Hey everyone. First time lizard player, first time warhammer player, first time wargamer and of course, first time poster. I've decided to go with lizardfolk for my first army because FREAKING HUMANOID LIZARDS ON DINOSAURS. But I don't need to explain myself, I believe. This is Lustria. *kicks Gnoblar into spawning pit* My dilemma here is how to paint the little fella's. I have yet to buy any, as my budget is quite low, but I would like to start planning out my paint scheme. I really, really don't want to use the classic blue for them, rather sexy though it may be. I went and fiddled around with the interactive painter and came up with four separate themes (Well, there were more, but I don't think they were up to snuff). So here they are.. Help me decide which seems best? Or perhaps you have your own idea that I could try? I suppose this is the most natural of the scheme's I came up with. I think it would be rather easy to pull off well, and doesn't glare the eyes, but I get the feeling it's a scheme that many people have come up with already. I quite like how this one looks, as it seems to almost give the saurian a sense of "Age" to me. Thing is, I'm not so sure how large areas of red would work on the lizzies. This one also appeals to me, however I am not quite sure why. It isn't particularly easy on the eyes, so this is the one I'm least likely to go with at present. I'm quite liking the look I have going here. This is the most recent one I did.I'm still not too sure about the turquoise face, but I reall don't want to make the face the same colour as the body or scales if I go with this one. So yeah.. Help a newb out?
Re: Newbie needs a paint scheme.. No models to be found here I got a bunch of paint scheme ideas over here.... http://www.lustria-online.com/threads/ye-olde-interactive-saurus-painter.4555/ and here's the thread on posting pics... http://www.lustria-online.com/threads/posting-images.1648/ * hint ( [pic] not
Re: Newbie needs a paint scheme.. No models to be found here I like the red and blue one, i think that if you keep the red like that and not brighter, it'll work pretty good!
Re: Newbie needs a paint scheme.. No models to be found here The red and blue scheme looks nice, and I agree with Kroq in that you should keep the red toned down, i.e. not too bright. The green with bright red accents is great, though. There are lots of green lizards around, but the red gives them a cool wow factor that I haven't seen too often.
Re: Newbie needs a paint scheme.. No models to be found here After reading everyone's comments on this and the other forum I'm on, creating other schemes with colour theory applied, and showing the pictures to people I know IRL, I've decided to go with the green/red. My thinking is that I can get a very natural look with it while still adding my own unique throw on it due to the red, as Caprasauridae pointed out. I'm going to go get myself a Saurus Warrior regiment in the next week or so, then some paints after I have them assembled. With the army list I have pulled together (Read: Stolen) I wont be including the command group in the regiment, so I think I could modify the champion (Or whatever it was called) into a unit representing a hero. I don't have any experience modeling, but you have to start somewhere, right? If it goes wrong, oh well, not like I was going to use the bloke anyway.
Re: Newbie found a paint scheme.. No models to be found here I liked the second one as well (red with blue backs) that one looked like a fun reverse of a sotek spawning, but the green red one defo looks nice as well! can't wait to see the finished models!
Re: Newbie found a paint scheme.. No models to be found here Good luck with your painting! I'm very new to the modeling myself, but I have found that many Lizardmen boxes come with a nice variety of bits and pieces, which you can use to make the heroes stand out. Though if you don't have anything yet, I would advice you to wait until you get (that is, if you are going to buy those) one of the monster boxes or a battalion box. After buying two battalion boxes and a Stegadon, I have more extra pieces than I will probably ever use...