8th Ed. let's talk about Chaos Dwarfs

Discussion in 'Lizardmen Discussion' started by Rettile, Feb 19, 2014.

  1. Rettile

    Rettile Active Member

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    I decided to start a Chaos Dwarf army: I wanted a second army, I wanted a chaos-oriented faction because I usually play 2vs2 games and I want trusted alliances, I wanted hard hitting ranged attacks... and CD still have magic, good close combat, a good background, some monsters and in general a lot of interesting stuff.

    First problem: I cannot spend tons of money buying forgeworld miniatures, even if they're fantastic, so I think I'm going to buy GW dwarves and paint them with a red-black or violet-black theme, maybe with some minor conversions. I could buy the old models since many players will sell them because of the new book, and I could unpaint the painted ones with dettol. Maybe i could buy the battle skull pass box, so I would have some dwarves and some goblins to make hobgoblins (even if I don't think I'm going to field hobgoblins). I'd like to have some more cheap alternatives tough (I would use them in friendly games, so i cuold use unofficial miniatures)

    second problem: since english I'm not a natural english speaker I'm a bit confused about some rules, and I'd like to have some help from people who knows CD

    1) if I equip a sorcerer-prophet with a magic weapon can I choose if using the magic weapon or the darkforged weapon or I have to use just one of them?

    2) deathshrieker rocket launcher: when using demolition rockets in wich way the hit is resolved? I just don't understand if it works like a strenght 8 cannon who (hopefully) kills just the first model it hits and never scatters (I hope it works this way) or if I have to scatter once and resolving the attack on the model I hitted (if I hitted something).

    3) can the bull centaur taur'ruk take the "CD only" magic items? It could be a stupid question but since bull centaurs are chaos-modified dwarves I don't understand it

    4) breath of hatred: since hatred works in the first close combat round should i cast this spell on the first close combat turn or i can cast it in other turns and give hatred to my units even if it isn't the first close combat turn?

    5) is there a single reason to take a chalice of blood and darkness?

    Now i'd like to have some advices:

    6) are ranged weapons worth their points on the chaos dwarf infernal guard? I think GW or HW+shield are better since dwarves have poor BS, and even if hailshot blunderbusses are nice for the "no-penalties" rule they still hit at strenght 3 and have a 12" range. Fireglaives would be better since they have better range and strenght, but they will often hit on 5s, and since both the options are not cheap i wonder if cannons are enough to soften up enemies before killing them in close combat with GW or block them with 3+ armor save and 6+ parry to flank them with some other stuff

    7) are chaos dwarf infernal ironsworns worth their points? I don't think so because CD have better special choices IMO, but i could be wrong
  2. Arli
    Skink Priest

    Arli Moderator Staff Member

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    Re: let's talk about Chaow Dwarfs

    Sorry, I cannot help with the questions, but I may have a solution for the cost. If you are not going to be playing in a GW Tournament heavy area, you could purchase the Mantic version of Chaos Dwarves. Mantic makes great models that are much cheaper than the Forgeworld stuff at the least.

    Hope this helps.
  3. Scalenex

    Scalenex Keeper of the Indexes Staff Member

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    To save money I would suggest giving Mantic Abyssal Dwarfs a look. Arli may have beat me to the suggestion but I included a link

    1) Magic weapon replaces the dark forged weapon.

    The other six questions, I would ask these guys. From my limited exposure to these guys, they are fairly friendly bunch.

    Chaos Dwarf Forum

    PS I also corrected the spelling of "chaos" in the headline because the mod powers are going to my head. Mu ha ha ha.
  4. Arli
    Skink Priest

    Arli Moderator Staff Member

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    At work, no links for me.

    I do have a set of the Abysmal Dwarf Berserkers. Those are great models. I used them in a Mordheim crew.
  5. deeyo

    deeyo New Member

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    you can check this blog for some information on Chaos Dwarfs, suggestions for alternative models (Like MAntic's), painting etc.
    Blog includes other topics as well but you can access Chaos Dwarf ones from menus above.


    For rules i suggest you to visit.

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