Introduction of the Lizard King!

Discussion in 'Introductions' started by Lizard King, Jan 31, 2014.

  1. Lizard King
    Jungle Swarm

    Lizard King New Member

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    Greetings All,

    Just a quick introduction...

    I am 26, I'm from the UK and I'm currently considering getting back into WHFB (which I played as a youngster) I'm currently torn with which army to start.

    It's either Lizardmen or Dwarfs... with the stunties release imminent it seems prudent to wait a see what happens over the coming days.

    Look forward to seeing you all around the site.
  2. Qupakoco
    Skink Chief

    Qupakoco Keeper of the Dice Staff Member

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    Lizards >> Stunties. I think it's scientifically proven.

    Welcome to the site!
  3. Lizard King
    Jungle Swarm

    Lizard King New Member

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    Thanks for the welcome.

    I feel that Lizardmen provide me with more freedom with regards to painting and unusual colour schemes, but the new Stuntie models are fabulous, but its mostly metallics...
  4. Scalenex

    Scalenex Keeper of the Indexes Staff Member

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    The painting forum here may sway you to Lizardmen.

    If not try the Tactics forum. I like to shamelessly advertise the Tactica index at every opportunity.

    I hope the Dwarves get a good revision. My friend plays them a lot. They aren't bad but the current Dwarves only have one competitive build really. Hordes of GW troops formed up in a castle over artillery.

    I like your Avatar a lot. I guess our N810 isn't the only one who can do that.
  5. The Hunted

    The Hunted Active Member

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    Owning both armies, I think I might be able to help :)

    I started with dwarves and branced off into Lizards.

    Dwarves are fantastically flavorfull (more so than Lizards IMO), their forum is also rock-solid, painting them is pretty fun. You can convert pretty much anything (only painting beards get a bit "meh" after the first 75..).
    Gaming-wise: I find them quite lacking. Only M3, no skirmishers, no magic, monsters, only 1 flyer to mix things up from big ranked units and war machines. I've not yet seen the new book, but the essential core of the Dwarves will remain the same: M3 ranked infantry and powerfull war machines.
    They add in interesting bits like miners, rangers and gyrocopters which make them more manoeuvorable than their M3 first says. Still, dwarves do not compete with any other army in the movement phase, they have no magic phase, their shooting phase is like no other and in close combat...well; you rarely get to choose combats. So you'll most likely endure what hits you and chop it to pieces.

    For a true strategist/gamer: I've lost most of my fun in the stunties a while ago.
    For a loremaster/painter/converter: Dwarves are hilariously awesome.

    Concerning lizardmen:
    I chose Lizardmen as my second army because they have Skinks to compete in the movement phase, have the (alledgedly) best spellcaster in the world, have big monsters and overall a mixed army to choose from. (They compete in all phases of the game)
    So gaming wise, I have loads more fun with the Lizardmen because they can do anything: monster mash, saurus infantry wall, skink cloud, 'traditional' with Slann, Carno-lord...loads of options and different units with different roles.

    Fluffwise: Not such a big fan of the Lizardmen. Mainly because it is hard to empathize with cold-blooded lizardmen. Big frogs on flying thrones contemplating.
    Convert- and paintingwise: Lizardmen give you the option of very bright colors, one of the few armies that does so. Bright yellow skinks aren't ugly, while bright yellow dwarves are....questionable. Color schemes aren't bound by armour, beards and banners. It is only bound by your imagination, you can have every single saurus painted in a different color and they would still look good together.
    Converting requires a tad more thought, but in the end is still easily manageable.

    So this comparison is a bit biased towards Lizardmen, because I enjoy them more. If you ask the same question onf Bugmans Brewery you get an answer that is biased towards Dwarves, most likely. In the end you have to decide which one you prefer :)

    Hopefully a warm cold-blooded welcome to our home in the Jungle!
    Otherwise: A warm goodbye to the Brewery! Have one on me ;)

    The Hunted
  6. spawning of Bob

    spawning of Bob Well-Known Member

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    Another consideration.

    With a name like "Lizard King", you might fit in a bit better around this neck of the jungle.

    Just saying...
  7. Overlord of Serpents
    Cold One

    Overlord of Serpents Active Member

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    Hey, welcome to the forum! I definitely understand the predicament between choosing Dwarfs and Lizardmen, personally I intend to add the new Dwarfs to my army collection soon. Army-wise though, unless something CRAZY happens to the Dwarf play-style over the next book, Lizardmen bring a lot more variety to the playing field as far as strategy is concerned. Also Dwarfs can kind of limit you to using a lot of metals and other such paints for their design, whereas Lizardmen are a complete clear canvas where you can do anything you want!

    -Overlord of Serpents

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