New to Fantasy, have always loved the Lizardmen.

Discussion in 'Introductions' started by pbenner, Jan 28, 2014.

  1. pbenner

    pbenner New Member

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    Hi guys,

    My name is Paul, and I'm a plastic crack addict...

    Now that that's out of the way;

    I've been interested in Fantasy Lizardmen for something akin to 15 years, since well before I was old enough to really afford this hobby. I've owned and sold a bunch of different lizardmen over the years, but I think I'm finally going to take the plunge;

    Presently I own NOTHING lizardmen related, other than a 6th edition army book (I know, right?)


    I presently do a lot of work in the local wargaming community, organizing and helping players with large portions of the hobbiest aspect of the game. I personally find myself as more of a painter and modeler than a player, but I would like to get going into Fantasy. I have a push from a local guy who is wanting to get more Fantasy going in this part of the world.

    The draws to the army for me have always been the Carnosaur; and to be honest, I would like this model to be a large piece of what I end up with for my army. I don't know exactly where to start, but I am currently trying to hunt down a metal Kroq'Gar to use as the centerpiece for my force.

    I'll be picking up a codex tonight on my way home; I'm not even really sure where to begin other than picking up some Saurus, maybe some skinks.

    The units that draw me are;

    Carnosaur (Obviously)


    Not sure what else is in there...

    So, all said and done; where does one's city begin? I've been told that 600 points is a good starting point. I am assuming an Old Blood on foot with some Saurus and skinks is a good start?

  2. The Hunted

    The Hunted Active Member

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    Welcome to Lustria-Online!

    A long admirer of the Lizardmen who is taking the plunge, sweet. I'm sure we'll have what you need on this part of the internet.
    I'm more of a player myself, not really into the hobby aspect that much: only to admire other peoples' work and devotion. Something I should be doing at your work, it seems :)

    The Carnosaur is an amazing centerpiece for any army, it is the biggest and baddest Dinosaur we have.

    As far as your future expenses go:
    You can never go wrong with skinks. No really, you can't.
    Saurus are also a rock-solid unit to purchase.

    Going from a list that has some amount of skinks and (at least) 1 unit of saurus; you should be set. Anything goes from there on out, IMHO. Monster mash, skink cloud, saurus name it.

    Anyways, hope you have fun and feel free to ask any questions you might have!

    The Hunted
  3. pbenner

    pbenner New Member

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    Thanks for the warm wishes. At the moment I'm not 100% sure where I am starting, but obviously it will be somewhere. Even if I end up only collecting and painting the models, it should be a really good thing all said and done.

    Right now, my main question is this (and I know it comes down to opinion)

    What should my first Lord be? Should it be a generic Old Blood, or should I look into a named character? I would like something that will serve well for the long term, and have no problems picking up something that would be good.

    I'm going to borrow a friends BRB soon, so that should be good.

    Gor Rok looks awesome, as does the named Temple Guard. Not sure what i am going to go with though.

    Any pointers are great. I suspect as soon as I have an army list I am okay with, I'll have it fully painted/based/etc...


  4. hdctambien

    hdctambien Active Member

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    I think Gor Rok is the only Saurus Special Character that people 'round here like (effectiveness/cost wise), but you're probably better off kitting out your own Old Blood for your General.

    Maybe put him on a cold one, maybe put him on a Carnosaur (if you put him in a Carnosaur, be sure to bring an "on foot" model to represent him when the Carnosaur inevitably gets killed out from under him)
  5. The Hunted

    The Hunted Active Member

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    Personally I don't like special characters at all. They are often way too expensive, or have crazy rules.

    That being said: Build your own Oldblood, give him a name and let him tear up your enemies on the battlefield. That will give much more satisfaction! Your enemies will actually fear him, without the need of special rules (and a high points cost)

    My old-blood has accounted for many many elves, humans, rats and other enemies...And is rightfully feared! :D

    And hdctambien is right; probably the best way of using an old-blood is on a cold one. But the most fun has to be on a carnosaur. The carny also makes a great centerpiece. Do try and bring a foot model, as the carnosaur sadly has a tendency to die a lot.

    I'm sure I will see a list pop up at the Army List section ;), good luck on finding your leader!

    The Hunted
  6. Overlord of Serpents
    Cold One

    Overlord of Serpents Active Member

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    Welcome to the website! I personally love the Carnosaur, it's never failed me in a game! That thing can just absolutely rip people limb from limb.

    For your core definitely build up some saurus blocks with units of skinks skirmishing around, it's a solid beginning.

    -Overlord of Serpents
  7. Scalenex

    Scalenex Keeper of the Indexes Staff Member

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    Welcome to the forum. If you are painter, the painting forum would gladly host your pictures. We welcome all skill levels from beginner to Skinkcasso.

    To get a good general grounding in Lizardmen tactics I'd recommend giving the Tactica index a looksy starting with the general overview and the 8th ed Lizardmen handbook.

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