all hail the original thunder lizard!

Discussion in 'General Chat' started by Mr Phat, Dec 11, 2013.

  1. Mr Phat
    Skink Chief

    Mr Phat 9th Age Army Support

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  2. Sleboda

    Sleboda Active Member

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    I can't tell you just how jazzed I am for this.

    The abomination that was the previous American Godzilla film missed on just about every level it could.

    Godzilla always represented a sort of punishment to mankind for his arrogance and mistreatment of the earth. He was pretty much unstoppable, and man had to learn to change in some way in order to avert destruction at the hands of nature's emissary, Godzilla.

    Then the American film came and it was like "Ooh! Big lizard! All we need is a good missile hit and we beat nature!" Screw that! He didn't look right, he didn't have the breath weapon (not really) and he did not stand for what Godzilla was all about.

    This time the tone is different from the start. Things look bleak and serious. Godzilla seems "right" on the screen. Also, the online descriptions of the film say that the general plot idea is that there are some monsters destroying the earth that have been made possible/more powerful due to the mistakes of man. That's the right idea!

  3. Mr Phat
    Skink Chief

    Mr Phat 9th Age Army Support

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    The japanese send robotic monstrosities, got other kaiju to fight him and even tried to use psychics to control him.
    Yet it was the standard American bomb treatment that took it down....'MERICA!!
    ...The last movie didnt pay justice to it at all, but this seems to make up for it.

    Fun fact though: the japanese franchise bought back the rights to the new monster to prevent a sequel.
    Furthermoore they had it appear in a newer movie where the original God-lizard beats him up to make a point: dont french with Gojira.

    I have a feeling that the message came across and that this will be to the last movie what "the dark knight" trilogy is to "batman forever".

    I cant understate my expectations to the return of my favorite childhood movie hero (yes he is) of all time.
  4. Gorgosaurus

    Gorgosaurus New Member

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    I saw the trailer for this at the drive in for desolation of Smaug (which is crud if you like the book) and also thought this looked pretty meh.

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