8th Ed. My Lizardmen first battle against Dark Elves (750 pts)

Discussion in 'Battle Reports' started by Cipactli of Tlanextl, Jan 23, 2014.

  1. Cipactli of Tlanextl

    Cipactli of Tlanextl New Member

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    We finally put some troops on the table to try and learn the new rules (haven't played WH since 1996). My opponent is in the same situation as a new player. We're starting small at 750 pts this month and moving up to 1000 in February (although may jump to 1500 if possible).

    Lizardmen of Temple Tlanextl -
    Lvl 2 Skink Priest (with MR2)
    ScarVet on Cold One (-1 to hit and Regen6)

    15 Saurus with spears and full command
    24 Skinks + 3 Kroxigor

    Dark Elf Maurauders (not sure of exact make-up)
    Lvl2 Sorceress
    5 Warlocks mounted
    1 Bolt Thrower
    1 unit of spearmen (around 10 w/ full command)
    1 unit of halberiers (around 10 with full command)

    As we were not completely sure of the rules and the relative abilities of our troops, was good to have a marshall watching the struggle.

    As the armies trotted towards each other, the warlocks moved up and blasted a skink. They returned the favor and killed a warlock with javs. The bolt thrower miseed wounding my hero Scarvet and I would then dutifully add him to the Saurus unit. The first magic phase was unimpressive. My spells were dispelled and the Sorceress' vortex misfired and killed one of her own troops!

    I charged my Skinks and Krox at his Warlocks and they ran away, so redirected them to his spearmen. Lost a few Skinks in the initial hit. My Skinks hit much better than they should have and my Krox did worse, but we forgot they had great weapons, so maybe would have been more effective. We tied and his banner gave him the win. Failed the Leadership test and my guys turned and fled a whopping 3"! Pursuit roll - 2! LOL.

    I did get off a Chain lightning before that that caused some wounds to both blocks. My Priest would get another off the next round with irresistible force and managed to fry his own brain in the process, eliminating my spellcasting.

    But of course the Spearmen charged them and slaughtered the fleeing reptiles, to my eternal sadness. His boltthrower continued to fail to hit or wound.

    Eventually his nasty halberdiers and Sorceress charged my Saurus and the ScarVet. Again a bad bit of attack rolling and my Scarvet did not kill his unit champion, but also regened his wound he took. The units locked in place, with the spearmen threatening to hit the Saurus in the flank. But I had moved up far enough to avoid them when they chased down the Skinks.

    He keep augmenting his halberdiers to make them stronger and also hex my Saurus to make them weaker, but we held the first turn, then the Scarvet killed the Champion and we managed to drive the elves back. The next contact wiped them out and the Saurus turned to face the spearmen. Meanwhile the Warlocks were not having much luck with their casting. They too had a miscast and killed two more of themselves in the process, leaving just 2.

    The last combat was not a close fight. My Skink Priest took the challenge (he managed to tie up my Scarvet the last time quite well), and dutifully sacrificed himself so the Hero could hack the Spearmen. He killed 3, mount killed another and the remaining Saurus wiped out the Spearmen to a man.

    This left two warlocks an a bolt thrower and the Dark Elves retired.

    We missed a few things. I forgot Predatory Fighter a few times. I also should not have charged the Skinks and Krox so soon, but wanted to see how they did for future reference. Forgot their Great Weapons, so could have been better.

    All in all, it was fun and looking forward to the next skirmish against those pointy eared gits.

    (My Kroxigor are almost complete in the paint department, and one Skink priest and a few Scarvets done, but need to get painting!)
  2. Eladimir

    Eladimir New Member

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    Grats on your first updated game. Get em next time. The Dark Elves are a pretty damn good army at the moment.
  3. Cipactli of Tlanextl

    Cipactli of Tlanextl New Member

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    Thanks! Maybe it was not clear, but we won. ;)
  4. Cipactli of Tlanextl

    Cipactli of Tlanextl New Member

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    Just realized my list was not exactly legal. Too many pts in Hero section. :(

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