8th Ed. The Tactics Forum for Tactics?

Discussion in 'Lizardmen Tactics' started by Lawot, Jan 23, 2014.

  1. Lawot

    Lawot Active Member

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    My dear fellow denizens of Lustria Online,
    It seems to me like an unusual number of threads in the Tactics Forum have become focused on debates over the interpretation and application of specific rules. It seems like this has increased in the last six months or so - or am I imagining it? If I am, then by all means ignore what I have to say here...

    ...but if not, then may I suggest that such disagreements, once they arise, get moved to a new thread in the Rules forum? There is some excellent legal thinking going on here, and I find it helpful for clarifying the finer points of the rules, but I think the Rules forum is the proper place for that. When I come to the Tactics forum, I want advice on the use of our units, and stories of gaming experiences.

    And, if I may go a step farther, one of the wonderful things about this forum is its remarkable friendliness and welcoming attitude. I have seen members post questions that make me wonder whether they have ever read the rulebook, and yet those who respond have patiently and kindly explained to them what they were missing. There has been an attitude that "no question is too stupid" - at least not too stupid for a courteous and helpful answer - and when there has been a strong disagreement, members have respectfully summed up both views ("some play it this way, others play it that way") and allowed the reader to decide which is more convincing. It would be disappointing if Lustria Online lost this atmosphere of encouragement and friendliness that drew many of us into it to begin with, and it is similarly unfortunate to find pages of Tactics threads filled with back-and-forth debates over issues that are not tactical in nature.
  2. Qupakoco
    Skink Chief

    Qupakoco Keeper of the Dice Staff Member

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    Forum names are more like guidelines... jk, jk.

    Yeah, it's hard not to derail with the new book being out and no FAQ to go off. I think most members are able to read past the mumbo jumbo bickering and pick out the tactics involved. Plus sometimes a tactic is based on an obscure rule, right? I can envision lots of those with Predatory Fighter.

    Agreed though, if we can keep rule talk in the rule section, it's better for everyone. If rule talk comes up in the Tactics area, let's try to keep it on topic of the tactic in question.
  3. Scalenex

    Scalenex Keeper of the Indexes Staff Member

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    I agree with your OP. We had a recent hiccup of some negative attitude forum traffic but I think the storm has passed and we went back to normal. I am pleased with the positive attitudes we maintain on this forum. More positive than the other army forums I visit, though oddly Skaven are a close second. Who would have though the vermin are congenial....
  4. n810

    n810 First Spawning

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    Psshh.... :rolleyes:

    Next I supose you will want topic title to have something
    in common with their content. :D
  5. Prof

    Prof Member

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    ha this made me laugh!

    initial post - this was like a jerry Maguire mission statement, and we are all up applauding and cheering!

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