Hey guys, I'm new to Lizardmen, and I've ordered a Saurus Oldblood and the pack of Battle Magic for the Lizardmen, and both should arrive tomorrow. I was wondering if any of you could come up with a build for my Oldblood to have a 2+ armour save for a 1000 point game first off. Each week i should be getting at least 1 new mini, and i'll post as many pictures as i can I'm aiming for a 1000 point list to begin with (which should happen rather quickly seeing as the Battalion give me around 290 points of skinks and saurus warriors, and 195 points of temple guard {I won't be using cold ones in this army}) My army list is as follows; (note I'm refusing to use a Slann, as I really dislike the model, and shall instead be using the new Skink High Priest model as my magic-caster.) Saurus Oldblood Skink High Priest 12 Skink Skirmishers 2 units of 16 Saurus Warriors with Hand Weapons, Musician, Standard Bearer and Champion 10 Temple Guard with Hand Weapons, Musician, Stand Bearer and Champion Any thoughts or suggestions (other than taking a Slann) will be gladly accepted! Plus, if anyone has converted Cold One Cavalry into Salamanders or Razordons, I'd be very grateful for tips on how to do it! (okay, so it looks as if to use High Magic I need a Slann -.- could anyone confirm this for me?)
The only Lord-level magic caster is the Slann, consequently it is the only one who can access High Magic or any other lore than Beasts and Heavens that the Skink Priests are stuck with. How they marketed the 'High' Priest really irked me, as it led me to believe in a Slann-free list and a cheaper Lord-level mage. I quite like the current Slann model however, so it doesn't make me blanch too much. In regular friendly games, you may be able to persuade some of your opponents to use your 'High' Priest as a substitute?
Damn, that's quite annoyed me as I love the New Skink Priest and was led to believe that it could use high magic as well, seems I will need a Slann, however some players may allow the suggestion you gave any thoughts on whether to take Heavens or Beasts? Also, any idea what colour I should paint the scales on my shields? I was thinking a light red or green to offset the blue?
Dammit, I really do dislike the Slann model, however, my gaming group might allow me to use the Skink High Priest as a High Magic caster or as a "counts as" Slann model however, Heavens isn't that bad a lore, so I'm happy using any of those lores. And I believed the same; A High Priest would be given access to High Magic (that's an assumption many will have made i think)
In regards to magic: it really depends how you want to play, and what you see magic for: Heavens is very versatile and good for offensive missiles and hexes, however if your more focused on buffing, your Saurus would benefit a huge amount from Beasts. If possible, I'd suggest two Priests to take care of both: a low-level Beast wizard to cast Wyssan's as it follows the saurus (and thus keeping them in check), and one to hold back and hex/blast the enemy with Heavens. If you're only having one Priest however, I'd be more tempted towards Beasts: your saurus/skink units will be the focal point of power and any buffing would assure a greater chance of victory. As for shields; Red would give a much better contrast comapred to green, however it does echo the 'Eavy Metal colours. That's not a bad thing, but it may not come across as personalised as you want it. Green would give them much of a natural, marine theme to the army. Altough both green and blue are cool colours so may make it seem too cold? I do quite like the idea of a marine themed army though - maybe a more 'dark emerald' colour to the shields would work? Start with a base coat of black-green, with varying shades of green highlights? Might be a little tricky on the small details, but in my mind's eye it looks cool. You could use the Tetto'rkko model? A Skink Priest on a Palanquin would at least visually justify it having similar rules to the Slann. Althoguh you may want to use a different model to Tetto so as to differentiate it? Just make sure anyone you play with is 100% comfortable with the idea. Otherwise I'm sure you could create your own Slann by searching for a decent enough replacement/ideas for conversions?
I think I'll be using Heavens because I like the offensive magic, not too interested in buffing if I'm completely honest, and yeah the Tetto'eko model is quite a nice idea. My gaming area is pretty relaxed though, so I shouldn't have too many problems with using a "counts as" model, but I may search for some replacement models, maybe something from Warmachine/Hordes could make a nice Slann when put on a 50mm base? I believe red will work better now I've got the model almost nearly fully painted, however, a new question has arrived; should I leave the golden armour as a toned down, more brassy colour, or make it a bright gold? Pictures of it will be put on tomorrow, but I now need to decide on whether I should buy the Battalion, or the Skunk High Priest and a box of Saurus, any suggestions would help!
Sorry for the lack of pictures guys, been trying to figure out how to post them on here, but I'll definitely get some of my Oldblood up later on today! Also, I decided to purchase a box of Saurus Warriors. And so far all that is left top do on then is paint up the weapons and shields
I look forward to seeing them! I think there's a part on uploading pictures in the FAQs board.. And with an incredibly late response to your last question: I tend to tone mine down and then highlight, and a battalion is always an excellent starting point
So, i finally figured out how to upload photos so, here's my Oldblood First from the side with the weapon Then from the front And now from the side with the shield comment and tell me if you like or dislike it!
So, firstly, I have one of the completed Saurus Warriors! And, how the whole unit looks with the Oldblood in it Comments?
After finishing up my Saurus I have run out of Lizardmen to paint, and was wondering if I should get the battalion first or a box of Skinks with the new Skink High Priest?
Hey, at the moment I'm building up my Skink High Priest, pictures will get uploaded of the mmodel built, primed and then painted
Looking good! I think a little highlighting (drybrushing) and basing would go a long way to add interest and dimension to your figures.
So, after quite a long spell away I'm back! I've been busy making a 1850 point ultramarines army over the past few momths, so Lizzies were put on hold, but for the past two weeks I've been repainting all my saurus and cold one cavalry, painting up some temple guard, and kit bashing some more things, that'll be shown in the not too far future! So, this is my list so far: 2 groups of 18 saurus with hand weapons and full command 12 skink skirmishers 6 cold one cavalry with full command 10 temple guard Scar-vet BSB on cold one Scar-vet/Old Blood on cold one with hand weapon and shield Scar-vet/Old Blood with hand weapon and shield High Skink Priest Slann Chakax Gor-Rok Next thing to buy is another battalion box then another box of saurus so I end up with a block of 36 saurus with spears, 20 temple guard, another unit of skirmishers, and a group of 8 cold ones with spears Hopefully have pictures up soon!
Sorry anyone whos been following this, but ive been up to a lot of converting, but k promise my Gor-Rok will be uploaded tomorrow! After that, it should be my steg, group of 15 saurus and scratch built gw oldblood, and new skink priest, so thank for following, amd of amyome can comment on the new pics it'd be awesome! Rory
with the saurus are the teeth supposed to be blue? or are they not finished? I am not trying to be rude just wondering
They weren't finished. I've gone repainted the whole model now though, so hopefully you'll be able to see the difference when I get pictures uploaded
So, here's Gor-Rok! It's become apparent to me that he needs a bit of a touch-up, but, this was my first attempt at using crapcast! (finecast) Seriously, this stuff is terrible -.- So, can anyone suggest any ways to make it better? I'm going to highlight the scars on him, repaint the shield with another layer and base him a bit, but anything to make his skin better? I need specific colours, and I've never dared to mix colours, too scared I mess it up! Thanks Rory