8th Ed. Advice Needed with 2500 Monster Mash v2

Discussion in 'Lizardmen Army Lists' started by archangel, Jan 26, 2014.

  1. archangel

    archangel New Member

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    Thanks for all the comments on my previous proto-list. Here is version 2 in all its glory (actually it's probably about version 22, but it's only the second one to make it into a post!).
    This list is gradually becoming a little less flexible to tweaking, as I have started to buy, assemble and even paint some of the figures. As before, please note I have read all the views on the 'usefulness' of the Troglodon, however I think it is an awesome model, so it is in- just like the mandrakes in DE.

    Montezuma's Revenge

    Lord: O\B, swd swift slaying, steg helm, OTS, shield, light armour, carnosaur, loping stride, blood roar.

    Hero: S\V, swd golden sigil, quango egg, shield, light armour, carnosaur, loping stride.
    L2 Priest, dispel scroll.
    L1 Priest, black cube.

    Core: 10 skink skirm, javelin, shield X 3
    2 Krox, 20 skink inc std X 2

    Special: Bastiladon, solar engine.
    3 Ripperdactyls

    Rare: Ancient Stegadon, EOG, sharp horns
    Troglodon, divining rod.

    Comes out on 2500 on the nose.

    I have tried to address the weakness of the carnosaurs- they die before they can get to attack. I want the 2 carnies to work together, mopping up smaller units and hopefully joining a skrox unit for the larger ones.

    The steg and the bastie provide bound spells to boost my magic phase, while the priests are there to shut down the opposition's magic phase (briefly). I'm a little worried that the Bastie may not be able to keep up with all these fast movers, but perhaps I can use that to my advantage?

    Now it's over to you, what do you think of v2? Any worries that stand out? Any suggestions for improvements (while remaining within the monster mash ethos)? Once again I've opted not to take a BSB. If you feel this is a glaring omission, what should I drop to fit one it?? All ideas gratefully received.

    Happy hunting....
  2. archangel

    archangel New Member

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    No Thoughts!!!

    Have I finally come up with the perfect army build? I suspect not.

    As an added incentive to comment, I promise to put up a picture of my WIP Troglodon. As this will include the torture of finding the camera, finding its charger, finding the lead, and then the nightmare of struggling to upload the image, you can see how keen I am to read your opinions.

    Seriously, I really am keen to hear your thoughts on things like the carnie builds, the lack of a standard, skrox v saurus (in the context of this army) and the viability of the Bastie (which is still unbought). If I don't run (walk!) with the snail paced Bastie, what should I replace it with? A unit of 3 Krox? More rippers? And if I go with more rippers, do they work best as a single large flock, or should I have 2 smaller units? So many decisions and so few pennies. I also have to admit that while the paint scheme for the Trog is flowing easily, my 3 undercoated rippers are sitting there looking rather forlorn. I just haven't come up with suitable colour scheme yet. Has anyone seen any good ones on the net?

    Hope to hear from you soon,

  3. goomba

    goomba New Member

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    Tag teaming things with the Carnosaurs is a good idea and as you have them set up now they would be good for big infantry unit grinding, which will also keep them safe from ranged attacks so get them in early. Dont worry about the Bastilodon keeping up, he should be left back to lazer beam stuff and block rear chargers should they get behind you, that's why he has the ignore flanks/rear and +1 to hit in the rear rules. The Trog isn't that bad but in this list he isn't doing enough, you would need a couple blocks of Saurus and Kroxigor to utilize his predatory roar.
  4. archangel

    archangel New Member

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    Thanks for your comments. I am looking forward to buying\building\painting\playing with the new carnosaur model. I agree that tag-teaming the pair is the way to go.
    Interesting to read your views on the Bastie, it was a good call. I spent the weekend reading up on rippers, thinking I would be replacing the slow Bastie with the much faster fliers. I can now see a valid use for the Bastie in the backfield and am veering back to the laserBast idea.

    I may not now be back for some time as I now have to take & upload a picture of my Trog :D

    See you soon.....
  5. archangel

    archangel New Member

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    The promised picture of my beloved Trog- it really is an awesome model.

    I really hope this works, you have no idea how long it has taken me to get this far!!

    Please keep your thoughts coming.


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