8th Ed. Slann as masters of magic

Discussion in 'House Rules' started by Nakki, Feb 6, 2014.

  1. Nakki

    Nakki Member

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    As I am not a tournament player I tend to think changing rules to enhance the experience of the game for everyone is totally cool (so long as both players agree of course).

    My argument!

    One thing that bugged me and 7th and REALLY bugged me in 8th is the Slann and how magic works in lizardmen army in general. Back in 6th edition Slann was really a master of magic. The best non-special character wizard by far. The 8th edition slann is a glorified level 4 with a free 4+ ward save. I think the current Slann is a solidly written character in terms of game balance.....i just don't think it represents a true Slann Mage-Priest, especially when you want to get into the 3rd and 2nd generations.

    My proposal!

    I propose the Slann be used in his 6th edition iteration with a few changes to make him 8th compatible. The palanquin rule is changed to the 8th version. He is left at T4 and W5. He starts at 325pts as read in 6th edition book. Fourth gen is +60 points and means miscasts are ignored but you cannot cast any spells after the miscast is made. Third gen is +105 points. Drain magic the same but the casting values are increased to 12+, 16+, 20+. Second generation is +155 points.

    I don't want to put to much detail up (although it is an old book) if you want me to edit this out I can, but this means:
    All generations are cumulative in abilities although not in points. The points cost is as listed, but a 2nd gen slann has all the abilities of 3rd and 4th ect.
    5th gen = free = +1 cast/dispel and allows Slann to generate spells from any lore (including high magic)
    4th gen = +70pts means any miscast means Slann cannot cast again but miscast is ignored. The slann may also take an additional spell (5).
    3rd gen = +115 points =+1 wound and Drain magic spell (as listed in 6th book with the altered casting values). Also gives opponent extra 100 victory points.
    2nd gen = +185 = +1 more wound (+2 total) and whenever a spell is a cast the player adds a free dice (same as rumination). Also gives opponent extra 100 victory points (200 total)

    So the idea is Slann is much more powerful but also MUCH more expensive. The 2nd generation Slann will be 510 point base magic best. It is also worth noting that with these rules Slann powers listed in the 8th edition book can't be taken.

    What do you guys think? Should loremaster be incorporated in there somewhere? I tried to keep it pretty close to 6th edition and didn't want to make him too powerful. The point is at the end of the day he is a very strong wizard but also very costly. And as with any expensive wizard the player is still vulnerable to winds of magic, you roll a 3 on winds and your 500 point investment is going to be a big overpriced paperweight for the turn (maybe he decided to look at the stars for a minute).
  2. Mr Phat
    Skink Chief

    Mr Phat 9th Age Army Support

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    I dont want to interfere with you changing your house-rules, thats fine, but remember the 6th Edition Slann and the 8th Edition Slann is two completely different things in terms of fluff.

    Where the 6th Edition was in full control of his powers the new book states that Slanns are mere shadows of their former power due to disturbances from the winds of magic and the chaos corruption of the world.
    The current Slann is a being who LOST control of his near omnipotent powers, and fluffwise he is nowhere near as powerful as he used to be, which I think the game rules reflect rather fine.

    Slanns are still the strongest (as "best" is a matter of perspective) non character caster in the game IMO, if not he is for sure the most versatile.

    If you want the Slann to be the all powerful Space Buddha Frog he was described as in earlier editions I can surely understand your need of buffing him :)
  3. n810

    n810 First Spawning

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    Fluffwise all the Slann we get to use are 5th generation.
    (Except Kroak and Mazumundi) :artist:
  4. The Lord of Excess

    The Lord of Excess New Member

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    I honestly am probably just old and cranky. But with GW stuff. I just enjoyed the fluff a helluva lot more in 5th-6th ed WHFB and in 3rd-4th ed. 40k.

    I just can't get into most of the new stuff. The new Necrons for example ... ugh. It is entirely subjective I know. But I really identify with your post here.

    In my own gaming club we are looking at just returning wholesale to "Oldhammer" just going back to the versions of the game that we like and sticking with those.

    I myself am trying to build my first Lizardmen army (though I've been a GW fanboy for over 15 years now) and I'm trying to build it for use with 8th/9th and with 6th (I'm even looking into the viability of playing 3rd ed. which is basically full on skirmish).

    So I'd say if you prefer the fluff of the older versions, instead of doing complex house rules. Just bust out the old rules and use em' ... might be totally unviable for your group though ... just a random suggestion based on what I'm doing.

    Good luck sir!
  5. Professor_Skink

    Professor_Skink New Member

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    I agree that the Slann have been taken down a notch, but in previous editions they have been too powerful to me at least. When I played ppl with the 7th slann with rumination and cupped hands there was nothing they could do about it.

    I also agree that this slann is still the best noncharacter wizard. I kit him out with lore master(high), reservoir, soul of stone, and convergence with the channeling staff and he still kicks butt. I can get a fiery convocation off every game and not die from a cascade thanks to luck and stone. I get trying to give the slann some stuff back, but I do very well with the current slann. I guess it's just preference right?

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