8th Ed. 2500 point list for Lonewolf Grant Tournament- Come chat!

Discussion in 'Lizardmen Army Lists' started by Overlord of Serpents, Jan 26, 2014.

  1. Overlord of Serpents
    Cold One

    Overlord of Serpents Active Member

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    Hey folks, so I have decided to finally go to my first major tournament and I'm running in the Lonewolf GT coming up here in March and I've finally settled on a list but I am looking for thoughts and ideas from the Lustria-Online community. So I'll explain my list a bit and then dive into it.

    So first and foremost I need to say I really am trying hard this tournament to run a list that is unique, competitive, and fun to fight. Also tried forming it so it won't be totally obliterated against SAD armies and heavy magic forces like WoC or Dark Elves. Also the lists submitted at this tournament are scored using the Swedish Comp system so keeping that in mind I did my best to make list that stayed rather high.

    So in light of this I'm ultimately trying to avoid using a Slann unless I can find a way to field him without TG, which I'm not overly fond of. I also have a beautiful Carnosaur model that is my baby and MUST have him with me, he's my good luck charm.

    On to the list!

    Saurus Oldblood- Armor of Destiny, Dawnstone, Sword of Might, Ironcurse Icon, Shield; Carnosaur with Bloodroar and Loping Stride.

    Saurus Scar-Veteran- Battle-Standard Bearer, Armor of Fortune, Dragonbane Gem, Great Weapon; Cold One.

    Skink Priest- Level 2, Dispel Scroll. Lore of Beasts

    Skink Priest- Level 2, Cube of Darkness. Lore of Beasts

    Saurus Warriors- x25, Full Command, Spears (Will probably change this to hand weapons)

    Skink/Kroxigors- x16 Skinks, Musician, Standard Bearer, x2 Kroxigors.

    Skink Skirmishers- x10, Blowpipes

    Skink Cohorts- x10 50

    Ripperdactyl Riders- x3

    Bastiladon- Solar Engine

    Bastiladon- Solar Engine

    Chameleon Skinks- x5

    Salamanders- x2

    Ancient Stegadon- Engine of the Gods, Sharpened Horns.

    This list comes out to be I believe exactly 2500 points. It also scores a 14.9 on the Comp Score which is quite nice.

    So there's my least, it's done well for me in a few play tests. I've found the list gives me a surprising amount of firepower in the magic phase if I can get 7+ power dice thanks to the Bastiladons and Steggy. The Carno Lord has proven himself on TONS of occasions, eating Giants, Hellcannons, Pheonixs, etc. Overall the list seems well equipped to kill most monsters easily and my army comes with some nice fast-paced skirmishers and scouts to kill war machines and disrupt gun lines.

    Overall I'd say my biggest fear would be armies bringing more than one cannon to the table and armies that can generate lots of magic to great effect like the Tomb Kings. I also am a little afraid of Regeneration because I can only deal with it in the shooting and magic phases, but anything with high toughness that shuts down my magic phase could cause problems.


    -Overlord of Serpents
  2. The Hunted

    The Hunted Active Member

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    Re: 2500 point list for Lonewolf Grant Tournament- Come chat

    Welcome to the forum!

    I think overall your list looks very solid. You like the Carnosaur lord, which is always fun. You also manage to keep him alive, which is just as important.

    I don't like the 2nd Bastiladon you have in there. I don't think it adds much to the board. It sure boosts your magic phase, but a single 'Don would to that too. I like the bastiladon as a support beast, but I consider it almost to be a slow chariot. The EotG and Bastiladon + your 2 priests should suffice.

    Another unit of skirmishers never really hurts anybody, so that's something I would look at. It can bunker your priests, as well as annoy the heck out of your opponent.

    Skroxigor never really have gotten to me. Though they can surely be effective; how do you plan on using them?

    Do your salamanders have an extra handler for midnight-snacks? I like the added security that if the Salamanders misfires, it cannot eat all the handlers.

    Just my personal preference; a 6th chameleon skink. If you charge a war machine you'd want 6 guys fighting instead of 5. Certainly with skinks: every body matters. (only charge if you MUST stop a cannon from shooting next round, and shooting is just too..dicy)

    Once again, I like your list. It has a solid mix of units, hard-hitting and support. The points I make are just some things to think twice about (maybe ;)).
    Whatever the case: good luck!

    The Hunted
  3. Overlord of Serpents
    Cold One

    Overlord of Serpents Active Member

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    Re: 2500 point list for Lonewolf Grant Tournament- Come chat

    So my idea for having the double Bastiladon is I enjoy having both of them because I think one of them is too unreliable to be firing off beams of sunfire which I'll be relying on to kill aboms and other such nasties. I could justify taking one out for a unit of terradons but ultimately I fear I'd be in trouble against list running more than one chimera, or abomination, or whatever.

    As for the Skrox's, I'm still kinda trying to get into the swing of using them effectively. Right now their more for claiming objectives quickly and possibly putting up a fight. I love them against typical Core units, I've had them just walk all over High Elf lothern Sea Guard and even beat the odd Chaos warrior block with some luck. I really prefer to start a charge with a Bastiladon and have the Skrox come in on the flank and cleave some heads. Also I think they're great for absorbing fire by deploying on the flank and rushing for the enemy backline, forcing my opponent to ignore the saurus and deal with them or I'll eat all of his chaff and war machines without endangering my dinos.

    I'll think about the idea for the extra handler and chameleon. Really wish I could field 8 chameleons, but the points would have to come from my characters so it's difficult. I could drop the Dragonbane Gem and Ironcurse Icon, maybe also the Oldblood's. That would give me the needed points I believe. But that weakens some important defenses.
  4. Putzfrau

    Putzfrau Well-Known Member

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    Re: 2500 point list for Lonewolf Grant Tournament- Come chat

    slann can be easily fielded without a TG.

    Most top level competitive builds leave out the TG entirely.

    with that said, list looks good. i question the 5 chameleon skinks tho. 5 wont be enough to kill anything in one round of shooting after which they will almost guaranteed die from shooting or panic.

    its points you're almost guaranteed to lose every game and they likely wont pack much of a punch before you're packing them away again.

    chameleon skinks should be fielded in 2 units of 5 or 6 or 1 unit of 8 or 9. that way you should, on average, do enough wounds to kill your standard war machine in one round.
  5. Overlord of Serpents
    Cold One

    Overlord of Serpents Active Member

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    I certainly see and honestly agree with the point you're making. For me the issue is where to take points away from. I suppose I could drop a salamander and put those points into the chameleons. Bringing them up to 9 would leave me with a small amount of points to maybe fiddle around with giving some more skinks to a unit or some protection to a priest perhaps.

    Any suggestions?
  6. Putzfrau

    Putzfrau Well-Known Member

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    Re: 2500 point list for Lonewolf Grant Tournament- Come chat

    honestly i'm probably the wrong person to ask cause i think rippers are borderline useless... so my answer would be rippers :D

    some love them tho so /shrug. if you can't find room for more, drop them and add the points to something else. maybe beef the ripper unit up to 5 models if you have the points.

    also your old blood is wasting points. currently you're sitting at 1 up armor save without including the shield (4+ natural, 3+ with mount, 1+ with heavy armor). i'd drop the magical weapon and shield and throw a great weapon on him. it'll be more effective and save you points.
  7. Overlord of Serpents
    Cold One

    Overlord of Serpents Active Member

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    I'll have to test the oldblood changes. Honestly I prefer him to strike earlier to kill potential threats to the carnosaur before it gets crushed. Also the shield build allows him to keep his 1+ save if the carno is blown out from under him by a cannon ball. But I'll definitely give the GW build some thoughts.

    As for Ripperdactyls, I fell in love with them after they saved me in a game with an absolutely CRUSHING flank charge against a warriors of chaos deathstar that broke them and gave me the victory in an extremely hard game. The toad rage pretty much guarantees that that target is gonna get shredded. Also they're excellent for eating war machine crews or chaff units.
  8. Putzfrau

    Putzfrau Well-Known Member

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    ah gotcha. i usually just go great weapon on my heroes/lords because they have such crappy int anyways, i feel like they should be striking last most of the time regardless.
  9. Silverbolt
    Temple Guard

    Silverbolt Active Member

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    Agree on boosting the chameleons. Aside from war machine hunting, they can also take out lightly armored monsters very well. With their BS and movement, you can usually multishot and still hit on 5+. I know most people only care about the poison 6s, but I've had several games where those extra hits from the 5s made it through and made a difference. Strongly agree on boosting them to 6 in the unit, 8 or 9 even better.

    I would be worried about Skrox at a major tournament. It seems to be pretty well known now that the Krox can be targeted now in 8th Ed. I would assume your competitors at a major tournament running Swedish would be aware of this change from the 7th Ed book. They might make it to combat, I just don't know if they'd every get to swing.

    If you could grab another Ripper for your unit, I think you'd really enjoy the extra wounds. You've got some great targets for magic/shooting with all the monsters, but if someone hates them as much as you love them, they might get shot at first round to protect the toaded unit, particularly in some of the shootier armies.
  10. Iggy Koopa
    Chameleon Skink

    Iggy Koopa New Member

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    Re: 2500 point list for Lonewolf Grant Tournament- Come chat

    Welcome to the forums! I was going to the Lonewolf GT also, but opted for the Slobberknocker GT here in Oklahoma City. These guys are trying to get things going down here so I thought I'd support them... It's on the same weekend so I had to make a choice. Good luck, either way.

    I like the list because I like the Carnosaur Lord. However, I HATE Skrox units... I think they're not good at all and can easily be substituted with more Saurus. Saurus are the staple of our army and are very hardy soldiers. I would consider replacing the Skrox and Cohort units with a big unit of Saurus Warriors.

    Also, the EOTG simply isn't as effective in this book as it was in the last book. It costs the same and being able to take it without a Skink Priest is cool, but what it does isn't worth the points cost for it. Plus, now you have to save a power die to do the Burning Alignemtn... I've taken it out of my list completely... I understand the 2 Bastilodon thing, but think 1 is better suited.

    In all, more Saurus!!! Good luck and wish I was going so that we could meet up. If you're interested in the Slobberknocker GT they are going to be running frequent events (visit my blog). Hope to read your results here on the forums. Thanks and good luck again!
  11. Furgil
    Jungle Swarm

    Furgil New Member

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    Re: 2500 point list for Lonewolf Grant Tournament- Come chat

    I suggest you read the rules more closely for the Lone wolf GT. They don't use Swedish Comp. What confused you was the words "Swiss System" regarding pairings; meaning they match equal battle points players together.

    You don't have to worry about composition except where it might cause people to give you bad sportsmanship scores.

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