Stealing ideas from competitors

Discussion in 'Ideas, problems and feedback' started by Scalenex, Jan 5, 2014.

  1. Scalenex

    Scalenex Keeper of the Indexes Staff Member

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    Could Lustria develop an achievements system like the Skaven have here

    Or a system of Rep like the Vampire Counts have?
  2. Axolotyl
    Temple Guard

    Axolotyl New Member

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    You know what, like it, perhaps another thing that can be done is the mods nominate a model each month, and it's voted fir as best painted/modelled?

    With neveroddnoreven and rikkard about about the rest of us may struggle but it may be fun to try?
  3. The Red Devil

    The Red Devil Defender of Hexoatl Staff Member

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    I'm not sure how the rep system that the Vampire Counts have work.

    For the achievements and for friendly paint contests, we are open for both of those if someone is willing to step up and help organize it.
  4. Lizardmatt

    Lizardmatt New Member

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    How about we post some ideas here and then compile them?

    Lost Treasure of the Old Ones: Lose one of your new custom dice.
    Ancient Debt Settled: Win a game against: Beast of Chaos, Chaos Dwarfs, Daemons of Chaos, Warriors of Chaos and Skaven.
    You Don't Belong Here: Win a game against: Empire, Brettonians, High Elves and Dwarfs.
    Lost in the Jungle: Win a game, despite forgetting to deploy and use your whole army.
    Heroics of the Old Ones: Win at least one game with each of the Lizard Special Characters.
    Path to Greatness: Win a challenge against an enemy hero or lord, with a skink skirmisher, skink cohort or chameleon unit champion.
    Lord of the Southlands: Win a game without the use of a Slaan, saurus characters, saurus warriors, temple guard or cold one riders.

  5. VampTeddy

    VampTeddy Active Member

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    I was unaware that Dwarfs invaded lustria? (maybe the southlands?)

    Shouldn't Chaos warriors be in that bracket as well? They mostly come here as raiders, rather than in pursuit of their god's thirst for battle against us specifically. - just a suggestion here.

    Dark elf's though would definitely need to be included in "you don't belong here", they often come to rob our treasures.
  6. Lizardmatt

    Lizardmatt New Member

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    Dwarf Fluff has dwarven treasure hunters looting in lustria, but no major invasion.
    The You Don't Belong Here is more of Mazdamundi's plan to put all the races part of the old ones plan back where they should be (elves in ulthway, humans in the empire, dwarves in the mountains), and reverse all colonization.

    As for additional ideas:

    The Coldest One: Fail a stupidity check while in range of the generals leadership and the BSB's re-roll.

  7. Scalenex

    Scalenex Keeper of the Indexes Staff Member

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    I don't mind going last (aka collect them all!): Win separate games against Wood Elves, High Elves, and Dark Elves

    Keeping ForgeWorld in business: Play a game versus the Chaos Dwarfs

    Didn't See That One Coming Did You?: Have a Skink Brave win ANY challenge.

    By MY Standards I won Fair and Square: Have a Skink character on a Stegadon or Ancient Stegadon win a challenge against an enemy character.

    Unofficial Winner: Win a game against Dogs of War, Zombie Pirates, Halflings, Cathayans, Araby, Kislev or any other fan made army list

    King of the Monsters: Have a Carnosaur take the last wound off a Dragon, Hydra, or Giant

    An alternative would be to have tiers. For instance a Tier one would be to have a Carnosaur kill a single model enemy, Tier Two for the above entry would be "Have a Carnosaur take the last wound on a monster" Tier 2 would be have a Carnosaur kill a checklist of Monsters.

    Battletoads: Have a Slann singlehandedly break an enemy unit.

    Using every last part of the rule book: Play a game where you actually swap spells between two Slann

    No Ahlzheimers for this guy!: Have Lord Kroak face a rule that would normally cause him to forget his spell.

    John Henry was a Lizard: Kill a Steam Tank with a character

    Rasputin was a Dinosaur: Have a monster survive three direct hits by cannon balls or rock lobbers.

    You're Fired: Lose at least one model to a poorly Salamander shot (not counting eaten handlers)

    Defending the Contents of My Stomach: Have a Salamander or Razordon eat it's last handler, then rolls 3 or 4 on the Monster Reaction Chart
  8. Lizardmatt

    Lizardmatt New Member

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    Awesome. I tend to like the ones where things go wrong, it's more memorable.
    I do like the tier idea, like have a skink unit champ win a combat against a:
    1) enemy unit champion
    2) enemy hero
    3) enemy lord

    John Henry was a Lizard is rad.

  9. VampTeddy

    VampTeddy Active Member

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    Better angle than mine :p

    But maybe there should be an achievement called

    "keep the treasure hunter's at bay" Which requires a set of : Dark elves, The Empire, Brettonia, Dwarves, WoC and Skaven. ?

    Maybe not Skaven since they see less about pillaging and more about spreading "glorious" disease.

    Been there, done that... With a Squig Herd :p
  10. Lizardmatt

    Lizardmatt New Member

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    Smallest Slaan Ever! Have a skink priest turned into a frog from an enemy hex scroll.

  11. Scalenex

    Scalenex Keeper of the Indexes Staff Member

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    Cause I like making things for this forum. Here's a draft of a master list. There is always room for more achievements or even categories. If a compelling reason is given, any achievement can be renamed or go up or down a tier level. Already I can think of three or more entries I'd want to put in existing categories and I have desire to add the Category Scenarios.

    Unless it specifically says otherwise. The phrase "with my Lizardmen" applies to every achievement.

    Template for Marking: ACHIEVED!

    Army Battles

    Skink Chief
    -My Animalmen are better than your Annimalmen!: Defeat the Beastsmen
    -Battle of the 5th Edition Starter Set: Defeat the Brettonians
    -Fighting the Old Foe: Defeat the Daemons of Chaos
    -Raid This!: Defeat the Dark Elves
    -Creating Grudges: Defeat the Dwarves
    -Stay on Your Side of the World Pond!: Defeat the Empire
    -We Had High Magic First!: Defeat the High Elves
    -Out of my WAAAGH!: Defeat the Orcs and Goblins
    -Hungry for More: Defeat the Ogre Kingdoms
    -Feeding Sotek: Defeat the Skaven
    -Lara Craft was a Lizard: Defeat the Tomb Kings
    -Fight Them Over There: Defeat the Warriors of Chaos
    -Fighting in the Deciduous Jungle: Defeat the Wood Elves
    -Buffy was a Lizard: Defeat the Vampire Counts
    -ForgeWorld is Overpriced: Defeat the Chaos Dwarfs
    -Spawning Brother Against Spawning Brother: Defeat another Lizardmen army
    -I Sure Showed Me!: Swap models and with a friend. Lose against your own models.
    Scar Veteran
    -I Don’t Mind Attacking Last: Defeat all three Elf armies.
    -Old Ones Original Directive: Defeat Warriors of Chaos, Daemons of Chaos, and Beasts of Chaos.
    -Anathema Purge: Defeat Orcs and Goblins, Skaven, and Beasts of Chaos
    -You Don't Belong Here: Win a game against: Empire, Brettonians, High Elves and Dwarfs.
    -Morr is Pleased: Defeat the Tomb Kings and Vampire Counts
    -Unofficially the Victor: Defeat the Dogs of War, Cathayans or some other fan-made list
    -Harder Than You Think: Draw three games
    -Schooling the Prodigals: Defeat every Force of Order other than Lizardmen and also the Ogre Kingdoms
    -Schooling the Fallen: Defeat the Vampire Counts, Tomb Kings, Warriors of Chaos, Chaos Dwarves and Dark Elves
    -Grizzled Veteran: Lose to every army listed in the BRB

    Terrain Fun

    Skink Chief
    -I can Swim and You Can’t!: Have three separate units march across a river in a single game.
    -Does anyone LIKE this Scenario: Win a Watchtower game
    -Sorcerer’s Apprentice: Put a Skink Priest in a Wizard’s Tower
    -The Skinks lied to us!: Lose five or more wounds in one game due to dangerous terrain tests resulting from water features.
    Scar Veteran
    -What has a tail and kicks ass?: Win a challenge of the Sphinx
    -Casper Dislikes Reptiles: Have a unit lose its last wound to a Haunted Mansion
    -Both Sides: Win separate Watchtower games as both Attacker and Defender.
    -Assist the Table: Use Curse of Anaheir to make an enemy unit take damage take wounds three or more wounds from rolls of 2.
    -Undead Underdog: Defeat an undead army in a game where a charnel pit is somewhere near the table center
    -Sobering Victory: Wipe out a Dwarf unit in a Brewhouse.
    -Lady in Waiting: Defeat a Brettonian army in a game where a Grail Chapel is somewhere near the table center.
    -Should Have Stayed Put: Have a unit lose its last model(s) to a dangerous terrain test
    -Worst Miscast Ever: Trigger a miscast during the channeling portion of the magic phase thanks to Arcane Ruins.

    Modeling Fun

    Skink Chief
    -A good start: Field a 1500+ point army in an actual game where every model is fully painted to a standard you are personally proud of.
    -Novice Award: Convert a Model (needn’t be Lizardmen)
    -Taste of Home: Make Some Jungle Terrain and use it in a game
    -Showing Off: Post something in the Itza Gallery of Fine Arts
    Scar Veteran
    -A good continuation: Field a 2500+ point in an actual game where every model is fully painted to a standard you are personally proud of.
    -Intermediate Award: Convert a unit 10+ infantry units, 3+ Monstrous Infantry/Warbeasts, or one large base model(needn’t be Lizardmen)
    -Get Off My Lawn!: Play a game with all jungle themed terrain
    -Itza Worthy Endeavor: Make Mazdamundi
    -Rikard Award: Create a Model from Scratch (needn’t be Lizardmen)
    -Grand Artist: Field a grand army in an actual game where every model is fully painted to a standard you are personally proud of.

    Noteable Kills/Deaths

    Skink Chief
    -Pleasant Surprise: Have a Skink Brave or Chameleon Skink Stalker win a challenge against another unit champion
    -Take That Overpowered Unit!: Kill a Daemon Prince
    -The Boss is Watching!: Have a Revered Guardian win a challenge
    -Monster Mash: Have a Carnosaur take the last wound off any enemy monster
    -Didn’t Lift a Finger: Watch an enemy general die from a miscast
    -“Watch my Back!” “Your Back Just Got Punched Twice”: Have a character die as an immediate consequence to a failed look out sir roll.
    -Stand Your Ground! Oh Wait You Guys are Skinks!: Have three units panic in one phase due to a single event.
    -Where’s a Skink when you Need One?: Have a Predatory Fighter unit of points pursue an enemy unit off of the table. The enemy unit is at MOST half the points cost of the Saurus unit counting characters on both sides.
    Scar Veteran
    -Brute Strength Over Finesse: Have a Kroxigor Ancient defeat a Hero in a challenge
    -Overpowered Unit My Tail!: Kill a Daemon Prince without casting any spells at the DP or the models who fight it. It doesn’t count if the Daemon self-inflicts any miscast wounds on itself.
    -By MY Standards I won Fair and Square: Have a Skink character on a Stegadon or Ancient Stegadon win a challenge against an enemy character.
    -King of the Monsters: Have a Carnosaur take the last wound off a Giant, Hydra, and Dragon over separate games
    -Van Helsing was a Lizard: Defeat a Vampire lord level character in a challenge when the Vampire has both Red Fury and Always.
    -Crumble Before Me: Play a game where at least 500 points of TK or VC units are wiped off the board due to a hierophant or general dying.
    -Battle Toads 1: Win any challenge with a Slann
    -Realistically He Wouldn’t Really Die for This…: Have a Slann BSB auto-die from breaking
    -Brute Strength Ueber Alles!: Have a Kroxigor Ancient defeat a Lord in a Challenge:
    -Kaitar Award: Have a Saurus or Skink champion defeat a Hero or Lord in a Challenge
    -Battle Toads 2: Break and run down a unit with a solo Slann in Close Combat
    -John Henry Was a Lizard: Kill a Steam Tank with a character
    -Statistically Possible: Have a Temple Guard unit with at least three ranks Slann BSB break from combat and get destroyed.
    -Not the Underdog: Lose a non-wizard character in a challenge against a regular unit champion
    -What Just Happened?: Lose a Saurus character in a challenge to an Empire character with Van Horstman’s Speculum.
    -No One Will Believe Your Story: Have Chameleon Skink, Cohort Skink, or Skirmisher Champion slay a lord in a challenge.


    Skink Chief
    -Because normal game magic phases aren’t weird enough: Win a Storm of Magic Game
    -Manipulating the Winds of Magic: Gain ascendency in one of your lores by manipulating the wheel at least once
    -Didn’t Lift a Finger: Watch an enemy general die from his own miscast.
    -We are NOT a One-Trick Army: Play a game of over 2500 points without a Slann and win.
    -Seriously!?!: Miscast when rolling two dice
    -Rite of Passage for LM Players: Lose a Slann to a miscast vortex
    -Also a Rite of Passage for LM players: Lose at least ten Temple Guard due to a single miscast.
    Scar Veteran
    -Renliss Award: Play a Storm of Magic game with a Vampire Counts Pact
    -Blasphemer’s Award: Play a Storm of Magic game with a Daemon Pact
    -Kroak Award (mummy kinship?): Play a Storm of Magic game with a Tomb Kings Pact
    -No Outsourcing: Play a Storm of Magic game and spend all your Storm of Magic points on Cold Blooded monsters.
    -Victory in Defeat: Miscast while near or in base contact with an enemy unit and inflict more wounds on the other side with the miscast than you received.
    -Growth Spurt: Have a Skink Priest successfully cast Transformation of Kadon, win a round of CR and run the unit down as a monster.
    Gimme Another!: swap out five High Magic spells in one game. Cast at least four of your new spells at least once each.
    -Overreaching: Achieve Dominance during a Storm of Magic game, and then lose the battle anyway.
    -Department of Redundancy Department: Have a Slann get turned into a toad via the Hex Scroll or a Storm of Magic miscast.
    -Worst Acolyte or Best Acolyte?: Have a Skink Priest miscast three times in one game and survive till the end.
    -Spice of Life: Win separate games with a Slann with all eight BRB Lores, High Magic, and Wandering Deliberations.
    -This Has to Happen at least Once Right?: Cast the Great Leveler during a Storm of Magic game and then go on to win said game

    Using The ALL Army book options

    Skink Chief
    -Almost Pays for Itself: Gain three swarm bases in a single game with the Ark of Sotek
    -Basic Synergy: Break a unit in close combat while Swarms are providing poisonous attacks to a Saurus unit
    -Because The Model Looks Cool: Break a unit in close combat with Saurus units supported by a Troglodon’s roar
    -“I got this guys!”: Have a Predatory Fighter unit restrain themselves somehow following the directions of a Skink Chief on a Ripper who cannot stop himself.
    -Extra Snacks: Have a single Salamander or Razordon end the game with 6 or more handlers.
    -Totally Worth It: Have a Skink die due to serving as Arcane Vassal during a miscast.
    Scar Veteran
    -Kill an enemy unit champion with Oxyotl’s sniper ability
    -Swap two spells between Slann with Telepathic Confabulation and actually have a valid reason to want to do it (getting this achievement is not a valid reason).
    -ZaGreekie Award: Play a list with two Carnosaurs, win the game, and both Carnosaurs and their riders still on the board
    -Trogdar Award: Play a list with a Fire Slann, Ruby Ring of Ruin, at least three Terradons with Fireleech Bolas, and at least two Salamander packs and win.
    -Muggle Power: Win a game of 2000+ points with no wizards or bound spells at all.
    -Obscure Ability GO!: Have Chakax pass a ward save while fighting a challenge, then win that same round.
    -No Ahlzheimers for this guy!: Have Lord Kroak face a rule that would normally cause him to forget his spell.
    -Heroics of the Old Ones: Win a games using all the special characters
    -Salute the Guy Standing Next to Your: Kill an Enemy character with Oxyotl’s sniper ability

    Rockin’ Dinosaur!

    Skink Chief
    -Rasputin was a Dinosaur: Have a monster survive three direct hits by cannon balls or rock lobbers.
    -Because I like Warbeasts: Run six or more Salamanders and/or Razordons in a single game and win
    Scar Veteran
    -Defending the Contents of My Stomach: Have a Salamander or Razordon eat its last handler, then rolls 3 or 4 on the Monster Reaction Chart
    -N810 Award: Field a unit of at least fifteen Cold One Riders and win the game.
    -REALLY Frenzied: Play a game with three blot toads on the board.
    -Just Like the Illustration!: Play a game with Ark of Sotek and Solar Engine Bastiladons both on the board. Have at least one of each survive the battle.
    -Lord of the Southlands: Win a game without the use of a Slaan, saurus characters, saurus warriors, temple guard or cold one riders.
    -Take That Newton’s Third Law of Motion!: Stop a bouncing cannonball with a Salamander or Razordon by only losing a single handler.
    -Unstoppable Juggernaut: Field and army with five or more of the following: Carnosaurs, Bastiladons, Stegadons, and Ancient Stegadons. Have all your large dinosaurs still on the table at the end of the game.
    -Heroics of the Old Ones: Win at least one game with each of the Lizard Special Characters.
    -RRRR?: Have a Carnosaur survive an entire battle without ever gaining Frenzy.
    -The Coldest One: Fail a stupidity check while in range of the generals leadership and the BSB's re-roll.
    -You're Fired: Lose at least one model to a poorly Salamander shot then have one of the friendly unit panic.

    The Wider World

    Skink Chief
    -Building Connections: Participate in a local tournament
    -Building Continuities: Participate in a map campaign
    -No "I" in Lizard: Win a Team Game
    Scar Veteran
    -Local Tough Guy: Win a local tournament
    -Long-Earned Victory: Win a map campaign
    -Guy Behind the Scenes: Run a map campaign (needn’t be Lizardmen based)
    -Leaving Lustria: Participate in a national or international tournament
    -Basking in Fame: Win a national or international tournament
  12. Scalenex

    Scalenex Keeper of the Indexes Staff Member

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    So this would need to be stickied somewhere. To participate a forumite would just Reply to the OP and then paste the ACHIEVED! where appropriate.

    Not every time the Master Achievement list is updated, people would likely have to update their posts. It'd be good netiquette manners to update your post as achievements are added rather than adding new posts. So for example mine would look like this with my current proposed achievement list IF we collectively decide to allow both pre-new book and post new book achievements. We could even allow pre-8th edition achievements (not that I personally have many of those).


    Army Battles

    Skink Chief
    -My Animalmen are better than your Annimalmen!: Defeat the Beastsmen
    -Battle of the 5th Edition Starter Set: Defeat the Brettonians
    -Fighting the Old Foe: Defeat the Daemons of Chaos
    -Raid This!: Defeat the Dark Elves
    -Creating Grudges: Defeat the Dwarves ACHIEVED!
    -Stay on Your Side of the World Pond!: Defeat the Empire ACHIEVED!
    -We Had High Magic First!: Defeat the High Elves ACHIEVED!
    -Out of my WAAAGH!: Defeat the Orcs and Goblins ACHIEVED!
    -Hungry for More: Defeat the Ogre Kingdoms ACHIEVED!
    -Feeding Sotek: Defeat the Skaven ACHIEVED!
    -Lara Craft was a Lizard: Defeat the Tomb Kings
    -Fight Them Over There: Defeat the Warriors of Chaos
    -Fighting in the Deciduous Jungle: Defeat the Wood Elves ACHIEVED!
    -Buffy was a Lizard: Defeat the Vampire Counts ACHIEVED!
    -ForgeWorld is Overpriced: Defeat the Chaos Dwarfs ACHIEVED!
    -Spawning Brother Against Spawning Brother: Defeat another Lizardmen army ACHIEVED!
    -I Sure Showed Me!: Swap models and with a friend. Lose against your own models. ACHIEVED!
    Scar Veteran
    -I Don’t Mind Attacking Last: Defeat all three Elf armies.
    -Old Ones Original Directive: Defeat Warriors of Chaos, Daemons of Chaos, and Beasts of Chaos.
    -Anathema Purge: Defeat Orcs and Goblins, Skaven, and Beasts of Chaos
    -You Don't Belong Here: Win a game against: Empire, Brettonians, High Elves and Dwarfs.
    -Morr is Pleased: Defeat the Tomb Kings and Vampire Counts
    -Unofficially the Victor: Defeat the Dogs of War, Cathayans or some other fan-made list
    -Harder Than You Think: Draw three games
    -Schooling the Prodigals: Defeat every Force of Order other than Lizardmen and also the Ogre Kingdoms
    -Schooling the Fallen: Defeat the Vampire Counts, Tomb Kings, Warriors of Chaos, Chaos Dwarves and Dark Elves
    -Grizzled Veteran: Lose to every army listed in the BRB

    Terrain Fun

    Skink Chief
    -I can Swim and You Can’t!: Have three separate units march across a river in a single game. ACHIEVED!
    -Does anyone LIKE this Scenario: Win a Watchtower game ACHIEVED!
    -Sorcerer’s Apprentice: Put a Skink Priest in a Wizard’s Tower ACHIEVED!
    -The Skinks lied to us!: Lose five or more wounds in one game due to dangerous terrain tests resulting from water features. ACHIEVED!
    Scar Veteran
    -What has a tail and kicks ass?: Win a challenge of the Sphinx ACHIEVED!
    -Casper Dislikes Reptiles: Have a unit lose its last wound to a Haunted Mansion ACHIEVED!
    -Both Sides: Win separate Watchtower games as both Attacker and Defender.
    -Assist the Table: Use Curse of Anaheir to make an enemy unit take damage take wounds three or more wounds from rolls of 2. ACHIEVED!
    -Undead Underdog: Defeat an undead army in a game where a charnel pit is somewhere near the table center
    -Sobering Victory: Wipe out a Dwarf unit in a Brewhouse.
    -Lady in Waiting: Defeat a Brettonian army in a game where a Grail Chapel is somewhere near the table center.
    -Should Have Stayed Put: Have a unit lose its last model(s) to a dangerous terrain test
    -Worst Miscast Ever: Trigger a miscast during the channeling portion of the magic phase thanks to Arcane Ruins.

    Modeling Fun

    Skink Chief
    -A good start: Field a 1500+ point army in an actual game where every model is fully painted to a standard you are personally proud of.
    -Novice Award: Convert a Model (needn’t be Lizardmen) ACHIEVED!
    -Taste of Home: Make Some Jungle Terrain and use it in a game ACHIEVED!
    -Showing Off: Post something in the Itza Gallery of Fine Arts ACHIEVED!
    Scar Veteran
    -A good continuation: Field a 2500+ point in an actual game where every model is fully painted to a standard you are personally proud of.
    -Intermediate Award: Convert a unit 10+ infantry units, 3+ Monstrous Infantry/Warbeasts, or one large dbase model inosaur (needn’t be Lizardmen) ACHIEVED!
    -Get Off My Lawn!: Play a game with all jungle themed terrain
    -Itza Worthy Endeavor: Make Mazdamundi
    -Rikard Award: Create a Model from Scratch (needn’t be Lizardmen)
    -Grand Artist: Field a grand army in an actual game where every model is fully painted to a standard you are personally proud of.

    Noteable Kills/Deaths

    Skink Chief
    -Pleasant Surprise: Have a Skink Brave or Chameleon Skink Stalker win a challenge against another unit champion ACHIEVED!
    -Take That Overpowered Unit!: Kill a Daemon Prince
    -The Boss is Watching!: Have a Revered Guardian win a challenge ACHIEVED!
    -Monster Mash: Have a Carnosaur take the last wound off any enemy monster
    -Didn’t Lift a Finger: Watch an enemy general die from a miscast ACHIEVED!
    -“Watch my Back!” “Your Back Just Got Punched Twice”: Have a character die as an immediate consequence to a failed look out sir roll. ACHIEVED!
    -Stand Your Ground! Oh Wait You Guys are Skinks!: Have three units panic in one phase due to a single event. ACHIEVED!
    -Where’s a Skink when you Need One?: Have a Predatory Fighter unit of points pursue an enemy unit off of the table. The enemy unit is at MOST half the points cost of the Saurus unit counting characters on both sides.
    Scar Veteran
    -Brute Strength Over Finesse: Have a Kroxigor Ancient defeat a Hero in a challenge
    -Overpowered Unit My Tail!: Kill a Daemon Prince without casting any spells at the DP or the models who fight it. It doesn’t count if the Daemon self-inflicts any miscast wounds on itself.
    -By MY Standards I won Fair and Square: Have a Skink character on a Stegadon or Ancient Stegadon win a challenge against an enemy character. ACHIEVED!
    -King of the Monsters: Have a Carnosaur take the last wound off a Giant, Hydra, and Dragon over separate games
    -Van Helsing was a Lizard: Defeat a Vampire lord level character in a challenge when the Vampire has both Red Fury and Always.
    -Crumble Before Me: Play a game where at least 500 points of TK or VC units are wiped off the board due to a hierophant or general dying.
    -Battle Toads 1: Win any challenge with a Slann
    -Realistically He Wouldn’t Really Die for This…: Have a Slann BSB auto-die from breaking ACHIEVED!
    -Brute Strength Ueber Alles!: Have a Kroxigor Ancient defeat a Lord in a Challenge:
    -Kaitar Award: Have a Saurus or Skink champion defeat a Hero or Lord in a Challenge
    -Battle Toads 2: Break and run down a unit with a solo Slann in Close Combat
    -John Henry Was a Lizard: Kill a Steam Tank with a character
    -Statistically Possible: Have a Temple Guard unit with at least three ranks Slann BSB break from combat and get destroyed.
    -Not the Underdog: Lose a non-wizard character in a challenge against a regular unit champion
    -What Just Happened?: Lose a Saurus character in a challenge to an Empire character with Van Horstman’s Speculum.
    -No One Will Believe Your Story: Have Chameleon Skink, Cohort Skink, or Skirmisher Champion slay a lord in a challenge.


    Skink Chief
    -Because normal game magic phases aren’t weird enough: Win a Storm of Magic Game
    -Manipulating the Winds of Magic: Gain ascendency in one of your lores by manipulating the wheel at least once ACHIEVED!
    -Didn’t Lift a Finger: Watch an enemy general die from his own miscast.
    -We are NOT a One-Trick Army: Play a game of over 2500 points without a Slann and win. ACHIEVED!
    -Seriously!?!: Miscast when rolling two dice ACHIEVED!
    -Rite of Passage for LM Players: Lose a Slann to a miscast vortex ACHIEVED!
    -Also a Rite of Passage for LM players: Lose at least ten Temple Guard due to a single miscast. ACHIEVED!
    Scar Veteran
    -Renliss Award: Play a Storm of Magic game with a Vampire Counts Pact
    -Blasphemer’s Award: Play a Storm of Magic game with a Daemon Pact
    -Kroak Award (mummy kinship?): Play a Storm of Magic game with a Tomb Kings Pact
    -No Outsourcing: Play a Storm of Magic game and spend all your Storm of Magic points on Cold Blooded monsters.
    -Victory in Defeat: Miscast while near or in base contact with an enemy unit and inflict more wounds on the other side with the miscast than you received.
    -Growth Spurt: Have a Skink Priest successfully cast Transformation of Kadon, win a round of CR and run the unit down as a monster.
    Gimme Annother!: swap out five High Magic spells in one game. Cast at least four of your new spells at least once each.
    -Overreaching: Achieve Dominance during a Storm of Magic game, and then lose the battle anyway.
    -Department of Redundancy Department: Have a Slann get turned into a toad via the Hex Scroll or a Storm of Magic miscast.
    -Worst Acolyte or Best Acolyte?: Have a Skink Priest miscast three times in one game and survive till the end.
    -Spice of Life: Win separate games with a Slann with all eight BRB Lores, High Magic, and Wandering Deliberations.
    -This Has to Happen at least Once Right?: Cast the Great Leveler during a Storm of Magic game and then go on to win said game

    Using The ALL Army book options

    Skink Chief
    -Almost Pays for Itself: Gain three swarm bases in a single game with the Ark of Sotek
    -Basic Synergy: Break a unit in close combat while Swarms are providing poisonous attacks to a Saurus unit
    -Because The Model Looks Cool: Break a unit in close combat with Saurus units supported by a Troglodon’s roar
    -“I got this guys!”: Have a Predatory Fighter unit restrain themselves somehow following the directions of a Skink Chief on a Ripper who cannot stop himself.
    -Extra Snacks: Have a single Salamander or Razordon end the game with 6 or more handlers.
    -Totally Worth It: Have a Skink die due to serving as Arcane Vassal during a miscast.
    Scar Veteran
    -Kill an enemy unit champion with Oxyotl’s sniper ability
    -Swap two spells between Slann with Telepathic Confabulation and actually have a valid reason to want to do it (getting this achievement is not a valid reason).
    -ZaGreekie Award: Play a list with two Carnosaurs, win the game, and both Carnosaurs and their riders still on the board
    -Trogdar Award: Play a list with a Fire Slann, Ruby Ring of Ruin, at least three Terradons with Fireleech Bolas, and at least two Salamander packs and win.
    -Muggle Power: Win a game of 2000+ points with no wizards or bound spells at all.
    -Obscure Ability GO!: Have Chakax pass a ward save while fighting a challenge, then win that same round.
    -No Ahlzheimers for this guy!: Have Lord Kroak face a rule that would normally cause him to forget his spell.
    -Heroics of the Old Ones: Win a games using all the special characters
    -Salute the Guy Standing Next to You: Kill an Enemy character with Oxyotl’s sniper ability

    Rockin’ Dinosaur!

    Skink Chief
    -Rasputin was a Dinosaur: Have a monster survive three direct hits by cannon balls or rock lobbers. ACHIEVED!
    -Because I like Warbeasts: Run six or more Salamanders and/or Razordons in a single game and win
    Scar Veteran
    -Defending the Contents of My Stomach: Have a Salamander or Razordon eat its last handler, then rolls 3 or 4 on the Monster Reaction Chart
    -N810 Award: Field a unit of at least fifteen Cold One Riders and win the game.
    -REALLY Frenzied: Play a game with three blot toads on the board.
    -Just Like the Illustration!: Play a game with Ark of Sotek and Solar Engine Bastiladons both on the board. Have at least one of each survive the battle.
    -Lord of the Southlands: Win a game without the use of a Slaan, saurus characters, saurus warriors, temple guard or cold one riders.
    -Take That Newton’s Third Law of Motion!: Stop a bouncing cannonball with a Salamander or Razordon by only losing a single handler.
    -Unstoppable Juggernaut: Field and army with five or more of the following: Carnosaurs, Bastiladons, Stegadons, and Ancient Stegadons. Have all your large dinosaurs still on the table at the end of the game.
    -Heroics of the Old Ones: Win at least one game with each of the Lizard Special Characters.
    -RRRR?: Have a Carnosaur survive an entire battle without ever gaining Frenzy.
    -The Coldest One: Fail a stupidity check while in range of the generals leadership and the BSB's re-roll.
    -You're Fired: Lose at least one model to a poorly Salamander shot then have one of the friendly unit panic.

    The Wider World

    Skink Chief
    -Building Connections: Participate in a local tournament ACHIEVED!
    -Building Continuities: Participate in a map campaign ACHIEVED!
    -No "I" in Lizard: Win a Team Game ACHIEVED!
    Scar Veteran
    -Local Tough Guy: Win a local tournament ACHIEVED!
    -Long-Earned Victory: Win a map campaign
    -Guy Behind the Scenes: Run a map campaign (needn’t be Lizardmen based)
    -Leaving Lustria: Participate in a national or international tournament
    -Basking in Fame: Win a national or international tournament
  13. The Red Devil

    The Red Devil Defender of Hexoatl Staff Member

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    If someone want to volunteer for handling the topic, just create a topic in the Lizardmen Discussions and let me know, and we will sticky it.

    Looking at these, I am thinking that when we move over to a new forum software later this year, we will also create a dynamic module to handle there. Where we have a dedicated page where any forum member, can select what achievements they have made etc. As that would make it much easier to handle this.
  14. Scalenex

    Scalenex Keeper of the Indexes Staff Member

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    I would say to hold off on achievements until then since replying and manually pasting things IS kind of a pain. Assuming the plan is to move over to new forum software in the next six months, I can polish this preliminary list up and put it up for discussion and amendments so we can have a consensus accepted achievement list ready for when we have the new software.
  15. The Red Devil

    The Red Devil Defender of Hexoatl Staff Member

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    That sounds like a plan.
  16. Scalenex

    Scalenex Keeper of the Indexes Staff Member

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    I got a thread going in the Discussion forum and it's pretty lively.

    We shouldn't let the discussion of achievements bury Axotyl's idea of having a montly best model prize. That could go along with reputation. Some reputation give the mods the ability to bestow positive reputation for forum contributions that are highly valued. This is how the Vampire Counts forum works, I got +1 rep from two separate mods for writing a Tactica on how to beat Lizardmen there (yeah I know, traitor).

    The Chaos Dwarf forum allows slaves to be given to posters appreciated by the mods or tenured members. The Ogre forum gives away Gnoblars in a similar fashion.
  17. The Red Devil

    The Red Devil Defender of Hexoatl Staff Member

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    A question regarding the reputation, there is so many systems for this out there, so would be interesting knowing how specifically the other forums in this niche handle it.

    -Are everyone allowed to give someone positive reputation, or just the moderators?

    -Also, do they allow negative reputation to be given as well for bad posts?
  18. Rikard

    Rikard Well-Known Member

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    I like it,

    There's tons of ways the system could be adapted too, I've used a few forums where you can either give people likes (just like Facebook), zombies on Carpe Noctem etc...

    We could have a similar system, or split it up so there's different likes, or thumbs ups for different forums/type of contribution.

    skinks for intelligent posts/advice/tactics
    swarms for general high jinks and/or literary work.
    saurus for painting and modelling help.
    Kroxigors for epic/awesome contributions (things that are really rare, or just plain outstanding)
  19. Scalenex

    Scalenex Keeper of the Indexes Staff Member

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    I passed your questions down to a CN moderator.

  20. Qupakoco
    Skink Chief

    Qupakoco Keeper of the Dice Staff Member

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    EDIT: Ignore this please. n00b mistake.

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