't wait to hear all the great ideas and advice you can offer others on those other armies!

    -Overlord of Serpents

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