8th Ed. Man0waR's Battle Reps

Discussion in 'Battle Reports' started by Man0waR, Feb 5, 2014.

  1. Man0waR

    Man0waR Member

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    Hi fellow lizards I'll try to add the following games I'll be playing for now and on.
    Since English is not my mother language hope you could forgive my syntax and grammar mistakes.

    Well this will be my very first written battle report in 8th.

    2000 point friendly battle Lizardmen vs Vampire counts.

    Lizard army fielded:
    Block of 24 spear saurus w/o command group.
    ---> Inside the block: Scarvet BSB on cold one with crown of command, Luckstone, dragon helm, light armour and great weapon.
    Block of 20 temple guard w/ banner + banner of discipline
    ---> Oldblood on foot with sword of +1 to hit; enchanted shield & light armour.

    Skink cohort x10. Alias "Cohort A"
    Skink cohort x10. Alias "Cohort B"
    ----> Skink beast priest lvl1 with dispell scroll: Roll 5 and kept Savage Beast of Horros
    Skrimishers with blowpipes x10 "skirmishers A"
    ----> General Slann Mague priest with Wandering Deliberations. All signature spells
    Skirmishers with blowpipes x10 "skirmishers B"
    ----> Skink beast priest lvl1 with cloack of feathers.

    Salamander Hunting pack 2x salamander +1 extra snack.

    Vampire count army fielded:
    21 ghouls with champion.
    30 or so Skeleton warriors w/ champion and standard bearer + magic banner of rolling 3d6 discard lower on leadership test.
    ---> Vampire hero lvl2 Lore of Death w/ -1 Leadership aura, talisman 4+ ward, enchanted shield, barded sekeletal mount. Roll 4 and 6. Kept #0 spirit leech and #6 purple sun.
    ---> 2x Banshees
    20 Grave guards with great weapons. w/ champion and standard bearer + Banner of +1 to hit on grave guards and wight kings.
    ---> Lord of Vampires Lvl 2 Lore of Vampires. Book of Arkham Great Weapon, always strike first & every not saved wounds generates new attacks.barded skeletal mount. Roll 6 and Evanhel's dance. Kept #0 and Evanhel's dance.

    Wolves "A" x5
    Wolves "B" x5
    Wolves "C" x5

    Battlefield was open so we faced without any terrain issues.
    - VC battleline :
    From left to right: Wolfs "A" - a litle behind of "A" -> Wolf "B" - 5x4 Grave guard with general mounted on the right side of the unit - Terrorgheist behind blocks - 5x6 Sekeleton warriors with vampire hero on the right side of the unit and banshees inside. - 7x3 ghouls - Wolf "C" (the only thing out of generals march bubble)
    - LM battleline:
    From left to right: Cohort "B" with scroll caddy priest - Templeguard w/ Oldblood - Salamanders - behind blocks & salamanders Skirmishers "A" with Slann - Saurus spear warriors w/ BSB Sccarvet on CO - Bastiladon - behind bastiladon Skirmishers "B" w/ flying priest - Cohort "A". Main blocks under General and BSB bubble. Right flank covered only Cohort "A" was out of general bubble but kept in BSB range. Left flank Cohort B was out of support..
    Vanguard and Scout deployments:
    - Wolfs "A" Moved a bit forward letting Wolfs "B" to reach them and both kept into march range, Wolfs "C" advanced to be ready to deal with my poor sknks. No scouts this game.
    Turn 1 Vampire Count - He won initiative.
    The whole undead battle line moves forward to close the distance between the wall of coldblooded braves. Wolfs from the left flank runs the whole side of the battlefield trying to threat the lizardmen weak flank. Right flank the ghouls march along the wolves. The undead infantry advance as their cruel vampires smell the cold blood of their enemies.
    ----> He advance the right flank and left flank at full distance, Main blocks march 6" or so. Also Terrorgheist advance in the rear waiting to fly over lizard units .

    The unholy magic of the vampires where shutted down with ease by the mystical Slann mague priest. No mortal or undead could bypass his sentinel. No magic on the battlefield for now.
    ---> bad winds of magic roll. my opponent wanted to use low dice for each spell to being able to cast 2 or 3, losing concentration on first spell. boosted spirit leech failed and book of arkham was dispelled.

    Their unholy spirits and monster were impatient to drain the souls of the living.

    Turn 1 Lizardmen

    The vision of the whole undead army would freeze the heart and spirit of any human army, but for the lizardmen this form of no-living was just another outcast race of the old ones plans. So the whole battleline moves to meet the enemy in close engagement, blood would shed the plains and bones of the undead will be scattered from the undying.

    Skink cohort "B" moves a little but stays in the left flank behind the mighty templeguard lead by an ancestral warrior who push his fellow guards onward. Also de Skink The Salamanders crawl the plains lead by their handlers moving outside of the protection of the wall of saurus blocks, ready to throw fire over the undead. The Saurus warriors stay the ground and wheel over the middle of the battlefield where the bloodshed surely will happen. The Slann orders his servant skinks to move into the gap between the saurus blocks, his orders must be clear to the whole battleline.
    The ground shaked when the colossal and armored bastiladon rush throught the battlefield in front of the saurus block and facing in the long distance the horror the undead brought to the battle. Skink Cohort "A" run ready to shot and face the dead wolves , and the Skirmishers march behind them. While the heroic priest gifted with the cloak of feathers took the order from the slann to fly over the undead army and be his vassal to destroy the unholy beast called Terrorgheist.
    -----> Temple Guard move forward, Saurus wheels to meet the skeletal unit in the middle, as Bastiladon was enough to hold and deal alone with ghouls unit. Left flank cohort move to close distant between temple guard. Wolves unit wasn't a threat but i dont want to lose my scroll caddy priest if things get nastier. Right flank cohort move forward to face wolves and skirmishers just stay away from any charges. Ready to march and shoot next turn. Sallies get in position to try a long shot.

    The Old Ones send a sign with plenty energy, so Slann ordered the skinks to gather the sun force to destroy the terrogheist calling a mighty beam of chotec against him. But the vampire lord summon a cloud of darkness over the Bastiladon and dispelled its attempt to kill the unholy beast.
    This was the first attemp but not the last, the mystic frog being started to shape a huge burning bolt of fire in the hands of the Skink priest behind the undead lines. The vampire Lord didnt expect such trick and was unable to dispell the mighty fireball that landed over the screaming beast, Now was the time, the slann intself calls with divine wrath a shaft of burning light from the sky who fell over the Terrorgheist, after the painfull screaming of the beast and the cloak of dust unveils. The unholy beast was suffering and his anger and hungry of souls increased, looking with killer eyes the arcane vassal who harms it.
    ----> Winds of magic roll 8 vs 6. Channeled 1 with 3 attemps (1 slann 2 priest on 6's) = 9 vs 6.
    1 dice roll Bastiladon. Dispelled with 1 die. He has 2 lvl2 casters so no problem if he fails.
    3 dice boosted 2d6 fireball arcane vassal to Terrorgheist. He fails 4 dice to dispell. 9 hits on 6's = 2 wounds on Terrorgheist.
    4 dice boosted shem burning gaze. done with no miscast. 2d6 S6 hits ... 2+2 = 4 hits roll to wound at 4's = 2 wounds more on Terrogheist.
    1 dice spirit leech failed.

    The skinks were ready to shoot their javelins against the incoming dead wolves. Killing two of them, rotting their numbers to 3. The salamanders were exhausted after moving and when poked by their handlers they fire short.
    -----> bad rolls here. needed 6" on scatter dice for both salamanders, rolled 2" twice.
    Turn 2 Vampire Counts

    The wolf unit "C" charged against the Skink cohort "A" in the right flank, despite the javelines the three of them survives an reach the weak but quick little lizards. The ghouls charge against the Salamanders that flee through the ally troops. Slann calm down the panic of his servant skinks because the flee was planned long ago. The ghouls then set their eyes onto the huge Bastiladon, so much meat to feast and run towards it.
    In the left flank both the wolf units tries to reach the Skink Cohort "B" with the skink priest inside, but they too far away to reach them right now.

    The Vampire Lord order the advance of his undead army, grave guard advance ready to face the temple guard and his minion lead the sekeletons forward too. The banshees look for souls to rip and find the ideal souls to rend.

    A huge shadow covered the skink priest with the cloak of feathers. He was afraid of what would come...

    The Vampires and the Slann began another magic duel that's ended up with the grave guard pushing in front of the temple guard thanks to the Evanhel's dance. The clash was now unavoidable. The vampire Lord licked his fangs, awaiting for the time to spill blood all over the field. No other spell was succesfully casted.
    ------> Good winds of magic roll for VC player. But wanted to snipe the Oldblood and it was out of range for the normal spirit leech. Then he went for a boosted one and fail by 1. So no purple sun this turn.
    With the Vampire Lord he uses the book of arkham and I let it go since Terror was out of range to recover 1 wound. He moves a bit the grave guard. Then he throw his remaining power dice for a boosted Evanhel's dance but is dispelled.

    When the priest turn around to face the shadow who flew over him, he knew it was too late and the death was coming for him, the Terrorgheist screamed him destroying his soul and leaving an empty and pale skink corpse on the ground.
    A sad lost to a brave and loyal priest, but the Slann knew this could happen, but what he could not foresee was his battle plan begin to crumble. Both the banshees whailed against the bastiladon and his skinks withering them and destroying all the life force in them. Letting the ghouls be able to rampage the skinks units in the right flank. The whole plan had to be changed.
    ------> Shooting phase show how destructive can be the Vampire Counts against lone models. Terrorgheist roll a 4&3 +2 = 9 - 6LD = 3 Wounds on the poor priest.
    Banshees rolled both over the Generals LD and killed the Bastiladon in one phase. Uh Oh thas not good, I was going to get combo charged in the front and the flank of one of my units in next VC turn.

    The wolfs tried to bite the faster skinks who killed two of them, the remaining one couldn't kill any lizard and the power that animates its rotting corpse leave him and his bones crumble to the ground.
    ---> Skinks with javelines are pretty decent for crap fights.

    Turn 2 Lizardmen

    Grim things happens when facing the death itself. The sudden loss of one of the priest and the beast was a heavy strike to the coldblooded heart of the Lizardmen army. The Scarvet held up proudly the Army Standard and sound the charge against the ghouls who were feasting over the dead body of the bastiladon. His cold one run forward into the fray while the rest of the phalanx followed their captain.

    The Slann knew the temple guard would need his presence to achieve victory, so he gave clear orders to his skinks servant and step into the ranks of the temple guard who held the position. The Skink skirmishers "A" march between a gap in enemy lines and faced the wolf units in order to shoot a volley of deadly poisoned darts. Cohort "B" was chosen to delay the enemy assault, so they moved forward ready to take the charge, the priest with the dispel scroll joined the templeguard too. The salamanders were calmed down by their handlers and look at the battlefield. The right flank both the skrimish and cohort skinks run forward to avenge the brave priest who died at hands of the Terrorgheist.
    ----> Move my cohort to redirect Graveguard, and buy time for saurus to annihilate ghoul unit. The plan was to hold with temple guard and saurus winning the middle and rear/flank charge in following turns. Also ensure with 30 shoots the Terrorgheist finally dies.

    The Old ones were already gifting their loyal servants.Plenty of power the slann and his priest assistant begin to shape the fate of the battle.
    The Slann cast on Saurus warriors a successful Wyssan's Wildform. Then tried to hex the ghouls by boosted miasma but the vampire lord didnt allow it. Now with the vampire magic defense getting low. He tried to destroy one the banshees inside the skeleton unit. Despite being casted it couldn't harm the spirit.
    The slann was in a hurry, he really didn't know what could go next, but the skink priest jump into action, and borrowed all the energies left and cast a Savage Beast over the Oldblood, transforming him into the ultimate killing machine.
    ----> Near perfect Winds of Magic roll with 12 v 7. But Slann and priest inside Templeguard, I had bad expierience carrying C4 in my key units during magic phase before. So i decided to just throw 3 dice max per spell. Since killing infantry troops in shooting and magic was useless against VC I chose to go the way of hex & augments. The last spell was perfect and VC has no more dispel dice. WS6 +1 to hit sword S5+3 A5+3 Oldblood. This means another turn without combat. or this was what I've thought.

    The skinks on right flank avenge his fellow priest brother and shoot a volley of javelins and blowpipe darts against the Terrorgheist, leading to its final end.
    On the left flank, skirmishers and cohorts wipe out one of the two wolf units.
    ----> Yes, too much hate on the Terrorgheist. 30 shots trying to get enough 6's to deal 2 wounds. The other flankshooting units dealt 5 wounds with another 30 shots. Not bad.

    The glory charge over the ghouls sees the cold one shredding the ghoul champion into pieces while the Scarvet battlecries with a proud roar while holding high the army standard. The saurus phalanx empowered by wildform destroy every undead creature they face, leaving only 8 ghouls "alive". Two brave saurus warriors fell in the fray.
    ---> Hitting on 4's and wounding on 3's thanks to Wyssans ensures the winning, Ghouls had to strike on 4's (6's autowounds due to poison attacks) and wounding on 6's but also I had AS 4+. My opponent was smart to issue a challenge. I had no champion so I lose some extra wounds. In challenge the cold one killed the champion. -.-' Bad news here, 8 alive after combat resolution, Now I have to face a flank charge, with vampire hero and banshees whailing the unit twice. At least the augment remains in opponent turns.
    Vampire Counts Turn 3

    "Enough !" thought the Vampire Lord when he saw his minions crumbling and his dreadfull beast falling under the poisoned shooting. He orderded his minion vampire to lead the charge over the flank of the saurus phalanx, disrupting them and uncover all the power of the dead army. Once the destiny of the phalanx was sealed. He draw his two handed sword into the wind and his dead stead begin to charge followed by a regiment of heroes of older ages that passed away, now recluted by the dark magic to serve their new lord.

    The Skink Cohort "B" started to pray to the old ones as they knew they were going to die horribly. But the in their minds the slann voice sound again. "Run for your lives. Your final stand is no longer necessary"
    So the skinks turn their back and flew as quick as they can away from the charge of the grave guard and the wrath of the Vampire Lord . The undead master was getting really anger viewing such cowardly in the enemy ranks and lead the charge against the enemy general who was cowardly hidding behind the their bodyguards. The vampire swear that his sword would drink slann blood. The bloodthirsty Vampire knew that one fo the bodyguard was a fearsome warrior between their kind, enforced by wild magic, but he had a plan to overcome this foe and achieve victory.
    The last five dead wolves charge the near skirmish unit that couldn't had time to prepare their blowpipes. So they took their hand weapons and faced the hounds.
    -----> Turn 3 the VC player only had 5 wolves, the entire grave guard w/ Vampire blender Lord, the entire skeleton unit with vampire hero W/ purple sun and 2 banshees and the remaining 8 ghouls of the unit.
    He set the flank charge to obliterate saurus warriors with a purple sun + banshees whails. The grave guard had to charge skink or lose another turn. With my Oldblood with Savage Beast i knew i could tie or even win the match. So i declare flee! reaction with the skinks. So if he pursue skinks they would offer the flank in next turn to my Temple guard, also his unit was in nowhere of the battlefield. So he gambled and was selfconfident with the vampire blender, and he was a plan for shutting my buffed Oldblood. In wolves charge I held cause i could tie the combat with I4 skinks vs I3 wolfs. Because each wound would reduce number of attacks. So i take accept the risk. Anyway skink jobs was already done for this battle.

    The vampire minion starte to chant a dead song while over his head his hands danced with grim power while forging a purple sphere of radiant frozen lights. Once done he laughed and throw it forward to deliver the pain and dead over the enemy ranks. Quickly and nervous the skink priest draw his scroll and say the words written on it. The paper burn on the hands of the skink priest and a magical wind flew over the battlefield and hit the mortal sphere in the middle and exploding it into shards.
    ----> This magic phase was now on favour of the VC, who got if i remember well a 11vs6 winds of magic roll. He tried to boost his combat with evanhel's, with i dispell both attemps. Also tried to recover wounds on ghouls, dipelled again. I run out of dispel dice. And he still has 5 power dice. I knew if double six will negate my dispel attempt so I used them before it could be wasted. He then cast purple sun, he success in the roll with 5 dice, but... only one six ! He was so excited because this would surely kill most of my saurus unit including my BSB. But I brought a dispel scroll :)

    Seeing their plan crumbling, the vampire minion hurried the banshees to kill the saurus and both scream the phalanx, but no sould would be destroyed by unholy powers.

    The remaining ghouls were crushed into dust without dealing any wound. The vampire minion were pleased with the blood spilled and his sword brought dead to 2 saurus warriors. The skeletons run through the flank of unconscious saurus of their presence and 2 more died, The proud scarvet move to the fray but a skeleton warrior block his way, quickly the lizard mount bite his skull and separate it from its spine.
    The phalanx turn his side to face the skeletons and lead by his proud captain get ready for the next round to shatter the bones of the unliving.

    The Vampire Lord overrun the templeguard in a whirlwind of death and blood, his great sword cleave throught the scaly bodies of the elite infantry of saurus as if they were goblins. Once his assault end his figure mounted on his dead steed was over the mountain the slain corpses of the templeguard The Oldblood rushed into the ranks of the enemy guided by the wild magic, but an undead champion run to block his path and distract him from his duties. It was the moment for the Skink priest to gave his life for the greater good of his lizardkin. He stabbed the chest with his ritual dagger but didn't had the strenght enough to destroy the undead solider. The red glowing eyes turned to the filthy skink and with his heavy axe killed in two blows the brave priest. The Oldblood saw his priest dying for the sake of his duty and he couldn't fail. All the lifes of the temple guards and the slann itself depens on him. With predatory fury unleashed he destroyed half of the unit of the dead elite soldiers. While the templeguard crushed two foes more and one lucky halberd wounded the Vampire Lord. When the heavy blades of the undead fell, three saurus fall to them.

    The skinks were assaulted by the wolves who killed 1 of them, but this day the skink would climb over any mountain and stood their ground.
    Multiple combat with saurus warrior: Saurus obliterated the remaining ghouls, I was challenged again by a filthy champion and my scarvet had to accept. Well at least ill get three wounds... no.. cold one again did 1 wound. -.-'
    Combat was lost even with more wounds on my side because Wyssan Wildform was still active. But Skeleton unit was huge and in the flank, so disruption rules aply and he add +5 to CR due Chaerge, Flank and ranks. I lose but both my infantry blocks were stubborn rerollable. So they are going to stand the ground till last man standing.
    Vampire Lord & grave guard vs Templeguard & boosted Oldblood: He tries to do the same cheap trick with challenge, since i didn't have a champion but i have 3 characters in the unit. Slann, Oldblood and already naked priest. Well the choice was simple. The priest step forth and was even lucky to wound the grave guard champion who luckily saved on 5+. We were laughing at this moment, too much shame on grave guard if a skink kills you :p. Well skink died due to 2+ to hit 2+ to wound and 2 attacks...
    Now begins the carnage... Vampire blender killed 8 templeguards. But boosted Oldblood killed 11 grave guards! (8 attacks 2+ to hit 2+ to wound and rolled 3 PF attacks)
    Units deal their average job and the vampire lord was injured with 1 attack.
    In CR he loses 1 grave guard more. So now we had 9 templeguards and 7 graveguards.

    Skink didnt make a wound on wolves and they kill 1. I rolled a needless 1;1 (I lose by 2 on LD10) and stand the ground.

    Lizarmen Turn 3

    The skinks on the right flank approached to the corpse of the Terrorgheist and poked with sticks to ensure it was trully death, then they gather the corpse of the skink priest to give proper funearl to him once the battle is over.
    The salamander units advance and aim the whole flank of the deep skeleton unit that was fighting against the saurus.
    ----> no more moves, all what i want was engaged in combat.

    The slann saw himself alone in the ritual of gathering power from the magic winds, he remember the dead of his loyal priest and saw the Vampire Lord slaughtering all his saurus bodyguards...
    With the power of the magic on his hands tried to cast a Melkoth's miama to the grave guard but was dispelled. Then followed with an Iceshard blizzard again dispelled by the Vampire Lord. Then a Wyssans Wildform vigorized the templeguard to finally destroy their foes. With the last whisper of magic left, try to bound their life force to the earth spirits, but the slann couldn't protect their fellows from the mighty blows of the Vampire Lord.
    ---> Tied wind of magic rolls 6v5. As he knew his unit are going to fall this round no matter what. He let it go Wyssans, since with S7 he could still wounding on 2+ to T4 or T5. With the last dice I was confident on giving regeneration to my unit as a surprising twist of the events, with 5+ regeneration i could be able to tank the Blender Lord with my unit. But i failed.

    The salamanders aimed at the angle of the skeleton unit and spit their fire across from corner to corner. Burning "not alive" a bunch of skeletons to ashes. Now the Saurus could destroy them all.
    -----> Here i have a doubt. Since Basic RuleBook specifies that cannons could not target engaged units, catapult could not target engaged units. I didn't read anything in flamethrower's rules. So if not specifying I think is legal to target with flamethrowers engaged units. Can someone plz clarify it?
    Well, whatever 14 skeletons dead but with or without them the result of the game this time, wouldn't change.

    The Vampire Lord taunted to the templeguard and wanted to face their best warrior in a challenge. The Oldblood feels himself able to face him, but the slann told him that his duty was to destroy the undead soldiers, not the vampire. So the Slann levitates forward and faced the Vampire who with a flurry of deadly blows severy wounded the slann who was able to enforce the power shield of the Old Ones to stop the final blow who would be killed him. Bleeding and near to death, the Slann gave the last order to their most loyal bodyguard. Annihilate all the undead being on this battlefield.
    So he step to the few enemies who stand before him and with sharpened will he destroy all the remainings grave guards. While the rest of the Templeguard run into the aid of their master, and despite being a fearsome and superior swordmaster, the Vampire Lord met his destruction at the edge of many templeguard halberds who impaled him all over his unnatural body. With a painfull scream, all the dark magic gathered inside his being elapsed and the remaining minions begin to crumble.

    The vampire minion could sense the destruction of his master and knew he could not scape from this battlefield, so he shouted to the Scarveteran captain who was helding the Army Standard. And meet him in single combat where their mighty steel clashed while their gazes held each other. But the downfall of the undead was close to him, the banshees were just dust casted to the wind, their once skeleton warrior was now just bones under the heel of the saurus warriors, and a wave of spears sudden fall over his chest. as his body withered into dust, his steed crumbles to the ground, leaving only his sword, and armoury on the ground..

    The Skinks were asking themselves what's going on when te hound fell to the ground and begin to rot. When they turned to their back saw the glorious victory of the Lizardmen which in followed days had to mourn the lost of a bastiladon , two loyal skink priest and many brave saurus.

    -----> Without earthblood I couldn't afford to let my templeguard to take the blows of the Blender, and my Oldblood was cheap enough to be in the list along with the Slann. So only 1+AS vs S7 is not enough.
    So the only reliable option was to tank with slann 50% ward save and 5Wounds and hope for the 1's to hit and 1's to wound and pray for not fluffing my ward saves. In first time i had to face the whole 5 attacks of the vampire. I only saved 2 of 5, so blender got another 3 attacks, fluffing one to hit. Well this is what a call a tense roll. not only for the chance of lossing Slann and General VP boost. I needed him to stay stubborn... well... time to roll and yes ! I made 1 Ward save, the frog is alive !
    Now the game was sealed, the Oldblood throw his 5 attacks and killed 7 (2 PF more). Even templeguard didnt have to attack. By Combat Resolution i won and did 5 wounds to the lone Vampire Lord who died due to unstability. General's gone, the whole army begin to crumble, the wolf died all and few skeletons.

    The other combat saw the saurus obliterate skeletons and the challenge with no wounds, again too much CR on my side to kill both banshees and vampire hero.


    Hope you like the battle, and I'll be waiting for your suggestions about the format of the report. Should I stay with the lyric? Stay only on battle details? Keep both?.
    I'll be formating the current report in order to ease the reading and any other kind stuff.

    Thank you for reading.
  2. rd4

    rd4 New Member

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    Great batrep, and great English! Look forward to seeing part 2!
  3. Overlord of Serpents
    Cold One

    Overlord of Serpents Active Member

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    Fantastic Battle report! Very clever how you handle the challenge situation against the Vampire player's lord. Using the Slann was a risky play but honestly you probably would've won regardless as he would've needed 3 additional wounds to not pop from CS.

    And your English is fine, friend!

    -Overlord of Serpents
  4. The Red Devil

    The Red Devil Defender of Hexoatl Staff Member

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    Great battle report! Cant wait to read you next report!

    This was a mistake, you are not allowed to target units in close combat.

    You can target a unit which is not in close combat, and overshoot into a unit in close combat, but not target one directly.
  5. Man0waR

    Man0waR Member

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    Hi fellow Lizards.

    Long time without posting but i've keep reading. I'm trying to remember one of my last battles i've fought.

    We've met in a GW shop to play a 2000 points game ( cant remember if it was 2500 ). Lizardmen vs Warriors of Chaos. When we arrive I've found something it would go against my plan. The fantasy board was a modular one composite of 4 squares instead of 6. With an open field in the middle and right flank and a grim looking forest in the left flank. On one deployment zone stood some houses at the corners which were irrelevant and the other deployment had a hill with a huge tower just in the middle.

    My list.

    Slann BSB lvl4 Death : #0 #2 #4 #5
    Reservoir of eldritch energy
    Channel combo

    Scarvet on Carnosaur w/ Swiftstride & blood roar
    Great Weapon
    Armour of Destiny

    Skink priest lvl 1 Heavens #0
    Cloak of feathers

    Skink priest lvl 2 Beast #0 #4
    Dispel Scroll

    Skink A) 10 Skink skirmishers w/ javelins <-- Cloack of Feathers Sk priest here
    Skink B) 10 Skink skirmishers w/ javelins
    30 Skink cohort w/ full command group <--- Beast priest goes here
    24 Saurus warriors S&B w/ full command group.

    20 Templeguards w/ full comand & Banner of eternal flame
    Bastiladon w/ solar engine.

    Salamander w/ extra snack
    Ancient Stegadon

    WoC list.

    Slaanesh Daemon Prince nasty stuff & flying and lvl4 shadows: Only remember pit of shadows.

    BSB Exhalted on Daemonic Mount. Killy stuff.

    24 Khorne Chaos Warriors w/Halberds, group command and banner of whatever (can't remember but they had a magical one)
    30 Barbarians (or Marauders) (here in my country are called barbarians) with flails I think
    5 Horse Barbarians (or Marauders)
    5 Hounds

    Khorne Gore Beast Chariot
    Chimera w/ upgrades

    3x Skullcrushers with banner of war (+1 combat res)

    So I deployed in the Hillside deployment zone of the board, remember it was 48"x48" instead of the regular size.
    And from my left to right i deployed
    Skinks B --> Ancient Stegadon --> Scarnosaur --> Sk Cohort ----> Salamander ----> Temple guard w/Slann inside the building <----- Bastiladon <---- Saurus Warriors <---- Skinks A.

    His deployment from left to right (in my point of view, so they are faced)

    Gore Beast Chariot ---> Warriors of Chaos ----> Marauders infantry <----- Skull Crushers <--- Daemon Pince <--- Horse marauders w/ bsb <---- Dogs <---- Chimera in top of a building (he likes dramatic poses on highground).

    I Roll for initiative and won, but i decided to let him go first (Cuz i had a plan).

    WoC turn 1:
    So he move pretty straight forward, it was a narrow battlefield so it would make me hard for redirect.
    His Chariot (next to the forest) moves along the infantry line of Warriors and Marauder keeping his center strong and supported. Then he decided to wipe out my right flank who only had a poor saurus warriors unit and a unit skirmishers so he march forward placing his dogs in the flank, then his DP facing my TG to pew pew in magic, and behind DP the unit of Horse Marauders with BSB and the Skullcrushers on his left and the Chimera at his right.

    Movement Phase finished sees Winds of Magic roll on average 8 PD vs 6 DD. He risked Pit of Shades on a perfectly rounded tower where my TG deployed so it would cover the entire unit on Bullseye. At least i had my bastiladon near.
    He threw six dices and no IF so dispel scroll. The following spell got dispelled easily also I store DD for the following magic phase.

    Shoting phase: Ther warriors spit and curse upon the lizards.

    Lizardmen turn 1:

    I move forward my B Skrimishers to run the left flank around the forest, along Ancient Stegadon who faces the center of the battlefield through the nearby forest. Then Scarnosaur advance bravely into the forest and threat the Gore Beast Chariot and the flank formation of the Chaos warriors. Behind the Scarnosaur was the massive skink cohort with the salamander at their side.

    In the middle the temple guard moves forward leaving the building with the Bastiladon at his right facing the Gore Beast Chariot (Chimera was far away so if i wanted to target it had to move away from TG so the +1 I would be wasted). The saurus hold their ground. And now comes the key move. Skink priest flew off the A) Skirmisher unit and sat at the flank of the DP, outside his line of sight and the chimera, also the DP base prevent his marauders or the BSB to charge the priest. Also his Skullcrushers needed the Marauders unit to move in order to keep advancing. So this move block his entire flank.
    The A skink skirmishers run the right flank and Wheel to redirect anyone who charges into nowhere in the battlefield and also shoot the hounds.

    Winds of Magic roll a perfect 6vs4 with 2 channels and 1 PD from eldritch reservoir. so 9vs4.
    So I begin with Bastiladon who shot at the Chariot. Making one wound to him.
    Then i cast Fate of Bjuna with 6 dice against the DP with Priest Vassal. It goes off and i roll eleven wiith 2d6. So you figure it out. DP one shot.
    I obtained some PD but didnt manage to get a Doom & Darkness to followed up with spirit leech to chimera (iin order to kill it and make panic on BSB). So broken concentration. It would be awesome to kill the 2 main threats in a turn of magic and panic his BSB.

    Shooting sees the Chariot geting one more wound and a 2 hounds bitting the dust.

    WoC turn 2:
    Thing are getting ugly for WoC player, General & Only wizard gone. His entire heavy flank blocked by a single skink. It's time to do risky things.

    He declare long charge against the saurus warriors who hold (the were so near to the edge to risk a flee reaction) so they hold their ground. The Chimeras does the long charge and engage.

    Seeing that charging with marauders +bsb would block the Skull crushers movement, he decided to charge his BSB into the heroic flying priest. So he can Wheel up his Skull crushers in some weird maneuvars in order to advance forward a few inches and leave the traffic jam.
    The priest fled but it was caught. BSB reforms to face the poor but highly loyal Saurus warriors.

    His hounds avoid charging the Skirmishers cuz it would be S&S reaction + 10 attacks who would finish them off.

    Also seeing the opportunity to crush my Carnosaur, he declares charge with Gore Beast Chariot to the Scarnosaur, facing Dangerous Terrain. Ok lets think (d6+1 S6 impact hits, 6 WS5 S5 attacks & 3 S6 attacks). So one could expect skinks to turn tail and flee.... Of course my Scarvet riding the fearsome beast was the bravest of the brave like sir Robin in Monthy Pyton's and fled.

    Someone could call it coward. But it was a tactical bait. :rolleyes: The Scarnosaur hide behind the skinks and the chariot failed his charge stumping throught the forest (he succeded in DT roll) but now the chariot lays in the rampage path of my Ancient Stegadon.

    In movement his battleline of infantry moves forward with Khorne Chaos Warrior, & Marauders & Skullcrushers facing my Templeguard with his support saurus warrior unit now engaged with a dreadful Chimera.

    His 3 hounds maneuver in order to prevent my skinks to being able to redirect the skull crushers (in such way i had to move around the hounds and cannot reach any good position for redirection).

    Skip magic & shooting phases.

    Combat sees the Chimera killing 8 sauruses and taking 2 wounds. Saurus Holds.

    LM Turn 2:

    Ancient Stegadon Charges Gore Beast Chariot and makes it.
    A) Skinks go berserk and charge the hounds.

    Brave Scarnosaur reforms to fight another day.

    In movement the Cohort moves forward to delay the Chaos infantry. Salamander waits in the right of the skink unit, being unable to get cahrged by big blocks. B) Skinks in the left flank moves faster on the rear of the Chaos lines.
    Bastiladon last missions. He blocks the path of incoming Skullcrushers to prevent the combined charge against TG.

    Magic phase even with no enemy caster i did nothing. No reservoir , no channels, not a single spell off.

    Shooting sees a bunch of javelins thrown against the CW. Also a flaming spit burn down their ranks. = 5 CW dead, not bad.

    Combat: Charriot shred to pieces and the stegadon jumping happily over gore beast corpse as it faces the flank of CW.
    Chimera keep killing tons of loyal Saurus and getting another wound. Now with only 2 ranks Saurus remains loyal to the plan of the Old Ones.
    A) Skink draw the combat against hounds 1 casualty vs +1 charge.

    CW turn 3:

    He declares charge with his BSB to finish the Saurus unit. Skullcrushers charge the Bastiladon, not confident enough on the task he declares charges with CW and Marauders unit (I think he really want to get the TG as fast as posible. So he really nees to break the Bastiladon). So what happened is my Bastie holds against the Chaos tide, Skullcrushers in front Chaos warriors in flank. Marauders fail charge due to no room for them.

    In movement he sets the horse marauders ready to flank charge my saurus warriors unit or the TG if the first one is destroyed.

    Well skip magic & shooting.

    In combat my Bastiladon is smashed to a pulp. and the Skullcrushers first overrun into TG and the CW forced to overrun too are blocked by Skullcrushers

    Skinks finally crush the hounds and reforms to harass the marauder unit.

    The bloody combat between Chimera, BSB exhalted and saurus warriors goes on, Challenge issued in order to lose one model throws off the plan of destroying the unit this turn. Chimera kill some more saurus but they remain in the magical number of 5. So one Rank , they keep steadfast.

    But now the TG is engaged against Skullcrushers with no support at all.

    Lizardmen Turn 3:

    Skink cohorts bravely charge the rear of Khorne Chaos Warriors, Ancient Stegadon Slams the rear too.
    Salamanders joins in the falnk, and Scarnosaur had no place to sit in the feast ( my mistake for charging with the salamander. It was a mess)

    Skink skirmishers surrounded the Marauder unit.

    Magic phase saw Wyssans wildform on TG dispelled, then Doom and Darkness & Curse of Aranheir hexed the Chaos Warriors. btw another 1 in reservoir energy roll.

    Shooting ends with some Marauders dead.

    In combat the Khorne Chaos Warriors show they are a true warriors. Torn the salamander into pieces (my bad, this had to be Scarnosaur winning the challenge by a lot). Killed a bunch of skinks & champion with did some wounds on steggie (curse of aranheir saved my ass). Things are getting dire.
    The stegadon only managed to slam 2 with his charge and one get away, so one kill.
    Then the skink cohort went crazy and save the day making some wounds. Finally the stegadon did little to nothing and only thunderstomp one more. Well it was like 7 vs 12 in casualties so we add the static CR and see me adding +3 ranks (huge cohorts always work for me) getting him disrupted, and +2 for rear and +1 for charging.
    CW loses by one but they are hexed with -3 to LD. The Chaos warriors fled, I pursue with only the stegadon and fail to catch them.

    The warriors run through the Skullcrushers but they brought the angry beast towards them. The chase of the stegadon ended up into the flank of Skullcrushers, already engaged against the TG due to last turn overrun. This combat wasn't done yet. So... Impact hits? I roll 5+1 I wound 5 he fails 4 of his saves Then i roll 5-6-3-1 = 9 wounds. And the Stegadon Skew the three of them with his sharpened horns.

    Game is conceded at this point. Huge win for the lizards. At this time i got killed a Salamander, Bastiladon and a lvl 1 skink priest. Also the saurus warriors were going to die this round.

    He had left a Chimera with 1 wound left, a BSB exhalted (going to be death snipe) , 5 horse marauders and a huge block of marauders going to be avoided while shooting does his job.

    Hope you like the report.

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