8th Ed. Lonewolf GT Lizardmen list vs. WoC 2500 points

Discussion in 'Battle Reports' started by Overlord of Serpents, Feb 7, 2014.

  1. Overlord of Serpents
    Cold One

    Overlord of Serpents Active Member

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    Greetings everyone! I hope y'all are ready for my first battle report with 8th edition Lizardmen against the much hated forces of Chaos, especially the ones encased in protective, pointy metal.

    The lists are as follows:

    Oldblood: Armor of Destiny, Dawnstone, Great weapon on Carnosaur with Loping Stride and Bloodroar.

    Scar-Veteran: Battle Standard Bearer, Great Weapon, Armor of Fortune, Dragonbane Gem mounted on Cold One.

    Skink Priest: Level 2, Dispel Scroll, Beasts- Had Wyssan's and Amber Spear

    Skink Priest: Level 2, Cube of Darkness, Beasts- Had Wyssan's and Transformation of Kadon

    x25 Saurus Warriors with Full Command and Hand weapons

    x16 Skinks with Standard and Musician with x2 Kroxigors

    x10 Blowpipe Skirmisher skinks

    x10 Skink Cohorts

    x3 Ripperdactyl Riders



    x7 Chameleon Skinks

    x2 Salamanders

    Engine of the Gods with Sharpened Horns.

    Warriors of Chaos:

    Lord: Demon Prince of Nurgle, Chaos Armor, Winged Flight, Scaly Skin, Helm of Many Eyes Lvl 4 Wizard (Plague Wind, Fleshy Abundance, Rancid Visitations, and Blades of Putrefaction)

    Heroes: BSB, Mark of Nurgle, Halberd, Shield, and Talisman of Protection

    Level 1 Wizard (Lore of Death, Soul Blight), Dispel Scroll, Shield (I think)

    Rares: 6 Skullcrushers (Full Command, Ensorcelled Weapons, Ranger Banner)

    Core: 35 Chaos Warriors, Mark of Nurgle, Full Command, Halberds

    35 Chaos Marauders, Full Command, Mark of Khorne Flails ~380

    Terrain: So the terrain on this map was HUGE for the game and was a little strange to be honest. A 3rd party set up the terrain who I believe was a friend of my opponent and the important aspect was there was a GIANT Alter of Khaine in the dead center of the table with a River of Blood branching off it's right side to within about 3' of the right table edge. Also there was a random, impassible terrain structure about the center of the river that was about large template sized that could block LoS pretty easily.


    So for my deployment I definitely wanted to force the fight in the river. I knew I had my opponent out-gunned at range and the river removing his rank and steadfast bonus would be a major bonus to my fight. I placed first.

    In the end my side was: Ripperdactyls deployed a little left of the tower because they can Vanguard into a better position, next to a Bastiladon behind the Saurus block with the Scar-Veteran deployed in with them. Another Bastiladon was on their right side followed by skink skirmishers and skink cohorts whom had the Amber Spear priest. Then was the Skrox with the other priest ready to march into the river followed by the Ancient Stegadon and Carnosaur near the table edge. Chameleons deployed 12" from his Warriors on the left flank.

    My opponents deployment was his Chaos Warriors (with level 1 wizard and BSB) across from my Saurus, then his Marauders to the right, then his Daemon Prince was deployed where he could see the Saurus Warriors further to the right. Then his large juggernaut unit deployed across from my Carnosaur Lord and Stegadon on the far right.

    So I got first turn, and I'll have a brief paragraph of my thoughts on the battle at the end.

    Turn 1: Lizards

    The Lizardmen shuffle forward a few inches at most and mostly just wait for the Warriors to come to us. The Chameleons march to get nice and close to the warrior unit. The skink cohorts move up into the river a bit.

    In the Magic phase, the Priest in the cohort unit gets off the big version of Amber Spear and kills 2 Bloodcrushers outright. My opponent tried to dispel and failed, and due to a misunderstanding of the rules thought he could Scroll after a failed Dispel attempt, I offered to let him use the scroll anyway but he refused. Good sportsman for certain.

    In the shooting phase, the chameleons roll fairly well and pick off about 3 warriors.

    Turn 1: WoC

    The Daemon Prince declares a charge against the cohort unit, who flee, then he redirects against the saurus warriors. He only needed a 10 I think, but failed and ended up landing right in front of his marauders, lucky me! The warrior unit marches forward and his Bloodcrushers advance and aim to come charging in on the Saurus or Skrox.

    I manage to shut down his magic phase between the Dispel Scroll and Dispel Dice.

    Turn 2: Lizards

    I charge the weakened Bloodcrushers with my Carnosaur Lord. I move up my Stegadon to be within 6" for the Ward and advance the rest of my right flank around to face the center of the table, the Salamanders move to prepare to start firing shots at the Warriors. The chameleons and Skirmishers both march to shoot at the Daemon Prince.

    I don't get off any magic this phase due to low dice I think.

    The Salamanders obliterate the warriors and manage to bring down about 10 of the tough bastards, which is awesome for me. Between the Chameleons and Skirmishers they manage to sneak a wound through on the Daemon Prince, which was rather impressive.

    In combat my opponent thankfully had a champion, so he has to accept my challenge and is promptly eaten alive by the carnosaur so my lord doesn't even get to swing. The Bloodcrushers fail their break test and are run down by my lord, giving me the right flank.

    Turn 2: WoC

    Daemon Prince charges Salamanders, who flee through my saurus that thankfully hold and the DP redirects against the Saurus warriors and makes his charge against them. The Marauders charge the Skirmishers, but I flee so he fails and they're still kinda caught out in no man's land. The warrior unit advances into the river and turns to take the fight to the central point of my army.

    In the magic phase I stop everything but a magic missile that kills a skink handler (huzzah?) thanks to the Cube of darkness.

    In combat my Scar-Veteran accepts his challenge and manages to hold off the DP, only taking 1 wound.

    Turn 3: Lizards

    Skrox, Bastiladon, and Ripperdactyls (who've been hiding out by the tower) declare a triple charge against the warriors of chaos. Sadly the ripperdactyls fail despite being able to reroll thanks to the alter of Khaine. The Carnosaur and Stegadon position to charge in on the flank of the warriors if the combat lasts long enough, but without the ripper's in his flank I'm having my doubts. The salamanders fail to rally on a rerollable 8 and flee off the table. (Boo) The cohorts rally. (Yeah!)

    In magic I get Wyssan's off on the Skrox to give them a little boost for damage and hope for the best. Nothing else gets off. Chameleons start peeling off Marauders.

    In combat I almost start crying as the Skrox fail a Fear check at General's Leadership 8! Stupid Mask of EEE! So being WS 1 the Wyssan's becomes useless and the Kroxigors lose 5 wounds. The Bastiladon takes one wound but they manage to do enough damage back that I need a 4 to stay. Somehow, both units pass and hang in there.

    The DP sadly manages to sneak in one more wound on my Scar-Veteran and kills my BSB, ASF on a Daemon Prince of Nurgle is pretty disgusting.

    Turn 3: WoC

    Marauders try to charge the Bastiladon backing up the Saurus and fail miserably and end up in the river to eat more shooting of course.

    In Magic his shadow sorcerer gets off Enfeeblement on my Bastiladon, which I let go to stop what I knew was coming, however the DP Miscasts the Nurgle vortex spell and hurls it down my army, killing 2 saurus, my last kroxigor, 4 skinks, and somehow putting another wound on the Bastiladon. the template went 40" so it flies off the table.

    In combat the DP breaks the saurus after killing loads of them with no return damage, but elects not to pursue and reforms to face my unengaged Bastiladon. Thankfully the saurus only run 5" and remain on the table.

    The warriors slaughter the Bastiladon and kill the Skrox unit down to 2 skinks and the priest. They break and run, but manage to escape since the warriors only rolled 5", which sadly for them didn't carry them out of my carnosaur and stegadon's vision.

    Turn 4: Lizards

    My Carnosaur, Rippers, and Stegadon all charge and make it to the warriors unit, which ended up being the rippers and stegadon in one flank each with the Carno on the rear. Saurus manage to rally, but the broken priest sadly keeps fleeing. The Chameleons chase after the marauders and the Bastiladon in his front arc prepares to receive a charge and takes aim with his solar engine. My Amber Spear priest also aims at the DP.

    In the magic phase the lizardmen did well. My Bastiladon blasted the Marauder unit with a 6 and dropped 7 of them and my priest nailed the DP with the big version of Amber Spear, only for him to pass his annoying Ward save.

    Chameleons kill more marauders, they're starting to get pretty thin.

    In combat the Carnosaur accepts a challenge and eats the Champ before my Lord can attack, but the rippers pick up the speed and drop a good 5 chaos warriors in a frenzy of killing blows, the Stegadon also does fairly well and crushes less guys than he should've but I can't complain much. The warriors manage to kill one ripperdactyl, but still need a re-rollable snake eyes to stay as he's caught smack middle in the river so no steadfast. He fails and is run down by the Rippers and carno lord. The Stegadon elects to reform and aims at the marauders.

    Turn 4: WoC

    Marauders charge the Bastiladon hoping to finally get into combat, but since I've been pretty much backing him up every movement phase they fail yet again. The DP tries to march but fails his LD check and instead repositions to see my chameleons and Bastiladon.

    He generates a lot of dice this phase but rolls terrible for an early spell and gets broken concentration.

    Turn 5: Lizards

    Carno Lord marches to get in charge range of the Marauders flank with the Stegadon. I pull back the Rippers for a point cushion. Between the Stegadon and Chameleons shooting, the marauders are brought down to a measly 12 models.

    In magic I manage to Amber Spear his DP again, but once again that cursed Ward save protects him from an easy kill.

    Turn 5: WoC

    My opponent catches me off guard and flank charges my Carnosaur Lord with his DP since I had accidentally moved into his line of sight. The marauders reform to prepare for the Stegadon's rampage.

    In magic he manages to get off Plague Wind again and hurls it back through himself into some scattered parts of my army but it doesn't do any notable damage.

    In combat the DP attacks my Lord but doesn't get any wounds through and both my mount and Lord flub on their rolls so he won combat by 2 and I break. :depressed: But then I manage to roll and 7 and he only rolls a 5 to pursue! :D

    Turn 6: Lizards

    My stegadon charges the Marauders. My Carnosaur rallies to face the DP. Amazingly, my Skrox remains with the Priest who need insane courage to rally finally pass with Triple 1's!! :D So there's 350+ points I managed to save 2" from the table edge, ha.

    Also I move my chameleon skinks between my Lord and his DP, blocking his charge. I figure 87 points is a better sacrifice than 500+ and a general.

    In combat the Stegadon completely stomps the Marauders and they roll a lovely 2 to flee so are caught and killed.

    Turn 6: WoC

    His DP charges and slaughters my Chameleons and overruns into my Carnosaur Lord and that's game. I still have over 2000 points on the table and all my opponent has left is his Lord.


    Wrap up: My first note on this game is that my opponent pretty much shot himself hard in the foot when he decided to fight my army across the river. He had control over where we would fight since he only had 4 units to deploy, but decided to deploy across from me instead of forcing my hand to the other table side, I feel that this was a major error as it took away a significant defense his list needed to fend off all my dinosaurs and flank chargers.

    Secondly I was extremely pleased with my army's ability to deal with a heavy casting army, although the battle report my not show it, I don't think my opponent ever rolled less than 8 dice for a phase and I still managed to hold off most of his magic or my army could take the hits, and the Lore of Nurgle may not be the best lore, but it certainly hurts. I think if my opponent had chosen to roll with Death instead of Nurgle I would've been in a shitload more trouble, but not knowing my list beforehand he thankfully didn't know he was fighting an army vulnerable to that strategy.

    Third, to my opponent who I believe will read this, NEVER EVER EVER take a champion in a unit of Bloodcrushers, his isn't worth the points and is usually the #1 best way to defeat that unit, especially with characters with moderate fighting ability or a giant can-opener dino. Also taking 6 Bloodcrushers works great, but I think putting them all in one unit really negates their ability to maneuver and also makes them easier to rip apart with cannons (or magical spears in my case)

    Lastly, his DP was hilariously lucky. Although he's mean in combat, if either of those Amber Spears had slipped through all I needed was a 3+ to drop his daemonic ass out of the sky and then would've easily had the game even if the river had been avoided. Overall I think this Warrior list has some issues due to not having any real defense. Halberds are neat on warriors, but they get picked on SUPER easy by shooting, even at Strength 3 and the list is risky as it only has 3 units and a lord, so if something happens like where the Marauders were blocked from moving a turn by their own Lord, it can have dramatic impacts on the game.

    In the end, it was a very fun, intense game and my opponent was a really swell guy that played until the end. Been a long time since I've had such a fun time, so I really enjoyed the game and feel even more pumped for Lonewolf!

    -Overlord of Serpents
  2. Screamer
    Temple Guard

    Screamer Member

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    A champion doesn't have to accept a challange... But they can if he doesn't want his über-killy lord to accept it (if they are in the same combat...)!
  3. Overlord of Serpents
    Cold One

    Overlord of Serpents Active Member

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    Actually Warriors of Chaos champions come with a special rule called Eye of the Gods, which although has some other effects, the primary thing it does is that they MUST accept or issue challenges every combat phase if able. It's one of the major weaknesses of a Warriors of Chaos army.

    -Overlord of Serpents
  4. Eladimir

    Eladimir New Member

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    Nice report. Way to stick it to chaos.

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