Hi! I've never painted a finecast model, but now is the time. I got my salamanders yesterday, put them together and now they're ready for painting. I'm just wondering, can I spray them with my chaos black spray can as with normal plastic models?
Resin models need washing with warm water + soap, then rinse and dry, before painting. To remove the remains of any mould release from the casting. Not sure about finecast, but surely it's true for that also?
I sprayed a finecast slann a while back after assembly. No problems other than the paint not getting into a few spots
I would definately rinse the model with some water and soap, just to make sure no releasing agent is on the model. Isn't alot of work either.
Yep, wash them with soapy water. I use a toothbrush and some dish soap (the variety that doesn't leave a residue). Takes a few seconds for each model. Finecast resin is actually slightly porous, so I find it paints easier than plastic. For what it's worth, you're also best off washing plastic models. All models have mould release on them, most people don't bother with plastics, but the paint will definitely stick better if you wash them in warm soapy (not hot!) water. Also, do the wash as the very last step before you paint. That way you wash off any oils off your hands that accumulated while you were assembling and preparing the models (we all have some amount of natural oils in our fingers, oils which make it harder for the paint to stick).