Icebloods... My Lizardmen PLOG

Discussion in 'Painting and Converting' started by APhilmon, Oct 10, 2012.

  1. APhilmon
    Cold One

    APhilmon New Member

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    Thanks, it definitely gave me some ideas! I am just waiting for my other supplies to arrive in the mail and I will get to cracking!
  2. APhilmon
    Cold One

    APhilmon New Member

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    Got my bitz and tools in, and so I started on something.

  3. Haemoglobin

    Haemoglobin 9th Age Army Support

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    That thing looks nasty! I need to get me some of those Carno rider bits. Where did you order them from?
  4. APhilmon
    Cold One

    APhilmon New Member

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    I went on e-bay and looked for the bits. Typically, if I had an interest in the Troglodon, I would have ordered the kit and just used the Old Blood/Scar-Vet that came in the box. But since I have no interest in that, I did some looking. It was a bit pricey, but I also ordered several other bits while I was on there. I also ordered the Dark Elf Cold One x 2, Teradon rocks, and a bunch of other stuff, including the Priest/Chief bits for the Troglodon so I could construct a second Priest.

    In any case, I didn't think to make sure I was getting cav bases so I could assemble the Cold One properly. Oh well. Will just work on everything and leave them partially unassembled. It will have to await completion for when I get home.
  5. Gorgosaurus

    Gorgosaurus New Member

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    I cannot believe I have not seen this before. this is one of the best planting blogs I have seen with not to much converting. More Sally Ones/Razy Ones!
  6. APhilmon
    Cold One

    APhilmon New Member

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    Wow thanks, ya this whole PLOG was a lesson on simplicity and quickly putting together and painting a decently painted army. It was fast. But having been gone for over 6 months now, it was disappearing. But once I get home I will be painting and putting stuff together all over again.

    Glad you like it.
  7. Gorgosaurus

    Gorgosaurus New Member

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    Can't wait for more!
  8. APhilmon
    Cold One

    APhilmon New Member

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    I am back home, started on the Old Blood on Cold One. Here is he so far:

    Throwing a little paint on sometime today, will probably have him one before the end of this month, I hope... A small tourney is coming at the end of this month, and I would like to field this guy, based and at least 90% painted.
  9. APhilmon
    Cold One

    APhilmon New Member

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    He is not done, this was about an hour of painting. Nothing crazy, just some base colors. Obviously there is plenty not done, like the trappings and accessories. But the basics are there. Basing is of course yet to be totally completed.

    BTW, still following the theme from before, minus the fact this guy is armored with a lot of Amethyst colored armor. He still wields ice-formed weapons and maybe a few other things. The Cold-One is a simplistic conversion, nothing too serious. Like my full intent I stated at the very beginning of creating this army, I just wanted to something simple and that looks decent from two feet away on the table!
  10. Zwuppie

    Zwuppie Member

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    It looks great! What model did you used for your Cold One? I like that one! Maybe some different colours between the saurus and the coldone? It looks maybe a bit to straight
  11. APhilmon
    Cold One

    APhilmon New Member

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    It is a dark elf cold one with a crest from the carno rider converted to fit his head. The thing is, the rider and cold one are two different colors already, just hard to tell. Let me see what I can come up with in the next few days. Glad you like him so far. I tend to stick with a limited palette in this army as you can tell from previous pics of models completed.
  12. sillyduck123

    sillyduck123 Member

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    Its.... beautiful
  13. APhilmon
    Cold One

    APhilmon New Member

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    Hey thanks, sorry so late, been real busy with life you know?

    On the other hand, I have been super busy with some other things as well:

    Scar Vet on a Cold One... Can be a BSB if I want, or a Standard Bearer in a Cold one Unit. But he is a happy camper right now.

    Kroxigors, altered poses a little with the arms. Far left is just a mish mash of some other pieces to give him a more unique appearance. I have one more to put together, then I will have a unit of 4 to field in a 2x2 formation.

    Bastiladon, notice the backward swept elongated plate instead of forward facing like on GWs showing of their Ark of Sotek Bastiladon. Anyway, yeah, I needed a pewpew laser dino.

    That is a part of a WIP 40-strong Saurus with HW/S unit. In the back is a portal as a 4-Saurus unit filler. The gateway the Slann use to move their armies throughout the world in their efforts to cleanse the world and restore it back to the plans of the Old Ones.

    So, I have been a busy bee, I just figure a large update is a way to go to announce my return to the forum with my simplistic/low intensity painting method, and speed driven technique haha
  14. APhilmon
    Cold One

    APhilmon New Member

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    What I am looking to field soon:

    -General, BSB
    -Channeling Staff
    -Wandering Deliberation
    -Harmonic Convergence
    *Just two dicing spells everywhere, should generate decent dice during the Magic Phase. With Bastiladon and a Skink Priest I have options.

    Scar Vet
    -Cold One
    -Great Weapon
    -Armor of Destiny
    *Fun times, survivable, to a point. Can totally decimate chaff and smaller heavy cavalry units.

    Scar Vet
    -Cold One
    -Great Weapon, Light Armor
    -Charmed Shield
    -Opal Amulet

    Skink Priest
    -Dispel Scroll
    -Lore of Beast
    -Lvl 1
    *Looking for Wyssan's, simple enough. Have the cube to stop magic spells that I hate. Keeping nearby to give the Saurus a decent chance to not purse people's when I do not want them to..

    30 x Saurus
    -Full Command
    *Scary enough as is, throw a Wyssan's and people will avoid him, unless we are already locked in combat.

    30 x Saurus
    -Full Command
    *Scary enough as is, throw a Wyssan's and people will avoid him, unless we are already locked in combat.

    10 x Skinks Skirmishers
    -Javelins and Shields
    *A possible skink priest/Slann bunker, good for redirecting and such.

    10 x Skinks Skirmishers
    -Javelins and Shields
    *A possible skink priest/Slann bunker, good for redirecting and such.

    Ancient Stegadon
    -Sharpened Horns
    -Unstoppable Stampede
    *Oh you know, good old cannon fodder, but nasty. Looking for Monstrous infantry or creatures. Multi-wound stuff is the target, not sure if he can make it.

    -Solar Engine
    *Target saturation, plus a good way to get a very nice bound spell to draw dice. Initiative boost, pretty useless except for with skinks with the units I have. But he should do well to hold a flank, makes me a little less concerned about being flanked/rear charged.

    4 x Kroxigors
    *S7 Monstrous Infantry, with a decent movement... Yes please. Although they can die relatively easily if not properly placed, they can give me a strong support attack base, looking at fielding them 2-wide, in a 2x2 formation to get 12 S7 and 2 S5(stomp) attacks, unless they get whittled down/cut down.

    6 x Chameleon Skinks
    *Throw in someone's face against war machines and lightly armored chaff. Or maybe even low AS monsters. Definitely great for throwing a wrench into someone's plan.

    -Extra Handlers
    *Horde killers, flank holders... Wait, these guys don't cause panic anymore when they do a wound? Or is that somewhere else?

    -Extra Handlers
    *Horde killers, flank holders... Wait, these guys don't cause panic anymore when they do a wound? Or is that somewhere else?
  15. Hojdar
    Cold One

    Hojdar Active Member

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    Dang, those are some nice conversions. Especially that unit filler portal looks bloody awesome!
  16. APhilmon
    Cold One

    APhilmon New Member

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    Glad you like, I will get some better pics tomorrow maybe. A bit busy and all. That portal was in my head for over a year, finally got the bit together and put it into play! :smug:

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