Showcase your Stegadon model here! Please don't exclude your Ancient Stegadon, the more the merrier! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Please only post images of completed models. In the event you have a WIP thread on the model, please post the link to it as well. Note: If you want to post a WIP (Work In Progress) image, please start a thread in the main forum for this and then post an image here when you have completed the model.
I'll start things off with this conversion of the old GW metal steg, aka the "baby steg" (balsa wood howdah, greenstuff, mixture of old and new howdah crew skinks):
I got 3 so far... My first one... (regular anchent Steg) My Second Steg (Magnitizeg steg with EotG and priest) My third one. (Magnitizeg steg with Chief)
I wish I could take photos that looked like their subjects! Anyway, here is a quick snap of my Stegadon: I have no idea why it has come through on its side- sorry.
My Ancient Stegadon! Complete with blowpipes, speckled skin, and a Skink Chief/Tank Commander that I'm rather proud of. Apologies for not being the best pictures they could be - can't see the contrast on the blowpipes, etc.
My ancient stegadon, made up from bits from the old metal model! dont drop this on your foot, or you will be severely injured.
Hopefully by posting some of these old attempts of mine, I MAY actually get round to painting and posting again.
Here is "Hatschi" my first Stegadon...until yet he stayed alive in every battle I fought with him (he got his name because he sneezed all enemy units away ^^) Today I updated him and his engine of the gods... It took 6 hours (like that day I painted him the first time...) But here he is: