Slann-mage and templeguards with full command Skink cohort kroxigor and full command skink cohort and kroxigor saurus warriors full command and unit filler that is a stegadons head in a blood pool Stegadon Old carnosaur model with chains and a vet/ oldblood modified great weapon 50%of my whole army I started 2 years ago and this is some of what I got. I hope you like it and get some ideas. Im saveing money to do some swamp bases for my army
Looks like a great army! I would love to see some close-ups of your converted models like the Carnosaur character! -Overlord of Serpents
If I see that correctly, I believe that you may need some more skinks in those skrox units of yours. I only count 8 skinks + 1 Kroxigor, and a minimum unit size is ten skinks. But otherwise, nice painting!
2 skink are standing on 2 bases its a kind of unit filler. so it is 10 skinks and one kroxigor . Thx for the honest reply you 2
Looking good. I think what he was trying to say was that a unit that is 4 wide, does not benefit from any rank bonuses because the unit is not wide enough. Again, looking good.
Of course I know that you dont get rank bonuses but its a good fast unit running in to the flanks or if you stand in a marshland or river you can claim rank bonuses and be steadfast thx for the compliment If you want to see my converts and and other stuff