8th Ed. Skrox Dart - Success Stories?

Discussion in 'Lizardmen Tactics' started by Lawot, Feb 21, 2014.

  1. Lawot

    Lawot Active Member

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    I have one Kroxigor model. My friends and I usually proxy pretty heavily, but as more of my army is getting painted up and filled out, I lean more and more towards fielding things I actually have. An obvious choice, then, is the Skrox dart - 10-11 Skinks, 1 Kroxigor. I could come up with some uses for it, but what I'd like to know is: do you have any experience with this unit? How has it performed? What are the essentials?
  2. GCPD

    GCPD Active Member

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    I, too, would be really interested to know if anyone has had any success with this.
  3. T_Saurus
    Cold One

    T_Saurus Member

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    First of all what would you be looking good for this unit to accomplish? I could see it possibly working on a flank to clear chaff. But then look at what else is in our book that can accomplish the same task?
  4. Man0waR

    Man0waR Member

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    I like the 12 +1 Skrox. I field them 7x2 (7 skinks in first rank + 5 in second +2 krox gap)

    I run them on flanks of my blocks. So they can counter charge and give +3 to CR with charge + flank + 1 rank

    They can also be a threat to chariots, light cavalry and other chaff. Even they can charge heavy cavalry that depends on charge bonus. (Not MC)

    Also you can field two units like this to run aside a COR delivery bus. As they are fast enough to reach the same spots on the battlefield.
    For nearly 700 points you can set a nice flank.
    120 Skrox (12+1)
    120 Skrox (12+1)
    180 naked CoR (6)
    270 Oldblood on CO
    -Light armour;Crown of command; luck stone; Armour of destiny; Great Weapon.

    Where crown of command is the masterpiece as your oldblood can charge alone out of the bus and hold an entire block on his own. While your CoR and Skinks keep moving through the flank and next turn flank & Rear charges the unit the Oldblood is engaged.

    The oldblood would be counter charged, if enemy is able to kill you with the unit (KB), throw a challenge.
  5. Pinktaco

    Pinktaco Vessel of the Old Ones Staff Member

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    I like the idea, but I doubt the excecution. I mean, you're asking for a situation where the OB can charge in on his own followed by 1 units of CORs (going for a rear charge I assume) and the two units of skrox will charge the same target, without being interrupted. Isn't that a bit optimistic? You're basically throwing 700pts (4 different units) against one unit and hoping that there is enough space for you to even do that.

    Wouldn't it be easier to take those 700pts and just make a killer unit of characters and CORs all riding together?
    For a little more you can have 1 OB and 2 scar vets more or less fully kitted (I assumed 251pts for the OB and 154pts for the SCs) and 5 CORs (naked, consider a musician for +10pts) and just smash everything they see without blinking. And it's far easier.. But maybe also a bit more boring..?

    Obviously I've seen that you've spent some of your Core points for your setup, but it is all still geared towards the same target.

    Again, I like the idea of using small skrox darts to flank, generate CR and possibly disrupting, but personally I'm not too convinced that we'll be getting off more than a frontal charge and a single flank charge on the same target. That's just my point of view though so I might be completely wrong. In any case I'm going to try out the skrox darts instead of my regular skink skirmishers. It's a few less drops and less manouvreable, but I think they can be fun.
  6. Man0waR

    Man0waR Member

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    Im not aiming to combine charge at the same time.

    While you run 3 fast units on the flank , your opponent will be eager to neutralize them so there will be a react to your moves.

    Your Oldblood charge alone out of the CoR against the unit who can stop your surrounding tactic. While the Skrox and CoR units keep moving to their goals. As they can deal with support units they will be fine without OB who is dealing with the main enemy threat to your units on this side of the Battlefield.

    So you are "free" to claim the flank of your enemy or rear (if he has move forward) with 2 skrox and 1 CoR unit, ready to set the flank/rear charge i meant in my previous post.

    My thoughts on CoR Deathstar is that they cannot surprise anyone. They will be steamrolling and killing whatever is in front, but... a smart player will just avoid or feed the Deathstar with chaff. Also is a huge investment in points for such a few Wounds to keep Look Out Sir.
    Also they suffer againt all that Lizardmen Suffer plus Lore of Metal, and become the first target for shooting.
    CoR die easy against BS shooting with AP. not a good deal for 30 points per model.

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