8th Ed. Razordons?

Discussion in 'Lizardmen Tactics' started by Pulstar, Mar 5, 2014.

  1. Pulstar

    Pulstar New Member

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    Does anyone use these guys?

    The reason why I ask is I am thinking of putting together a unit of three to use in Buckeye Battles later this summer.

    Any feed back on them would be nice.
  2. Mr Phat
    Skink Chief

    Mr Phat 9th Age Army Support

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    They work fine if you:

    1. run them 3+
    2. try to get on close range
    3. remember to not expect a salamander anti-horde unit. They are for units with less models in.
  3. Sunchax

    Sunchax Member

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    First i thought they get as many hits as they get on the artillery dice so i tryed them out even tho i felt salamaders is more price worty. Then when i used them i noticed they get a artillery dice of shots that then have to hit on their bs. So first, at least half the shots miss (at short range), and then we need to wound and add a chance of misfire which make me not so sure about that unit any more.. So at short range we will probably get 3 hits when we shot ( a 6 on a artillery dice with a 50% hit rate) that then need to wound. Not that hot.. i might be wrong about them though..
  4. VampTeddy

    VampTeddy Active Member

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    I have been shocked to see them trash a unit of 20ish+ plaguebearers.

    A unit of 4 first shot down a DP (who was nekkid) and then proceeded to beat the plaguebearers in CC.

    That said my opponent rolled miserably! but even had he rolled a bit better i'm confident they could have hurt him!

    Remember they looove forests!
  5. Scalenex

    Scalenex Keeper of the Indexes Staff Member

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    I use them for flank support to keep fast cavalry and other light vanguarding troops away from my Salamanders and Skink Priest Skirmisher bunkers.

    They work very well against the above mentioned units. Unfortunately not everyone takes these units.

    When my Razordons find themselves facing off against chariots my success rate is about 25%. They can't handle a frontal assault against anything north of a chariot at all unless they are in a building (even then it's iffy).

    When there is nothing heading at my Skirmishers, I take pot shots at infantry blocks from outside their easy charge range (they won't take a long shot charge not wanting to phase a stand and shoot). Then I tend to send my Razordons into the flank or rear of said enemy infantry later when they are fighting my Saurus or Kroxigor.

    My Razordon rarely embarrass me, but they even more rarely impress me.
  6. Pinktaco

    Pinktaco Vessel of the Old Ones Staff Member

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    I just can't for the life of me see the justification for me to use them. With handlers we are nearing a bastiladon territory or hell a unit of (naked) CORs. They come ad BS3 and have to roll to hit while also only being S4. Personally I think they could've been great if their priority was to take down armored models, such as knights. I'm not sure if a regular AP special rule would've been sufficient, but on the same time armour piercing of 2 along with S4 would be devastating against bretonnia <.<

    I don't know.. Currently I'd rather spend money on a trog and actually use it than these guys :/
  7. Man0waR

    Man0waR Member

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    I see them more utility in combat than shooting. They have good Movement, also Skirmisher , comes with 2 attacks of S5 + 1 Stomp of S5. They have a good initiative and cost less than Salamanders.

    No one will expect your shooting unit to go kamikaze. Also Wyssans Wildform are the best here.

    lets say 3 Razordon hunting pack w/ extra handler (remember to roll fear, may it swing the odds to your favour)
    At Initiative 4
    6 Attacks WS3 S5 (not bad not elite, just average)
    10 Attacks WS2 S3 (just shitload of attacks that wont do any harm)
    At ASL
    0-3 Stomps of S5.

    The unit goes ugly if Wyssans is casted. (remember at -1 due to Beast Lore)
    At Initiative 4
    6 Attacks WS3 S6 (which now is a threat)
    10 Attacks WS2 S4 (now can score some wounds)
    0-3 Stomps of S6.

    In my opinion they have punch enough. They are cheaper and they are tough.
    Cuz they have Toughness 4 (not impressive) Wounds 3 (good) 5+ Armour save (suck) but 5++ Handler Save (good).

    And they also can "shoot".

    If you look for shooting then go for Salamanders.
  8. Lizardmatt

    Lizardmatt New Member

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    My unit of 6 deleted a unit of 24 Irondrakes.
    With Skirmish, T4, and the handler save, they are pretty durable to normal shooting.

    The thing with Razordons is that you need to figure out how they pair up best against any given opponent.
    Sometimes it's shooting, sometimes it's combat, sometimes it is a little of both.
    I haven't had a game yet where they didn't have a huge impact.

  9. Joe
    Jungle Swarm

    Joe New Member

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    And they flank like a boss with M6 (Are they still swiftstride?) and also stop cannon balls!

    Since the new book arrived, the 6 razordon unit has been growing on me, but haven't yet tested it. Lizardmatt, do you have any battle reports, or other sort of info, about how this unit performs vs different opponents?
  10. Lizardmatt

    Lizardmatt New Member

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    I've run them in most of my games since the new book came out.
    Against most opponents, I deploy them in my center. With a general and BSB near, they can hold against most opponents.

    Typically, I shoot up chaos and elves, and then only go into combat to finish greatly weakened units.
    On the other hand, I shoot very little against skaven, orcs, beasts or empire. They tend to have so much infantry that the melee is far better.

    I avoid T4 1+ save enemies, but will go against T3 2+ save; enough wounds get through to matter.

    If you can get a hand of glory on them, they become stupidly good.

  11. Joe
    Jungle Swarm

    Joe New Member

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    Thank you Matt! I'll try this. In my gaming group, Razordons are considered the worst LM unit, so they will belittle them for sure. If they succeed, it's going to feel sooo nice :D
  12. themuffinman873
    Chameleon Skink

    themuffinman873 Member

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    I agree with this 100%. My typical opponent hates sinks and deploys boar boys explicitly to hunt them down. Razerdons are an amazing counter. Also an eth slann could use the support. Better than sallys overall? no. Do you feel like a better person for not bringing sallys? Yes.

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