8th Ed. Ogres vs Lizardmen 2650

Discussion in 'Battle Reports' started by Gorgosaurus, Feb 2, 2014.


Should my dad have won?

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  2. No

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  3. Pssh, I don't care

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    11 vote(s)
  1. Gorgosaurus

    Gorgosaurus New Member

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    Yesterday I played my glorious Lizardmen of Temple City Qui'ttax to my dad's ogres (the Daemon Eaters)

    Turn 1 Saw basically no casualties for either side, but my Slann for saw his hunter/sabre tusk charge against my Terradons, and I casted Hand of Glory. Next turn the Skink priest w/cloak of feathers joined the Terradons. All bar the priest was killed in the melee. However, my Temple Guard with my Slann and other Skink Priest charged in my turn, saving the cloak of feathers priest from a gory death. The stone horn charged my carnosaur, killing it and leaving its rider on one wound. He retreated, and the stone horn over ran into my ancient Stegadon, who on the second round of combat perished. However the Cold Ones flank charged the stone horn, and my skink cohort turned to throw javelins at an ambushing gorger. My jungle swarms tied up the tyrant/ butcher/ iron guts for a few rounds. The Gorger lost half its wounds, the stone horn died and my cavalry over ran into the iron guts. The Temple Guard made the hunter flew, with only two sabretusks out of four left. My saurus charged his giant, who ate its champion only to be slain in return and his gnoblars defeated my skirmishers, running them off the board. However, the gnoblars pursed and made contact with my other saurus. The Revered Guardian had been killed in a challenge, but otherwise the Temple Guard were unharmed and pursued. The Rhinox cavalry (forge world) charged the flank of the unit who just killed the giant the following turn, and the gorger charged the flank of my already engaged Cold One cavalry. The Ogre fire belly made my saurus (who just chopped down the gnoblars) flee, using his fire breath. In combat the hunter had reengaged the temple guard, a few casualties each. The gorger died because of one lone attack from a cold one, my pack leader refused a challenge and I killed one or two iron guts. It was a tie. My stegadon dead, my scar veteran (who was carnosaur less) and the skink cohort turned to face the gorger iron guts. It was close. The following turn the cavalry were killed, the iron guts over running into the cohort. All died bar the Skink Brave, who escaped. The Rhinox killed the other saurus the previous turn, and charged one skink priest. It died. The temple guard were reduced to nothing but a wounded Slann and the other Skink priest, but the hunter fled off the board. On the last turn my scar veteran and the fleeing saurus (who rallied the previous turned) charged the ogre bulls and the fire belly and bruiser bsb, who over ran the last few survivors. With many points saved thanks to the survival of a few key models. In the end it was around 1700 to 1500. Very close. The Slann rallied his survivors as the ogres fled, the ancient warriors returning to his temple city...
  2. T_Saurus
    Cold One

    T_Saurus Member

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    You said that your Cloak of Feathers Skink Priest joined the Terradons do you mean physically joined the unit? If so you can't do that as characters cannot join units of flyers.
  3. Gorgosaurus

    Gorgosaurus New Member

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  4. Connosaurus

    Connosaurus New Member

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    I feel your pain i HATE ogre's THEY MUST DIE, THEY MUST BE BURNED :droid: :beaver: :spiderman: :astronaut: :clown:
  5. lizard_sNow
    Cold One

    lizard_sNow Member

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    Your battle was very close. The biggest thing that saved you was the remaining few models you retained to deny points. I was confused about the stonehorn killing your carnosaur but not rider and then overrunning into the stegadon. Did the rider make the flee distance he needed without getting caught by the stonehorn?

    Looked like you could have used a BSB for those leadership rerolls. These are the kind of games where it is hard to say who should've won because of all the back and forth. Ogres are a hard opponent but you seemed to pull out pretty well.

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