Figured this could be helpful for newcomers and maybe also a few veterans as well. This thread is bascially a thread where you make a post with a single phrase stating something others might now have thought about (you can elaborate if you feel like). It can be about anything regarding lizardmen and the game (so if you have something smart about lizardmen in the deployment give it a shot!). So, the rules are rather simple. Write something great, smart or something a lot of people forget/doesn't consider. I'll go first: The Slann can actually take high magic without the 35pts expensive loremaster discipline. This means that you can actually fit in a kitted OB (GW, armour of destiny, dawnstone) and still have a slann + BSB and soul of stone or the staff/+2 channel discipline combo or whatever. Your turn. Necromancy Black - Dangerous terrain checks only happen if a model marches, charges, flees, overruns or pursues. Just moving doesn't cause them, so chariots are quite capable of safetly moving through terrain (they can't march anyways). Necromancy Black - Mounts change the models unit type. This means a character on a carnosaur is imune to killing blow as he is no longer an infrantry type. Necromancy Black - The FAQ drastically changed Steadfast from being an Unmodified leadership test to the steadfast unit ignoring the difference in the combat results. Necromancy Black - Hex spells stack, so you can have multiple skink priests with the lore of heavens signature spell cast at one unit. The multiple -1 to hit means you're more likely to win combat and the multiple -1 to leadership makes them much more likely to break. Scalenex - Fleeing units below 25% of their original size only rally on snake eyes. My group tends to forget this at least half the time. This is important for us to remember since it's not uncommon to have severely depleted Skinks on running around the board. Scalenex - The general's inspiring presence doesn't matter but a BSB gives the player double the chances to roll snake eyes. VampTeddy - A musician adds + 1 to rally. T_Saurus - You can direct attacks against an opposing unit champion? Why not toss a single attack at them for the chance to remove an attack coming back? Crillaz - Remember that a shield on a GW character only works for shooting attacks. No close combat. Ondjage - Skirmishers cannot disrupt rank bonus when flanking! Sleboda - Using the General's Ld is optional, but re-rolling a failed Ld check in range of the BSB is not. So, if you fail your Casket roll by 1 and would be willing to accept that single wound, too bad - roll again.
Dangerous terrain checks only happen if a model marches, charges, flees, overruns or pursues. Just moving doesn't cause them, so chariots are quite capable of safetly moving through terrain (they can't march anyways).
Fleeing units below 25% of their original size only rally on snake eyes. My group tends to forget this at least half the time. This is important for us to remember since it's not uncommon to have severely depleted Skinks on running around the board. Also keep in mind, if you strategically flee with a unit that is below 25% you probably are going to lose the points for that unit so often its better to for Skinks to stand and shoot and hope to kill something on their way to death. If your Skink units are meant to escort Skink characters it may be a good idea to pad your Skirmishers beyond the minimum size so your Skink Priests don't run off the table.
Mounts change the models unit type. This means a character on a carnosaur is imune to killing blow as he is no longer an infrantry type.
Ok before posting these check the faqs. Mounted characters are NOT immune to killing blow unless their on foot self would be.
I perused the 8th Edition Errata and found this change: “A unit that has 25% or less of its starting models left can only rally on a roll of double 1.” I'm now considering upping my skink skirmisher unit size from 12 to 13...
Q: Is a character mounted on a monster, chariot or monstrous beast susceptible to the Killing Blow special rule? (p72) A: No, as the character’s troop type as changes to ‘monster’, ‘chariot’ or ‘monstrous cavalry’ respectively, thereby rendering Killing Blow ineffective. Only Heroic Killing Blow will work against these targets.
Haha you should take your own advise As mentioned above that ruling was overturned in the latest FAQ (same time as the no overrun through crumbling FAQ I think) Ok as for my own Did you know... You can direct attacks against an opposing unit champion? Why not toss a single attack at them for the chance to remove an attack coming back?
What if within the generals inspiring presence? bsb? Edit, I can contribute too Did you know... Remember that a shield on a GW character only works for shooting attacks. No close combat. /Crillaz
The general's inspiring presence doesn't matter but a BSB gives the player double the chances to roll snake eyes.
Quick, get that man to the burn clinic! Actually speaking of the FAQ's a big one new players tend not to know is that the FAQ drastically changed Steadfast from being an Unmodified leadership test to the steadfast unit ignoring the difference in the combat results. Makes for a large difference and is something I'll tell new players at the very start of the game.
Besides combat resolution, there are several spells, special rules and magic items which modify leadership, and an "unmodified leadership test" has a blanket immunity to all of them, good or bad. You would, for example ignore the -3 LD for the 'Doom and Darkness' spell or the +1LD for the banner of discipline.
And Hex spells stack, so you can have multiple skink priests with the lore of heavens signature spell cast at one unit. The multiple -1 to hit means you're more likely to win combat and the multiple -1 to leadership makes them much more likely to break.
Using the General's Ld is optional, but re-rolling a failed Ld check in range of the BSB is not. So, if you fail your Casket roll by 1 and would be willing to accept that single wound, too bad - roll again.