8th Ed. 1000 pts of Lizards. 1st WHFB list ever!

Discussion in 'Lizardmen Army Lists' started by McFace, Mar 4, 2014.

  1. McFace

    McFace New Member

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    This is based on the battalion:


    Scar Veteran- Sacred Stegadon Helm of Itza, Biting Blade, Shield, Light Armor, Cold One -


    Saurus [24]- Full Command, Spears, Shields

    Skink Skirmishers [10]- Javelins, Shields


    Temple Guard [10]- Full Command, Wailing Banner, Sword of Swift Slaying

    Cold One Riders [7]- Musician, Standard Bearer, Hand Weapon, Shields

    Things I like: Skink unit is just the right size where it can do some damage and either have the opponent waste something really nasty killing it, or ignore them altogether so they just keep doing damage. Scar-vet and Cold One Riders should really bring the pain.

    Things I don't like: Had to kit out a 10 lizard unit of Temple Guard with 75 pts of stuff to hit the point limit. No magic.

    Originally I had the TG rocking the flaming banner and a shrieking blade, but I miscalculated the point values on the Cold One Riders (had them cost more than they actually did) and was left with an awkward amount of points, 56. I really wanted to add 5 TG to the unit, but couldn't come up with the extra 14 points so I just maxed out their magic equipment. Honestly I like the old set up more, but couldn't figure out what I was going to do with the extra points.

    I would like to keep it based on the Battalion Box, but things can be switched around a bit if need be.

    Seriously though. 1st WHFB list ever. You don't have to be kind with your critiques.
  2. Zwuppie

    Zwuppie Member

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    Quite good list for an first attempt, but i should skip the templeguard! Wailing banner and Sword of Swift Slaying also don't work out! Replace for some extra skirmishers and maybe chameleons? Bastiladon?

    [Should delete the points of the skinks! You are not allowed to post individual points of units]
  3. McFace

    McFace New Member

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    Why should I drop the Temple Guard? I was under the impression that they are one of the best infantry units we have. I would love to have 15 or 20, but I couldn't swing it. I am also less than thrilled about the banner and magic weapon, but I had a really awkward point value that I needed to fill.

    Let's say theoretically I do drop them. What makes a Bastiladon better then a Stegadon? I would have the points for the Steg + Sharpened horns. What about Salamanders?

    I didn't put the individual points for the Skinks. There are 10 in the unit for a total of X pts.
  4. Scalenex

    Scalenex Keeper of the Indexes Staff Member

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    If you say 10 models of _____ for 80 points, that's very clearly saying 8 points a model.
    If you say I spent 184 points on heroes and you only have one hero, that's pretty obvious too.
    We don't like to be sticklers about listing points but Games Workshop is absurdly protective of their intellectual property.

    Speaking as a forumite, not a mod, the list seems okay for a starter army, but I'd suggest dropping the Wailing Banner for almost any other use of points though. That's not worth the points cost for Lizardmen.
  5. Zwuppie

    Zwuppie Member

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    Yes they are, but when you are running a small unit of 10 against hordes you lose combat because the enemy is steadfast! You have an 4+ save in combat which is pretty impressive, but you could better run more saurus which have the same save.

    Bastiladon has an awesome laserbeam (Solar Engine), a 2+ save. He can do a lot of damage for that amount of points. A stegadon with sharpened horns is just incredible. You can slay trolls very easy or other multiwound beasts. Ogres fear them! Once i charged an ancient stegadon in an unit dragonogres and got killed 4 out of 8 he used! Thats 12 wounds, i made them run away which gave me the oppurtunity to charge them again. The second charge was devastating and i ripped them a part
  6. McFace

    McFace New Member

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    What do you suggest for banner/weapon on Temple Guard?

    So what's the minimum effective size for a Temple Guard unit? 20?

    Hmmm. I do like the 2+ save and it looks like the with some good rolls the Solar Engine can be devastating, I am a little concerned about the T5 though.

    It would be wonderful if that initiative bonus stacked with multiple solar engines. But I guess that would be a bit OP!

    Alright, so let's assume I drop temple guard for a bastiladon. That still leaves me with a chunk of points left over. More Saurus? I could stuff a Skink Chief BSB into the Saurus unit.
  7. McFace

    McFace New Member

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    Bump for new list!

    Heroes: 249 pts

    Scar Veteran- Sacred Stegadon Helm of Itza, Biting Blade, Shield, Cold One

    Skink Priest- Dispel Scroll, Ironcurse Icon

    Core: 371 pts

    Saurus [24]- Full Command, Spears, Shields

    Skink Skirmishers [11]- Javelins, Shields

    Special: 380 pts

    Cold One Riders [7]- Musician, Standard Bearer, Hand Weapon, Shields

    Bastiladon- Solar Engine

    Dropped the Temple Guard for a Bastiladon and a Skink Priest.

    I dropped the light armor off the Scar-vet since it was giving him a +0 armor save with the rest of his equipment (+1 shield, +1 Steg Helm, +2 Cold One). I didn't think there was a point in taking it. But that might be my noobiness talking. Turned it into an Ironcurse Icon for the priest (and Saurus indirectly) and an extra skink.

    What lore should I take for the Priest?
  8. MHK Pathfinder
    Cold One

    MHK Pathfinder Member

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    I would go with beasts. You'll need Wyssan's to toughen up your saurus block.

    Personally I'd drop 2 cold ones and a skink and pick up a unit of Chameleons. There are few battles where I don't bring them.
  9. Zwuppie

    Zwuppie Member

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    You are playing 1000 points, so if you keep it at a distance and don't let in combat he will work (like the way you have to use)

    The rules say: One or more bastiladons within x" so only a maximum of 1 initiative bonus

    Your further list looks better, you could vary by putting in salamanders sometimes
  10. McFace

    McFace New Member

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    Chameleons seem a bit expensive for what they do (only 1 point less then Temple Guard).

    Their biggest value seems to be that they are scouts, but with only a unit of 5 aren't they very vulnerable?
  11. McFace

    McFace New Member

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    I hate to double post (again!) but I just thought of something.

    Would it be better for me to put the priest in with the skirmishers then make my saurus unit awkward with him in it?
  12. hdctambien

    hdctambien Active Member

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    They are scouts and BS4, so they can effectively multi-shot every time they shoot. And they are extra hard to hit with BS based shooting. When you run into Cannons and Bolt Throwers and any War Machines you'll see the value in Scouts. Also, you can use scouts to block opponent vanguards.

    I usually run 1 or 2 units of 5 or 6 Chameleons. If I get first turn, I usually kill something dear to my opponents heart. If I don't get first turn, they usually get run down before they get a chance to do anything.

    I would start the game with the Priest in the unit of Saurus, so they get the Iron Curse Icon protection for Turn 1. But then I would pop him out and into a unit of skinks as soon as you can because you don't want the Priest to get into combat and you do want the Saurus to get into combat.

    Another thing I would think about is replacing the Scar Vet with an Old Blood on foot. Maybe dropping a couple cold ones to get him some magic items (maybe the same items you gave the Scar Vet) and throw him in your unit of Saurus.
  13. McFace

    McFace New Member

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    That's an idea. Although I probably would drop the Steg Helm for something else if he is just walking along. Is 6 an acceptable number for the Cold One riders?

    Honestly I am not really a huge fan of the Cold One Riders because of their point cost, but they are in this list because they come in the battalion box. Otherwise they would not be in the army. I would drop them for something else, but I am not trying to drop a huge amount of money on a starter army.
  14. McFace

    McFace New Member

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    Alright final list here! Unless there is a rule violation somewhere this is the list I am doing first my first WHFB army!

    Heroes: 249 pts

    Scar Veteran- Armor of Destiny, GW, Cold One

    Skink Priest- Dispel Scroll, Ironcurse Icon

    Core: 364 pts

    Saurus [24]- Full Command, Spears, Shields

    Skink Skirmishers [10]- Javelins, Shields

    Special: 385 pts

    Cold One Riders [5]- Musician, Standard Bearer, Hand Weapon, Shields

    Bastiladon- Solar Engine

    Chameleon Skins [5]

    EDIT: Changed Scar-Vet equipment
  15. themuffinman873
    Chameleon Skink

    themuffinman873 Member

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    I would drop the CoC standard and the Saurus champ for other goodies. If nothing else do it to give your CoC spears. The extra power will hopefully guarintee +1 wound, which is just as good as a standard (on the charge).
  16. McFace

    McFace New Member

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    I'm assuming CoC = Cold One Cavalry

    I had considered that, but a few things held me off:

    1. I would really like my one "block" of saurus to be the most powerful and resilient they can be considering they won't have a Hero with them. I really considered going with hand weapons to get the ward save in CC but decided to go with spears.

    2. Cold One Riders have the Scar-Vet with them. He should beat face especially with them extra power from the Steg Helm on the charge.

    3. Because the riders have the Scar-Vet with them (and therefore have his power), I wanted to tool them for more survival against big nasty monsters with the HW/Shield defense.
  17. Pinktaco

    Pinktaco Vessel of the Old Ones Staff Member

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    Switch the steg helm and biting blade for Armour of Destiny + great weapon. The armour of 1+ and a ward along with S7 is much better.
    I'm also not sure how much the scroll is needed in this point range. You likely won't be facing a level 4 wizard and even less likely to face a nasty spell.
    Personally I'd try and sqeeze in another 5 cameleon skinks so you end up with 5 x 2 cameleons. The reason is that with a total of 10 cameleons you're most of the times guaranteed to kill (shoot with poison) any warmachines you can get the drop on, 5 will do 1-2 wounds.


    While I wouldn't recommend getting spears on the COR (the hero will do the hard work here) do remember that you don't lose your shield with the spears so they aren't more defensive with HW/S. 4pts/spear however is a ridiculous price.
  18. McFace

    McFace New Member

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    I have a +1 save with the steg helm. Is S7 and a ward save worth losing the impact hits, extra toughness, and I4 (if in the Bastiladon range)?

    I'm not comfortable not taking the scroll because there is going to be that time when I face a lvl 4 wizard and wish I had it OR it's going to save something important.

    I would love to have another unit of chameleon skinks, but At this point there is nothing to drop.

    Spear/shield doesn't give the hw/shield parry save though right? Or does it? That's what I was referring to. Not that I would lose my shield if I took spears.
  19. Prof

    Prof Member

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    I don't think you get a parry save if you're mounted.
  20. hdctambien

    hdctambien Active Member

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    +1 toughness will save you from 16% of attacks that would have hit you without it. A 4+ ward save will save you from 50% of attacks that would have wounded without it.

    Impact hits are fun, but it's only d3 S5, so it might net you 1 wound on average.

    I4 isn't terrible, but it's not going to get you to strike before very many characters (or any Elves). Especially if you are rocking the Ward save, I think you'll find that the +2 Str will net you more kills than the I4 will save you from incoming attacks.

    I think the better defense (ward) is better for a character as important as your General than the extra offence provided by d3 impact hits and I4.

    And if you're going to the extra offence, I think the +1 To Hit sword would net you more extra wounds than the Stegadon Helm (and you could still afford some sort of Ward save with that)

    That is correct. Only models on foot get a Parry Save.

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