8th Ed. Skink chief build

Discussion in 'Lizardmen Discussion' started by Rollcage8, Jan 14, 2014.

  1. Professor_Skink

    Professor_Skink New Member

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    I didn't know it was like that thanks for the clarification. I wouldn't want to run into a problem like this at a tournament thanks for the heads up. If you can't tell I'm new to using skink chiefs, again thanks for the info
  2. monders

    monders New Member

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    It is weird isn't?!

    So does this mean that I can't have 3 skink chiefs in a unit of 3?! Or does the rule just mean that a flying cav chief can't join a flying cav unit?!
  3. VampTeddy

    VampTeddy Active Member

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    It means that a hero can never join a flying unit.

    Now a skink hero on Terradon IS a flying unit, hence a unit of 3 skinks chiefs, let alone 2, are impossible, because you are joining a flying unit.
  4. monders

    monders New Member

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    I was flicking through the BRB over the weekend, and the character section says something along the lines of "...not unusual for ICs to band together in to small units made up entirely of ICs..." which made me think "Ahhh, 3 skink chiefs on Rippers, fully tooled up, as one unit of three!" but then it says, of course, that characters on flying creatures can't join flying units.

    Then my brain melted and I wished I was going to be playing at a Bloodbowl tourney instead.

    Ah well, three independent chiefs, tooled up, tearing around causing headaches is fine for me. I don't expect I'll be very competitive but then again, I never have been!
  5. Scalenex

    Scalenex Keeper of the Indexes Staff Member

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    I just wish Ripper Chiefs came with blot toads.
  6. monders

    monders New Member

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    Oh yeah, good point. Pfffft, good job I just don't have the spare points for three ripper mounted bad assed chiefs!
  7. Man0waR

    Man0waR Member

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    Skink chieftain = 44 points
    - Javelin
    - Additional Hand weapon
    WS4 - BS5 - S4 - 4 attacks - Initiative 6

    You can spam them. Can join skrimisher units to run an elite commando.
  8. hdctambien

    hdctambien Active Member

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    You can't take both an additional hand weapon and a javelin on a Skink Chief ... but I do think Skink Chiefs are currently under utilized by the Lizardman community. I wonder if they are worth the investment to get some extra punch in Skink Jav units (a few S4 poison shots could come in handy against 5+/6+ armored units)
  9. The Hunted

    The Hunted Active Member

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    Against 5/6+ armored units, regular javelins and/or blowpipes are sufficient. Lightly armoured enemies aren't the problem for Lizardmen IMO, it's the high armour that only Scar-Vets can really deal with. The chief will throw a few javelins, but will that make the difference? Unlikely.

    Putting a chief on foot with a skirmisher unit wouldn't add much use. When is the chief going to shine? In what matchups is he actually usefull? Too few, in my book. Versus fast cavalry and hounds maybe, but you can javelin them up pretty good anyways.

    But against anything else, the skinks will get crushed; the chief might slip a wound through and then flee for his life because the skinks around him are evaporated.

    Chiefs are good when they have high mobility, so they can get in and out of trouble fast.

    At least, that's my point of view.

    The Hunted
  10. Man0waR

    Man0waR Member

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    I would like to see what rule forbid being able to get a ranged weapon and a melee weapon.

    There are some units that has both special rules weapons like High elf seaguards with lance and bows.

    Skink chieftain are usefull you just have to find what he can do for you.

    Skink chieftain. is such a small base that can squeeze into enemy blocks preventing them for wheeling, reform and any kind of movement harassment. Is fun when a Hellpit Abomination can't wheel to face your units.

    Or your stomping flank of dinos are advancing or your lone skink hero is just so near of the target enemy unit that they have no room to turn and have to keep their flank exposed.

    2 Skink chieftains serve as equal as Giant Eagle from HE. but they have the benefit to be bunkered until the time come to do the cheap trick and annoy without being harmed before.

    I usually run out of Lord Points. So i can fit ome skink chiefs between my Scarvet and Skink priest.

    Try to find the use for those pesky heroes !
  11. The Hunted

    The Hunted Active Member

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    Page 88, Lizardmen army book, Skink chief under Options:
    "May be armed with one of the following"

    Chiefs on foot are nowhere near the usefullness of great eagles/flying chiefs. Quite simply because eagles can fly. Yes they can be targeted, but if they target your eagle; who cares? It's only an eagle/flying chief. Bunkering chiefs untill the last second seems 'meh' to me.

    The added manoeuvrability flying gives you is just so valuable. That's why I think skinks on a terradon/ripper are better than one on foot. The flying hero can do all the things you just mentioned and he can get there faster and hunt war macines/mages/hold up chariots/charge fast cav/charge skirmishers/charge down fleeing units.

    Chiefs on foot are dirt cheap, so you can have multiple doing the things you mentioned. Multiple chiefs can work in the way you described, I just prefer mine to fly high.

    The Hunted
  12. Man0waR

    Man0waR Member

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    Thanks for clarify the rule :)

    Im used to do my list with army builder and it allows me to get both options.

    Obviously flying is better, But in terms of redirecting a lone naked skink chief is always better to risk than a entire skirmish unit.

    While the mounted chief must get magic items in order to make him viable. Once you spend 30 points or more in a mount, you want that model to at least achieve one of his many roles and dont die to S3 or S4 shooting.

    All the flying chiefs I play cost near 110 points. This are 2 chiefs lightly tooled up, that can be bunkered and be able to fulfill their role. For example a Skrox unit with one chief with cheap magic weapon can take out ethereals without being sniped. You can get 2 of them fairly cheap for this purpose while your main combat heroes can still have your favourite build. (This is the example I have in mind right now)

    They are not useless. Just saurus hero/lord are some of the best options in WH for their points/stat cost.

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