
Discussion in 'Painting and Converting' started by The Hunted, Jan 29, 2014.

  1. The Hunted

    The Hunted Active Member

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    Hello all!

    I have got a question for all experienced painters, hobbyists and other enthousiasts :). Even though I am mostly in the hobby for the gaming aspect of it, I do enjoy a nice army on the battlefield. Nice is ofcourse relative, as my army is pretty mediocre at best compared to some of the amazing stuff I see around here sometimes.

    (I don't come to this part of the forum that much, only to gaze upon the wonderfull paintjobs other people do :jawdrop: )

    Anyways, I was looking at some basing for my models. They are already painted, and they are glued in their base (all my skinks, saurus and SCOR are). Is it still possible to base them without making a total and complete mess?

    That is the main question.

    Furthermore; I read that basing is done with PVA-glue, which if I'm not a total noob, is basically wood glue. Please correct me if I'm wrong, before I do something disastrous :p

    I am interested in this basing-kit. Does anybody have any experience/thoughts with these kits/company? Any help would be much appreciated.

    Then my final question; if all the answers above come out positive (Glued to the base is no problem, PVA-glue is in fact the right glue and the basing kit is solid), what is the best approach to actually basing my models?
    Just dropping glue on the base and then throwing some stuff on it does not seem like a solid plan...
    As you all can probably tell by my line of questoning: you are dealing with a total noob on the hobby part here. Gaming-wise I can more than hold my own, but that's where it ends :p. Once again, any help or insight will be greatly appreciated.

    Thanks in advance!

    The Hunted
  2. n810

    n810 First Spawning

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    Wood glue works fine just don't get "skool glue" by mistake,
    thats the cheap crappy version of PVA.

    Usually I put a blob on an easily accessible area,
    and spread the glue around with a toothpick.
    then add my sand, then after thats dry you
    can add some paint to the sand or just a bit of flock
    or grass tufts and stuff.
  3. Silverbolt
    Temple Guard

    Silverbolt Active Member

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    Agree with n810.

    Since they're already glued in the base, use that toothpick to carefully spread the glue.
    Hold by the figure and just lower it straight into the sand container.
    Once the sand is dried, give it some drybrushing if you desire.
    After that is dried, add a little glue for your flock/static grass.
  4. PlasmaDavid

    PlasmaDavid Active Member

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    Yup, personally I use slightly watered down PVA, applied with a brush to the bases taking care around the feet.

    Then sprinkle the fine sand and tap off the excess or whatever.

    Then paint brown, drybrush ochre yellow, flock.

    Please don't make the mistake of painting the base green then flocking! Green grass only looks good on brown in my experience, not black or green!
  5. The Hunted

    The Hunted Active Member

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    Thanks guys, helps a lot.

    Get some wood glue, get a drop on the easily accessible part on the base, spread it out with a toothpick and either
    sprinkle it on the glue, or simply lower it in the container. Let it dry, optional paint, use a toothpick again for less volume of glue for flock and other details. Seems doable :)

    No experience with Basecrafts? I'm just going to guess these guys know what they are doing. It does seem so.

    Any more tips or tricks are always welcome :)

    The Hunted

    Do you guys have any idea how many models I can base with 1 basing kit? (link is in OP) I'm doubting between ordering 1 or 2 kits, which is going to be sufficient, or waaay too much.
  6. Axolotyl
    Temple Guard

    Axolotyl New Member

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    Unless your basing a board, one will be sufficient :)
  7. Caprasauridae

    Caprasauridae Well-Known Member

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    Hello, Hunted!

    I'm fairly new to the basing, so not an expert in any way. For example, I have never used PVA, just super glue as I happened to have it at hand... And all of my based miniatures have had the actual painted model already clued on to the base before making it pretty. At least this way, you don't have to plan too much, but it clearly limits your creativity. For example, if you want to use those nice looking pieces of pillar from that basing kit with infantry, you'd have to pretty carefully plan how to put them there before the model is in place.

    I haven't used the basing kits from that webpage, but it's contents look pretty solid. The annoying thing is, that some of the contents will run out before others. This is especially true for the pieces of broken pillars. Not sure if you can just order them from the webpage, but if not, this can get pretty frustrating and you can't be too liberal with their use. However, if you can order the pillars independently, or you are not bothered by that, then definitely go for it. It looks pretty good for it's price.

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