New Army

Discussion in 'Painting and Converting' started by rd4, Aug 4, 2013.

  1. rd4

    rd4 New Member

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    Quick army update. I'm currently in the process of fixing my Saurus Warriors (giving 15 hand weapons, the rest spears) which should all be finished in a week. The hand weapon Sauri are going to be used as a bunker or personal guard for my Oldblood/Gor-Rok, and the spears (21 atm) are going to be my big tarpit block.
    Also, just finished up my Stegadon, and just have to glue my Skinks to it. Nearly finished up my new Skink Priest (kitbashed) need to base him and paint his cloak of feathers.
    And finally, need to finish painting my kitbashed gw Oldblood.
    Hopefully, I'll get all of this finished before the February half-term, so that I can spend a week play-testing my 1K army!

    After all that, I still have 2 more Temple Guard (bringing the total to 10) an Oldblood with halberd and shield on cold one, Chakax, and finally, my Slann.
    Any ideas on what to buy after all of that? Leaning towards another box of Temple Guard, (so the bunker is complete) but, I want more Skinks and a box of Krox so that I can make my 3 small Skrox flankers (10 Skinks with one Krox to smash people in the side) as well as another dino! So, suggestions?
  2. rd4

    rd4 New Member

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    So, played my third 1000 point game today, and it went okay, although I lost to ogres. My main problem was forgetting PF, that could've definitely won me a couple of combats, but my number one piece of advice for ogres, is dont get charged! Decided to create a second paint log, purely for pictures on top of this one, Which will get pictures, but more my thoughts on tactics, lists, and builds for characters

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