8th Ed. 2600 Point List for Tournament, Looking for Lore/Slann Build

Discussion in 'Lizardmen Army Lists' started by Thatguyoverthere11, Feb 28, 2014.

  1. Thatguyoverthere11

    Thatguyoverthere11 New Member

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    Hey Lustria!

    I've agonized over the list for a few days and this is what I've come up with. I've ordered the models and have a plan to get it all together by the actual tournament. I do appreciate suggestions but just understand that I'll probably be sticking to what I have.

    However, I do have some more models so I can change it a little.

    I'm mostly looking for a lore/slann build.

    2600 Pts - Lizardmen Roster

    Total Roster Cost: 2600

    1 Slann Mage-Priest (Battle Standard Bearer)
    1 Dispel Scroll
    1 Ironcurse Icon
    1 Banner of Eternal Flame
    1 Focus of Mystery

    1 Tetto'eko

    29 Saurus Warriors + Musician + Standard Bearer
    1 Spawn Leader

    16 Skink Cohort + Musician + Standard Bearer
    1 Kroxigor

    10 Skink Cohort + Musician + Standard Bearer
    10 Skink Cohort + Musician + Standard Bearer

    4 Ripperdactyl Rider
    3 Ripperdactyl Rider

    1 Bastiladon
    1 Solar Engine
    1 Bastiladon
    1 Solar Engine

    7 Kroxigor
    1 Kroxigor Ancient

    1 Troglodon
    1 Skink Oracle Rider (Divining Rod)

    1 Salamander Hunting Pack
    1 Salamander Hunting Pack

    Thoughts? I won't post up the tactics/counters I have built into my list yet but I'm just curious to see what people say. I'm trying to build my Slann to fill weaknesses in the rest of the list. High is what I went to here but I do like the light/Channeling Slann build
  2. Thatguyoverthere11

    Thatguyoverthere11 New Member

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    Re: 2600 Point List for Tournament, Looking for Lore/Slann B

    Alright, I'll talk through some of the strategy behind the list.

    I'll start off here because this is a big section for me. The Slann is loremaster high and Tetto is loremaster heavens. Combined with two Bastilladons, I have a lot of spells. Fortunately, most of them only require 1-2 dice and with Tetto's ability to reroll ones (or 6's... I won't 2 dice spells then) makes this a valid strategy. I'll just bleed my opponent's dispel dice and force something through at the end. I have ripperdactyls to suicide charge a wizard bunker to take out any LVL 4's my opponent may have to give me dominance. The Troglodon is a eyebrow raiser, but there is a plan for him. Tetto can give him a vanguard move which, coupled with his M7, should get him within range to use any direct damage or magic missile. Everyone suggests a T2 Skink Priest... but my T5 Troglodon is much more survivable. After I use him to cast spells through, I can walk between worlds him behind enemy lines to take out warmachines/wizard bunkers and the like. After he passes the front lines, tetto takes the lead and casts augments to help me win combats. Along the way, I will be swapping out spells and I'll get spells that are more useful in the matchup.

    Using the Troglodon, I'll be able to get into range for things like arcane unforging (18") spirit leech (12") and more without risking the Slann.

    The Rippers are pretty nuts. If you look at the rules for Tetto, he vanguards before vanguard moves are made... which means that you get a vanguard move from Tetto and then another from the vanguard rule they come with. This is 24" of movement! I really wanted to get two units of 4 but no dice this time. I had them at one point but when I went loremaster: high magic from just Harmonic Convergence and the Channeling Staff I didn't have enough points. They are really key for taking out warmachines or at least pulling target priority to themselves. I really want to walk between worlds my rippers to fling them behind enemy lines turn 1. These guys are so powerful and usually I clean up a flank before they die.

    The Kroxigors are going to be my solution to many things in close combat. Screaming Bells, Steam Tanks, Dragons, Knights, everything. 8 is really good and, while expensive, they should be more than a match for whatever they come up against especially when paired with my support. My Saurus are good for absorbing things for several turns so my Kroxigors should have good angles to do what they need to do. I have 3 Monsters in my list which should also be useful for tying things up for a couple of turns should my magic fail to set my opponent on the defensive.

    I have a strong presence in this list. There are potentially 2 vanguarding salamanders which are vital against skaven, high elves, dark elves and the like. Walk Between Worlds is my best friend here and I'll try to get them on the flank/past enemy lines as soon as possible.

    I have 2+D3 vanguard units, 3 channels, 17 spells available and a surprisingly maneuverable list. There is a section of my list dedicated to moving behind my enemy's lines and messing up their plans.

    Mostly, I'm just trying to justify the lore. Do I go with the channeling slann build with Light/Death, Wandering Deliberations with a Scroll of some sort or do I go with my build as shown above with loremaster high?
  3. goomba

    goomba New Member

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    You are incorrect about Tetto 'eko. Before moving vanguard he grants the special rule to D3 units. Not make D3 vanguard moves. Therefore now that they have the rule you may move them during the vanguard move phase. Otherwise it looks like a good list. The channel staff build might work out better because you have two heavy casters and the extra die you might get a turn should make a difference.
  4. Thatguyoverthere11

    Thatguyoverthere11 New Member

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    Re: 2600 Point List for Tournament, Looking for Lore/Slann B

    Perhaps it would be worth switching the scroll, flame banner and iron curse icon out for that combo while keeping high magic?

    Or I could leave the banner and drop the divining rod off the trog.
  5. Mr Phat
    Skink Chief

    Mr Phat 9th Age Army Support

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    Re: 2600 Point List for Tournament, Looking for Lore/Slann B

    im thinking: drop a bastiladon for another unit of rippers and another toadmarker.
    The initiative boost dosnt stack and using the 1-dice on tetto or the slann is equally good if not better.

    I also think i'd drop the 1skrox unit for some skirmishers

    else I think it looks very interesting!
  6. Thatguyoverthere11

    Thatguyoverthere11 New Member

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    Re: 2600 Point List for Tournament, Looking for Lore/Slann B

    I really like that idea! I have 9 coming in so that is achievable. With the 70 points that saves me (-150 for the don -40 for the 4th ripper and +120 for the 3 rippers) I could get a skink bsb to separate it from my general or I could sprinkle upgrades around like becalming cogitation.
  7. Mr Phat
    Skink Chief

    Mr Phat 9th Age Army Support

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    Re: 2600 Point List for Tournament, Looking for Lore/Slann B

    If I were you i'd keep my bsb on the slann and take a unit of Chameleons.

    I made it alpha omega in my tourney lists to have at least one group of scouts, simply because it forces your opponent to do his deployment differently.

    also: Its an awesome unit for monster or warmachine hunting :)
  8. Thatguyoverthere11

    Thatguyoverthere11 New Member

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    Re: 2600 Point List for Tournament, Looking for Lore/Slann B

    I do have the chameleon skink models available.

    I like the reliability of 2 bastiladons honestly ... flaming attacks are critical against regeneration saves. With 2 you should get a powerful blast off every turn.
  9. Sunchax

    Sunchax Member

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    Re: 2600 Point List for Tournament, Looking for Lore/Slann B

    The harmoic upg + channel rod is awesome with slan. And so is becalming.
  10. Thatguyoverthere11

    Thatguyoverthere11 New Member

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    Re: 2600 Point List for Tournament, Looking for Lore/Slann B

    So, I've reworked the list to incorporate some of the ideas flying around.

    2600 Pts - Lizardmen Roster

    Total Roster Cost: 2600

    1 Slann Mage-Priest (Battle Standard Bearer)
    1 Channeling Staff
    1 Ironcurse Icon
    1 Focus of Mystery
    1 The Becalming Cogitation
    1 The Harmonic Convergence

    1 Tetto'eko

    29 Saurus Warriors, Musician + Standard Bearer
    1 Spawn Leader

    16 Skink Cohort, Musician + Standard Bearer
    1 Kroxigor

    10 Skink Cohort, Musician + Standard Bearer
    10 Skink Cohort, Musician + Standard Bearer

    3 Ripperdactyl Rider
    3 Ripperdactyl Rider
    3 Ripperdactyl Rider

    1 Bastiladon
    1 Solar Engine
    1 Bastiladon
    1 Solar Engine

    5 Kroxigor
    1 Kroxigor Ancient

    1 Troglodon

    1 Salamander Hunting Pack
    1 Salamander Hunting Pack

    Lightened up the Kroxigors in favor of another Ripperdactyl squadron. I also took out the divining rod in an attempt to rework the Slann into a magic powerhouse.

    He is rerolling 1's most of the time from Tetto, he knows all of the lore of high magic spells, channels 3 times needing 5+s and can reroll his first dispel attempt to mitigate the missing scroll in the list.

    I like to think that my list can function without him... and that he just gives me the tools I need to overcome hurdles where I see them. On big magic phases, I attempt to build my Slann's spellbook into whatever I need. On the little phases, I pew pew with magic missiles. I really like it so far and I think it has enough threats to overcome my opponent's defenses.

    I'll break down the match ups at a later date. I'm trying to work up strategies against the power builds.

    Help me by posting up the big builds you see!

    Right now I'm looking at:
    Unkillable Daemon Prince + WOC
    Many Hordes (O&G)
    High Elf Flying Circus/Vampire Counts flying circus
    Dwarves with Warmachine spam
    A Horde of Ogres with Regen
    Knight Lists
    Monstrous Cav lists
  11. Putzfrau

    Putzfrau Well-Known Member

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    Re: 2600 Point List for Tournament, Looking for Lore/Slann B

    Only 36 cohorts, no skirmishers makes me worry.

    Trog and rippers will be your weak spots.
  12. sillyduck123

    sillyduck123 Member

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    Re: 2600 Point List for Tournament, Looking for Lore/Slann B

    sometimes sticking to a set plan is dangerous
    Probably make a plan B incase the rippers or
    The troglodon die
  13. Thatguyoverthere11

    Thatguyoverthere11 New Member

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    Re: 2600 Point List for Tournament, Looking for Lore/Slann B

    Arcane Unforging at the Daemon Prince to try to take off that pesky Dragonhelm. Once the 'shield is down' I have so many flaming magic missiles that he'll go down. He only has 4 wounds. After that, I'll be trying to get on the lore of metal chart and throw searing dooms around. I would also go for spirit leech to kill any flying monsters. It's all about taking down a few 'hard targets' and controlling match ups. If I could kill the daemon prince without him throwing a purple sun down my line then I will be okay.

    Fiery Convocation is going to be a huge asset. Anything that relies on mass attacks needs to be widdled away. I will be able to prioritize hordes to attack with my maneuverable elements. Salamanders will vanguard/walk between worlds into position to get some good flame strikes. Warmachines are a problem with orcs and the goblin doom divers will be my first priority with my rippers. Bastiladons could focus down a warmachine or two with good rolls. Against hordes, I will try to canalize them as much as possible to force hordes to come through a gap one at a time rather than hit me all at once. If you can do that, orc/troll hordes will be manageable... IF you can do that.
  14. Putzfrau

    Putzfrau Well-Known Member

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    Re: 2600 Point List for Tournament, Looking for Lore/Slann B

    This sounds crazy risky and not at all reliable.

    If you want to pew pew with your slann just run death or sig discipline.
  15. Thatguyoverthere11

    Thatguyoverthere11 New Member

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    I was tempted to do that... death would be a good work around. Lot's of magic missiles
  16. Zwuppie

    Zwuppie Member

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    Re: 2600 Point List for Tournament, Looking for Lore/Slann B

    You have soul quench! Beat this!:) One of the best magic missiles in my opinion! Deamon prince will die by volume of dice, so powered soul quench, swap one spell for lore of light signature (also magic missile with demon bonus, correct me if i'm wrong)

    But with lore of high magic you can shape your own lore during the game exactly on what is neccesary for you!

    I always do it that way and it always work! Always swap in th first phase for a lore of life spell, if it isn't throne of vines or flesh to stone then swap for earthblood, something like melkoth's mystifying miasma works to!

    The way you use arcane unforging is the way you have to use it! First turn, 4-5 dice and let the enemy use his scrolls or just try to get some nasty items of him! The spell says it kills an item even if you even do no wound so why don't you try! If you get it of succesfully, you can swap the spell because you don't have to use it more then once! To less damage for that single spell
  17. Thatguyoverthere11

    Thatguyoverthere11 New Member

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    Re: 2600 Point List for Tournament, Looking for Lore/Slann B

    I've got so many spells available that I need to maximize my available dice. I toyed with the idea of taking the forbidden rod but I'm afraid that I'll be wounded and afraid to use it or that I'll roll 3 wounds and only get 1 die. Plus, it only affects one magic phase whereas the channel build affects EVERY magic phase.

    Here's the build I've got. It's 230 ss.

    Slann Mage-Priest
    1 Slann Mage-Priest (Battle Standard Bearer)
    1 Channeling Staff
    1 Banner of Eternal Flame
    1 Focus of Mystery
    1 The Becalming Cogitation
    1 The Harmonic Convergence
    1 Reservoir of Eldritch Energy

    Statistically I get +1 die per phase from channeling from the Slann. I have a second die channeling from Tetto and I've worked in a Troglodon for a third channel. Then, if I just automatically set one die off to the side during my opponent's phase I'll keep it for casting on a 2+. I'm okay with this because of one rerollable dispell becalming cogitation and Drain Magic from Lore of High. Tetto lets me reroll ones most of the time which greatly enhances my ability to 2-3 dice spells for maximum effect. If I have to reroll 6's I'll just try to get some big spells off (rerolling sixes will just prevent miscasts).

    On average, I think I'll have 2-3 extra dice for magic phases (mine and my opponent's).

    What do you think? If I am trying for max dice this is about the best I can do.
  18. Putzfrau

    Putzfrau Well-Known Member

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    a lot of points. Again, i'd just go death if you want your slann to pew pew.

    Its hard to get enough spells off consistently to swap and do everything you want in high magic IF what you want to do involves spells from other decks. High magic is a good deck. If you wanna use it because its good and swap is an added bonus thats great. If you're looking to pew pew then i'd just use death.

    Soul quench is good, but it pales in comparison to the firepower you have as death.

    Dont get me wrong i like high magic, but its a flexible deck that needs to be used as such. If you've set up your list so slann is required to blast crap i'd just use a lore thats the best at blasting crap.
  19. Thatguyoverthere11

    Thatguyoverthere11 New Member

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    Re: 2600 Point List for Tournament, Looking for Lore/Slann B

    So I've finally decided on death. I don't have any counters for powerful characters or monsters. I've fit the banner of discipline on my slann so I'll be LD 10 for spirit leech.

    The tournament is Saturday and I owe you reports or some sort of results

    Here's the list.

    2600 Pts - Lizardmen Roster

    Total Roster Cost: 2600

    1 Slann Mage-Priest (Battle Standard Bearer) (Lore of Death)
    1 Channeling Staff
    1 Standard of Discipline
    1 The Becalming Cogitation
    1 The Harmonic Convergence
    1 Reservoir of Eldritch Energy

    1 Tetto'eko

    29 Saurus Warriors, Musician + Standard Bearer
    1 Spawn Leader

    10 Skink Skirmishers, Champ, Blowpipes
    10 Skink Skirmishers, Blowpipes

    10 Skink Skirmishers, Javs
    10 Skink Skirmishers, Javs

    3 Ripperdactyl Rider
    3 Ripperdactyl Rider
    3 Ripperdactyl Rider

    1 Bastiladon
    1 Solar Engine
    1 Bastiladon
    1 Solar Engine

    5 Kroxigor
    1 Kroxigor Ancient

    1 Troglodon
    1 Salamander Hunting Pack
    1 Salamander Hunting Pack
  20. Thatguyoverthere11

    Thatguyoverthere11 New Member

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    Re: 2600 Point List for Tournament, Looking for Lore/Slann B

    The tournament's over and I managed to photograph the games. I'm trying to make some video reports similar to OnceBitten's products but that is still a few days away. Technically, I got 4th but I ended with more of a question mark. My last opponent left early which messed with the results. They averaged the points from all the winners and that's what bumped me from 5th to 4th.

    I lost game 1 vs daemon prince/WOC. I just couldn't deal with the wall of 1+ armor saves

    I won game 2 vs daemon prince/WOC. It wasn't as optimized and my opponent let me take some mistakes back (like forgetting to declare a key charge...) I really appreciated his sportsmanship. I took out the prince turn 2 with death magic which was critical also.

    The last game was vs gutstar ogres which ended early. He killed all my monsters with cannons on turn 2 and I managed to turn it around with a purple sun. He left early so it's hard to say who won.

    I'll post up a link to video reps if they ever come.

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