Hello! I'm an old gaming vet, I've stopped by this forum a few times to look at peoples armies and whatnot, but for whatever reason never joined. I've been playing mini games for about 15 years now. Mostly GW stuff, though honestly I haven't had the chance to play much WHFB (of any edition) I have a pretty large collection. Most of my mini gaming experience is in Warhammer 40K where I spent years as a hardcore tourney player, avid painter/modeler/converter. But over the past five years or so that has all died down for me. Most of the mini gaming I do anymore is Song of Blades and Heroes/skirmish stuff. The GW community in my area is pretty lackluster honestly. I'm not a big tournament fan and am somewhat curmudgeonly about where the community has gone since 4th ed 40k. Anyway I've become intrigued with the "oldhammer" movement and am hoping to find some people in northern Utah who would like to play 6th edition WHFB (unless 9th edition is simply amazing). I'm in the process of collecting, modeling and painting a large lizardman army (my first LM army of any kind) just right now for the fun of it. I have no clue if I'll ever be able to actually play games with it or not. Anyway howdy and if you happen to be a Utah gamer feel free to drop me a line ... I'd love to find more like minded WHFB fans out there somewhere!
Welcome to Lustria! You've made a good choice with Lizardmen (not that I'm biased or anything). How does a cold blood survive a Utah winter?
Welcome to the forums! If your more into smaller game sizes, I actually have the Mordheim rules for a Lizardmen team, if you'd like to experience the army in that format! Hope you find what you're looking for here! -Overlord of Serpents
Welcome to forum. I liked 6th edition, it's what I played when I first started but I really didn't like the requirement to not be allowed to pre-measure things. I think that's the best thing 8th ed has that 6th ed doesn't. On the other hand I wish 8th ed gave you points for units taken below half strength.